Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Factors affecting students academic performance in English 11 Essay
Variables influencing the scholarly presentation in English 11 of first year AB-English understudies of the School of Arts and Criminology Introduction Academic execution is one of the critical regions of a learner’s life. A few students may not be pestered on the off chance that they progress or not, in any case, their folks are left with incredible pain if their kids don't perform. This is on the grounds that families, just as the administration put resources into the instruction of kid. What's more, for the most part all guardians would need their kids to be effective residents in future. â€Å"When youngsters come up short at school, it is frequently not on the grounds that they are inept, insane or mentally unfit. Or maybe, it is on the grounds that they have not been shown the formatively fitting devices, abilities and systems each youngster needs to prevail in school and throughout everyday life. â€Å" John Jay, expressed that various variables come to play with regards to scholarly execution of a student, which should be considered should one need to perform better. Exploration has discovered that determinants of learners’ execution have been the subject of on-going discussion among teachers, scholastics and strategy producers. Various individuals accept that various variables influence students diversely under various conditions. Anyway there are some type of agreement on general factors that influence that exhibition. These incorporate financial, mental and ecological variables. Various individuals originate from various foundations †not every person can bear the cost of school expenses, for instance, and subsequently a few youngsters may not go to class appropriately in view of such reasons, which may influence their scholarly presentation toward the day's end. Smoking, liquor, time spent resting and stress all have an extraordinary effect on students’ scholarly execution ( Pat and Tyler). Students need to deal with their own wellbeing, which incorporates eating healthy, doing exercise, getting enough rest and rest. Practices, for example, smoking and medication utilization may affect the school execution as these meddle with the mind working. Stress has been found to meddle with execution, and ought to subsequently be paid attention to. Numerous variables can cause pressure, including money related limitations, youngster misuse, parental disregard, recklessness and separation, among numerous others. In the event that a youngster is focused on, they may not concentrate on their homework as their personalities are regularly involved by upsetting considerations that may not leave space for them to concentrate as successfully as they should do. Negative thoughtsâ can inconvenience a kid and grow into self-destructive musings. These contemplations can prompt pointless standards of conduct, yet the considerations in themselves would already be able to divert from homework and in this way straightforwardly and by implication affect scholastic execution. A few students wish to advance in school, however they may not generally proceed as they wish, regardless of whether they believe they are attempting their best.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Compare the Johnston family Essay
Presently do you get that? †¦ †(police officer to Mrs. Lyons) â€Å"As I state it was to a greater degree a trick truly, Mrs. Lyons. I’d simply dock his pocket cash on the off chance that I was you. Be that as it may, one thing I might want to state, and reason me if I’m meddling, yet I’d not let him blend in with the like of them in future. †¦ †He has a feeling of pride most likely at the way that all that he does he does it without anyone else's help without the assistance of others despite the fact that he’s not rich. Mickey and Eddie’s very much created fellowship begins moving down slope as Mickey begins understanding life better and as his obligations develop. He says he needed to grow up while nobody looked and Eddie could remain a child. By this he essentially implies you’ve had it laid on a plate for all of you your life when I needed to work and pick up or lose everything. Mickey begins to feel as if individuals own him since he figured all that he did he did himself when he understands this isn't correct he feels deceived and feels he owes all that he is to another person. All the battle and all the enduring Mickey experiences toward the end influences Linda as she is his better half and doesn’t get any consideration from her significant other in light of the fact that his brain is else where constantly. Mrs. Lyons is an egotistical lady who removed a child from its mom. She said the youngsters would bite the dust in the event that they discovered they were twins since they had been isolated during childbirth, this was a made up odd notion, since she knew from a past episode in act 1 scene 8 that Mrs. Johnston was an odd individual. â€Å"Oh God. Never put new shoes on a table, Mrs. Lyons. You never know what’ll occur. †â€Å"Oh, you mean it’s a notion. You’re odd right? †I think she is simply appearing of for how much dosh she has. Despite the fact that she guarantees that she would let Mrs. Johnston stay in touch with the child as it develops she gets possessive and sacks her from her activity. She imagines that Mrs. Johnston will tell somebody and her better half would blow up, as he likewise doesn’t know reality. Later on she gets jumpy of Mrs. Johnston, and starts feeling that the notion she made