Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Peace of Paris Essay Example for Free
The Peace of Paris Essay The years following the Peace of Paris (1763) through the outbreak of war in the wake of the French Revolution marked a period of remarkable change for England. The American Revolution effectively ended the first British empire, but England extended its power in the East, managing remarkable imperial growth. 28 The impetus for this expansion was industrialization, which fueled a need for markets in which to sell manufactured goods. Between 1750 and 1800, British imports and exports trebled in value, while growing naval superiority allowed her to win and hold trade and bases. 29 Rather than repeat the occupation and population they had in North America, the English copied the Dutch, establishing a network of trading and naval stations. 30 One of the things which captured the fascination of the English during this period was their belief n the existence of a southern continent. Its existence having been speculated as early as Ptolemy, this Terra Australis Incognita was often visualized as having fantastic size and wealth. 31 The effective search for this new continent was initially hindered by two difficulties. First, there was no effective way to measure longitude, so that which meant that effective mapping was all but impossible. Second, the ships were ill-suited to serious exploration, often in poor condition, designed for other tasks, and manned by men of no scientific interest or talent. 32 Much of this changed with the growing interest in astronomy in England. In 1763, William Herschel established that Uranus was a planet, the first planet discovered in modern times. 33 Enthusiasm over this prompted new interest in astronomy, including a decision by the Royal Society to take observations of the passage of Venus across of the sun, to occur in 1769. The Royal Society decided that it should obtained measurements of this phenomenon from various locations around the globe, including Tahiti. 34 In this endeavor, the Royal Society was offered the assistance of the remarkable James Cook. The Royal Society knew the wealth of data to be gleaned from ships’ logs and mariners’ journals, filled with numeric data, maps, and coastal profiles. 35 Cook had distinguished himself during the Seven Years War when his skill in navigation and charting helped the English to sail up the St. Lawrence River to attack Quebec, when the French believed that no landing could be made. Later, he had mapped the coastline of Newfoundland, and after carefully observing an eclipse from there, had given his notes to the Royal Society. Self-taught and with no aristocratic connections, Cook’s talents so awed the Royal Society that it chose him to lead the Tahiti voyage, to the chagrin of the aristocratic Alexander Dalrymple. 36 Outfitting his voyage for practicality rather than style, Lieutenant Cook picked as his ship a collier, a ship without style that it had no figurehead but admirably suited for a scientific expedition. Among the scientists Cook carried was Banks, the leading naturalist of his time. 37 The result was a remarkable voyage, although at the time, it was the presence of the botanist Joseph Banks which caught attention. In three years, Cook had charted some 5,000 miles of coastline, including the two islands of New Zealand and the east coast of Australia. 38 On his return, the account of his voyage was put into print, with official approval and support, setting a precedent for future publication. 39 The account of Cook’s and other voyages was soon supplemented by the report of the voyage of Henry Wilson, who with his crew was shipwrecked in the Palau Islands. The account described accurately the islanders with whom Wilson dealt, and began a trend away form the fanciful descriptions of all such people as noble savages and exemplars of natural virtue. 40 On his second voyage, Cook carried a chronometer accurate enough to allow computation of longitude based on the disparity of the sun’s position shipboard versus the position it would have had in Greenwich. Cook dispelled the idea of a huge continent in the south Pacific, mapped key features of the area, and gave order to the understanding of the ocean. 41 On his voyages, Cook observed aboriginal peoples carefully. Noting that the Australian aborigines had no houses and wore minimal clothing, Cook reported that they were remarkably happy in their lack of desire for material goods. Living in a warm climate with adequate resources, they lived happily with no need for material goods. 42 Cook then sailed a third time, trying to find the western entrance to the Northwest Passage. While failing in this endeavor, he produced maps of the coast of North America and the Hawaiian Islands, perishing there in a fight with natives. 43 This voyage did produce benefits. Cook described abundant sea otters along the north-west Pacific coast. The luxurious pelts were readily accepted in Canton, where the East India Company was building the tea trade. 44
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
How Acid Rain Affects the Aquatic Ecosystem Essay -- Geology