up is in reality evident. Subsequent to attempting to get her child far from Mickey, in the typical way, saying he’s a terrible impact, compromising, denying, and so forth she chooses to move away to a distant region where she thinks Mrs. Johnston would not have the option to follow. At the point when Mrs. Johnston gets a house by the board close to where Mrs. Lyons lives, Mrs. Lyons fears are affirmed she begins thinking Mrs. Johnston has put a revile on her. She cares for Eddie well and treats him like her own child so nobody speculates anything all through. At long last she slaughters the two young men because of her psychological state. Eddie is given an incredible youth he lives in a major house gets the adoration for his folks and goes to class to get instructed. His mom is the main individual to realize that he is Mrs. Johnston’s kid, anyway she is resolved to stay quiet about that and keep ‘her’ youngster away from the Johnston family. He is an individual from a rich family along these lines is instructed to talk in an elegant complement and will sort of hotshot. â€Å"Pissed off! You express crushing things don’t you? Annoyed. Do you realize additional words that way? †It is something worth being thankful for that he is instructed in light of the fact that he would then be able to have a great job and a generally excellent status further throughout everyday life. Eddie has cash and he doesn’t care where the cash goes. He considers Mickey a sibling, this is most likely on the grounds that he is a lone kid and when Mickey reveals to him they can be kindred spirits he is pleased that he will at last have a sibling. At the point when he is gotten by the cop he winds up getting his lines blended giving the play a dash of funniness just as indicating how ensured he has been during his childhood. â€Å"†¦ And what do you think you’re doing? †â€Å"Adolf Hitler! †â€Å"What’s your name, child? †â€Å"Waiting for a ninety two bus†¦ †â€Å"He’s not with me†¦ †He is sent to live-in schools so he is avoided Mickey. He doesn’t comprehend why everybody needs to keep them separated however comes since he is left no decision. At the point when he returns from college for Christmas he is shocked to find that his closest companion is presently additionally against him, which upsets him enormously. He attempts to show that he isn't made a big deal about Mickey being poor, that Mickey’s companionship implies more to him than the world by advising him to take all the cash he needs yet this fair causes Mickey to feel outraged and feel as if he is being given foundation cash or something. â€Å"Look, please. I’ve got cash, heaps of it. I’m back, let’s disregard wicked occupations, let’s proceed to get Linda and celebrate. See, look, cash, bunches of it, have a few. †â€Å"NO! I don’t need your cash. Stuff it. Eddie, help me out will you? Irritate. †â€Å"I thought †¦ I thought we generally remained together. I thought we were †¦ kindred spirits. †Even however Mickey quits conversing with Eddie and doesn’t need to remain in any type of contact Eddie continues attempting to make there companionship work out. He attempts to help Mickey each possibility he gets, regardless of whether it is just covertly. At long last he discovers they are genuine siblings. At the point when Mrs. Lyons comes in and goes to shoot Mickey, Eddie penances his life demonstrating he truly thought about Mickey.
How to Write an Effective Essay
How to Write an Effective EssayAn effective essay writing is hard to achieve. It is not easy to impress an instructor with an essay that was written in a hurry. If you are very good in your academic studies, then your essays will be complete and well organized. You should not let your lack of attention or work put you down and you should not embarrass yourself in front of your classmates or in front of your instructors.You need to think about the topic of your essay before you start writing it. For instance, if you want to write about a particular sport, then you have to pick the sport. Make sure that you know the fundamentals of that sport before you start writing your essay.A good writer has a firm grasp on the subject matter he is writing about. He is able to see things from various angles and he is able to write in a manner that is useful to the reader. A writer can make his essay popular if he has a thorough knowledge of the subject matter. Make sure that you always keep your es say updated so that the reader can read it all over again.One important thing is to find an efficient way to communicate your ideas. There are many ways of doing this but some writers prefer to write about what they do and some writers prefer to write about what they have done. You should always consider your readers and try to give them the best information possible.You should also find out what you can write about in order to help your audience understand something that they want to know. Your information should be interesting enough to catch the reader's attention. If you can convey your message clearly and concisely, then you have successfully completed your task.Having a well-written and engaging essay is a skill that cannot be taught. However, you can try to learn a few pointers by following certain strategies. Some tips that are usually followed include using a main idea that you can connect to other points in your essay.You should always remember that you are the expert on y our topic and that the essay is your project that you are completing for your instructor. You should not expect your essay to be perfect. If you can work with any errors and your essay can be improved by incorporating your suggestions, then do it.An effective essay should be informative and easy to understand. This is not a hard thing to do especially if you put in enough time and effort. You should always take your writing lessons seriously. By taking all these tips and tricks into consideration, you can ensure that you will get better results.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Project Progress Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Task Progress Report - Essay Example in 1980’s producers abused the ascent of reusing to additionally imbue a feeling of individual culpability for expanding levels of refuse, and to air out new purchaser markets. The rush of waste administration went with the ascent of obligatory reusing programs which were a result of a significant landfill emergency and open weight. Regularly from the assorted gatherings that began the ecological equity development to reprocess as opposed to discard squanders. With the measures that would limit the age of waste, similar to obligatory laws and source decrease changes and in 1980’s reusing experienced a renaissance. In 1980’s curbside reusing frameworks were embraced a significant number of them obligatory. In 1993, the US natural insurance office detailed that local reusing had significantly increased by weight from 70% to practically 22% (Strasser, 1999). As opposed to oppose such a lot of reusing, the most elevated level of industry seemed to experience a green change. Industry acknowledged reusing in lien of increasingly extreme changes like bans on specific materials and modern procedures, creation controls, least gauges for item solidness and more significant expenses for asset extraction. Confronted with all these potential guidelines, capital perceived that reusing had a favorable position that other choice needed. In industry’s eyes reusing was a lesser abhorrence. In any case, by the mid 1990’s some reusing focuses were scrutinizing the code-stamps for making open disarray over what was really recyclable and driving up costs for nearby waste taking care of offices. The beginning of Waste Management was increased in 1990’s during the Rio Earth culmination in 1992. Motivation 21, marked by 178 countries set up a point by point plan including 27 standards to control nations towards supportable advancement through appropriate Waste Management including three R’s (UN, 2004). The EU Waste Management strategies were begun in 1975 (Johnson and Corcelle,
6 Tips for Writing your Dissertation Results and Findings
6 Tips for Writing your Dissertation Results and Findings 6 Tips for Writing Your Dissertation Results and Findings In the wake of directing a writing survey, structuring your exploration, gathering information and acting top to bottom examination, it very well may be enticing to compromise with regards to introducing the outcomes and discoveries in your thesis. In any case, doing so would sabotage the difficult work you’ve put in up until this point, and composing an extraordinary outcomes part isn’t as troublesome as it would appear. The keys to progress here are lucidity and setting. Clearness is significant on the grounds that you need your information to be straightforward. Setting is significant in light of the fact that you have to impart the noteworthiness of your outcomes comparable to the exploration questions. All things considered, it is constantly a smart thought to follow these accommodating tips. Check with Your Advisor about How to Present Your Data Numerous schools will have a style manage covering what is normal from the outcomes and discoveries section of your work. Inquire as to whether you dont as of now have a style guide, and utilize this to manage your work. Check Similar Studies Various controls present outcomes in various manners. In the hard sciences, for example, essential discoveries are regularly introduced independently from the conversation. In the sociologies, notwithstanding, it is progressively basic to introduce the outcomes and conversation simultaneously. Give an Introductory Paragraph By clarifying what your discoveries section will incorporate, you will prime your peruser to comprehend what follows. This may include quickly repeating the techniques for examination utilized, especially if your work incorporates factual information. Think Back to the Rest of Your Thesis This is particularly valid for the writing survey and procedure sections. Alluding to the writing audit permits you to contrast your outcomes with those accomplished by others in your field. Alluding to your system, then, lets you decide if your discoveries were impacted by the methods used to accumulate and dissect information. Clarify How You Interpreted the Data How you arrived at a resolution won’t consistently be evident from the information alone. Rather, you have to clarify the noteworthiness of your outcomes according to your theory and legitimize your decisions. Use Graphs, Tables and Figures An all around picked table or diagram is a great method for introducing your information. In any case, recollect that utilizing such a large number of diagrams and graphs without clarifying their hugeness can be mistaking for the peruser! On the off chance that you need more tips on the most proficient method to compose your paper, you should look at the remainder of our scholarly blog. Furthermore, don’t overlook that you can have one of our editors check your exposition for spelling, sentence structure and consistency. That way you can have confidence that your work will be its absolute best!