How Acid Rain Affects the Aquatic Ecosystem Abstract This paper shows that acid rain is a reality. It is destroying our freshwater ecosystems and must be stopped in order to save them. If the problem is not fixed soon the aquatic ecosystems will be destroyed. Table of Contents 1. What is acid rain? 2. Acidification of Freshwater 3. Effects of Freshwater Acidification 4. Where is Affected the most? 5. What is being done to fix it? 6. Conclusion 7. References What is acid rain? Acid rain is polluted rain, snow, or fog. The burning of fossil fuels, base metal smelting, and fuel combustion in vehicles emits sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) (FAQ Acid Rain). These gases enter the atmosphere and transform into sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3), which then acidify the water vapor. The acidified water vapor will then fall to the earth as acid rain, snow, or fog (Acid Rain and the Aquatic). This is called à ¬wet depositionà ®. There is also à ¬dry depositionà ® which falls to the ground in particulate form (FAQ Acid Rain). back to top Acidification of Freshwater The acidification of freshwater lakes and streams is not a new problem. Fish stocks probably died out in many lakes in Norway as early as the turn of the century. In the 1950à s and 1960à s this was finally associated to acid rain. Yet, it wasn't generally accepted by scientists until the 1970à s (Rivers and Lakes). Acid rain either falls directly onto the lake or enters through the catchment (Buchdahl). A very small percentage enters directly so the majority enters through the catchment. The alkaline rich catchments can neutralize the rain. However, not all types of bedrock have the same capability of neu... ...Available, October 27, 1998. Acid Rain In Pennsylvania. [Online] Available wysiwyg://115/, November 3, 1998. Buchdahl, Joe. Freshwater Acidification. [Online] Available, October 28, 1998. Effects of Acid Rain on Water. [Online] Available, October 27, 1998. FAQ Acid Rain. [Online] Available, October, 28, 1998. Krabbenhoft, D.P. and D.A. Rickert. Mercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems. [Online] Available, October 27, 1998. Rivers and Lakes are Dying. [Online] Available, October 27, 1998.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Technology is a major problem in society
We are living in a generation that we can't complete our day without using technology, A generation of the beginning of the new world order, That have started to become a major problem in our society and effects the way we live.On the one hand, It makes as unsociable in the real life; Since the beginning of technology, When Computers and video games consoles were invented people started to spent more time in their houses playing virtual games and virtual activities that has started to make them unsociable in the real life and isolated from the outside activities, And that creates new diseases and disorder such as laziness and a loss of personality. Second of all, People Started using technology to chat with their friends and beloved once instead of talking to them personally, and that has started to affect our way to communicate with each other's.Furthermore, People has started to use technology for online shopping, Paying the bills, and its good it saves time and effort but there is disadvantages of it, people used to go shopping and meet new people why doing it and now the technology Is taking over. On the second hand, People started to lose their Jobs to machines that will do the work for them; nowadays people have been replaced by machines to the Job for example; the train ticket guy has been replaced for a machine to do the Job, tell then unemployment rate has Increased.Second of all, based on the American police department, machine robbery has been Increased since 1990 till now, because It Is easy to rob. On the other hand, technology has made as over dependent on our gadgets; technology had made as over dependent on our gadgets that we cannot not to check on our smartness every minute, we depend on It In everything for example; Navigation, Alarm, Calculator, Calendar. It Is good to have this technologies but what if the battery died? Or the phone got stolen?People will get lost In their life and will face hard time managing It. Second of all, the more pe ople begin to depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This means that when a machine breaks or a computer crashes, humans become almost disabled until the problem Is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage, because they become less self-reliant. In conclusion, as we have seen above, nothing Is perfect. Everything can be dark or right; positive or negative.It depends on the way we deal with It, depending and using technology every day In our lives can cause a lot of problems as mentioned above, we Just have to find a way to use It less than before and not to depend on It. Technology is a major problem in society By Weeks-Shabby people why doing it and now the technology is taking over. Unemployment rate has increased. Second of all, based on the American police department, machine robbery has been increased since 1990 till now, because it is on our smartness every minute, we depend on it in everything fo r example; Navigation, Alarm, Calculator, Calendar.It is good to have this technologies but what if the battery died? Or the phone got stolen? People will get lost in their life and will face hard time managing it. Second of all, the more people begin to depend on until the problem is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at In conclusion, as we have seen above, nothing is perfect. Everything can be dark or bright; positive or negative. It depends on the way we deal with it, depending and using technology every day in our lives can cause a lot of problems as mentioned above, we Just have to find a way to use it less than before and not to depend on it.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
How Word Order Affects Spanish Adjectives
Put an adjective before a noun or after the noun in Spanish, and usually it makes only a subtle difference, if any, in the meaning. But there are some cases where the placement of the adjective makes significant enough of a difference that we would translate it differently in English. For an example, take the following two sentences: Tengo un viejo amigo. Tengo un amigo viejo. A safe translation of these two sentences would be fairly easy to come up with: I have an old friend. But what does that mean? Does it mean that my friend is elderly? Or does it mean that the person has been a friend for a long time? Word Order Can Remove Ambiguity It may surprise you to find out that in Spanish the sentences arent so ambiguous, for viejo can be understood differently depending on where it is in relation to the noun that is described. Word order does make a difference. In this case, tengo un viejo amigo typically means I have a longtime friend, and tengo un amigo viejo typically means I have an elderly friend. Similarly, someone who has been a dentist for a long time is un viejo dentista, but a dentist who is old is un dentista viejo. Of course it is possible to be both  but in that case the word order will indicate what youre emphasizing. Viejo is far from the only adjective that functions that way, although the distinctions arent nearly always as strong as they are with viejo. Here are examples of some of the more common such adjectives. Context still matters, so you shouldnt consider the meanings to always be consistent with whats listed here, but these are guidelines to pay attention to: antiguo: la antigua silla, the old-fashioned chair; la silla antigua, the antique chairgrande: un gran hombre, a great man; un hombre grande, a big manmedio: una media galleta, half a cookie; una galleta media, an average-size or medium-size cookiemismo: el mismo atleta, the same athlete; el atleta mismo, the athlete himselfnuevo: el nuevo libro, the brand-new book, the newly acquired book; el libro nuevo, the newly made bookpobre: esa pobre mujer, that poor woman (in the sense of being pitiful); esa mujer pobre, that woman who is poorpropio: mis propios zapatos, my own shoes; mis zapatos propios, my appropriate shoessolo: un solo hombre, only one man; un hombre solo, a lonely mantriste: un triste viaje, a dreadful trip; un viaje triste, a sad tripà ºnico: la à ºnica estudiante, the only student; la estudiante à ºnica, the unique studentvaliente: una valiente persona, a great person (this is often used ironically); una persona valiente (a brave person) You may notice a pattern above: When placed after a noun, the adjective tends to add a somewhat objective meaning, while placed before it often provides an emotional or subjective meaning. These meanings arent always hard and fast and can depend to a certain extent on context. For example, antigua silla might also refer to a well-used chair or a chair with a long history. Some of the words also have other meanings; solo, for example, can also mean alone. And in some cases, as with nuevo, placement can also be a matter of emphasis rather than simply of meaning. But this list does provide a guide that should be useful in helping determine the meaning of some double-meaning adjectives. Sample Sentences and Placement of Adjectives El nuevo telà ©fono de Apple tiene una precio de entrada de US$999. (Apples brand-new phone has an entry price of $999 U.S. Nuevo here adds an element of emotion, suggesting that the phone offers desirable new features or is something otherwise fresh or innovative.) Siga las instrucciones para conectar el telà ©fono nuevo. (Follow the instructions in order to connect the new phone. Nuevo says only that the phone was recently purchased.) El mundo sabe que Venezuela hoy es un pobre paà s rico. (The world knows that Venezuela today is a poor rich country. Pobre suggests in part that Venezuela is poor in spirit despite the riches at its disposal. El economista chino dice que China ya no es un paà s pobre, aunque tenga millones de personas que viven en la pobreza. (The Chinese economist says that China still isnt a poor country, although its has millions of people living in poverty. Pobre here likely refers only to financial wealth.)
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