Sunday, June 28, 2020
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag, The Californian Law - 275 Words
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag, The Californian Law (Essay Sample) Content: Students NameInstitutional AffiliationI Pledge Alliance to the FlagThe Californian Law requires every public elementary school to begin each day with legal patriotic practices. The Elk school district happens to be one of the elementary schools and therefore implemented the law requirements by making the students to voluntary recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag once in each day (Prouser, 2005). The case law also allows students who object for religious reasons to abstain from the recitation (Russo, 2004).A Sacramento in California filed, Michael Newdow filed a suit in 2000 on behalf of his daughter against the Elk Grove Unified school district. In the case, Newdow claimed that the use of the words under God in the American pledge of allegiance violated the constitutional provision on religion by preventing him from inculcating his daughter in his beliefs. He based his argument on the establishment clause which stands against forcing someone to accept a belief, entangling religion with government, hindering or endorsing religion (Russo, 2004). By doing that, Michael challenged both the school district policy and the congress act in which more than one hundred and fifty congress members voted for and recited the pledge of allegiance with the words under God when it was first introduced in 1954 (Russo, 2004). The Pledge was found constitutional by Judge Peter Nowinski of U.S. magistrate court. The case was then dismissed on 21st June 2000 after which Michael appealed.In the second review of the case, a three-judge panel handling the case found out that Michael had a standing in controlling the religious life of his daughter. Therefore, judge Alfred Goodwin and Judge Ferdinand Fernandez wrote the majority opinion with partial concurrence and partial dissent respectively (Russo, 2004). The application of Lemon, Coercion and Endorsement tests by the court led to the decision that the recitation of the pledge of allegiance with the wo rds under God led to the violation of the Establishment Clause. The partial dissent of the case asserted that the religious content of words under God was very small that it should be classified as de minimis, trivial below judicial notice.Sandra Banning Michaels daughter filed a motion to dismiss Michaels complaint based on the court order that gave her an exclusive legal custody on her daughter. The legal custody granted her the sole right to represent her daughters interests about her education and interests. She further stated that her daughter was a Christian and therefore had no problem whatsoever with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with the words under God included (Russo, 2004). She insisted that the case might harm her daughter as people may incorrectly perceive her as sharing the religious atheist views of her father. Banning further insisted that she is the only legal custodian of her daughters interests and that her daughter was not willing to be part and parcel of Mi chaels lawsuit. The entry of Banning into the case affected the standing of Michael in the case (Laycock, 2004)..Michael objected Bannings motion by claiming a legal parent interest that he still had over her daughter. He has the right to expose her daughter to his religious life even if they differed with that of her mother. Michael therefore continued with his search for a redress for the alleged injury on his interests as a parent. However, the court of appeal amended the opinion that had been made concerning Michaels standing to challenge the congress act and the school policy (Russo, 2004).The case was first filed at the Unite States district court where it was handled by a magistrate Peter Nowisnki. However, the case was dismissed when the judge declared the Pledge of Allegiance constitutional. Michael appealed taking the case to the United States courts of appeal where the case was heard in three sessions; June 26 and December 4 2002, and February 28, 2003 (Laycock, 2004).. I n the court of appeal sessions, it was concluded that the words under God was meant to make reference to a Supreme Being characteristic of any religion. The Supreme Being in question would be Jesus, God, Vishnu, Zeus, or no god. It further noted that no profession would be neutral with respect to religion thus terming the Pledge of Allegiance accommodative of all religious views and not infringing on any religion (Laycock, 2004)..The case was then dragged to the Supreme Court in March 24, 2004 and considered two questions; Michaels standing to challenge the school policy where his daughter was schooling and whether the standing was offending to the constitutional amendment which introduced the words under God into the Pledge of Allegiance (Prouser, 2005).The Supreme Court through Justice John Paul established that Michael did not have enough standing to file the cas...
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Economic and Ethic Environments - 550 Words
Political, legal, Economic and Ethic Environments (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name TutorSubjectDate Political, legal, Economic and Ethic Environments New Zealand is one of the most stable countries of the world due excellent political governance. New Zealand was ranked fifth based on the strength of its democratic institutions in 2011(World Trade Press 12). The country was also the first in lack of corruption and transparency in governance. New Zealand has 79 percent level of civic participation since the citizens trust their political institutions (Corrigan 37). New Zealand solidly support free trade and guarantees stable and strong property rights to both private and public investors. The corporation tax in New Zealand is 23%; this level of tax is manageable by foreign direct investors (World Trade Press 12). The country, therefore, provides an excellent legal business environment since it protects the international and local investors. New Zealand has a modern and developed market economy with an estimated GDP at purchasing power parity of $ 28,250. The country was ranked fourth in Index of Economic Freedom in 2012 (Corrigan 37). Ethically, the monarchy and local leaders encourages New Zealanders to observe the highest moral standards regarding respect for other peoples property. SWOT analysis Opportunities New Zealand has a stable political environment that both cross-border and local business can maximize on since it does not make them worry about their investments. The legal system of the country guarantees protection of property rights; this makes investors trust the government as it secures investors. The GDP per capita in New Zealand is $ 28,250, indicating that the purchasing power among the New Zealanders is high (Powell and Donald 25). Threats Global economic recessions that occur frequently may pose challenges to the running of the businesses. This is because economic downtowns reduce peoples abilities to buy. The climatic conditions in New Zealand are sometimes not desirable for business growth. The climati c conditions are not stable and vary across the country (Powell and Donald 25). The general snow season occurs during early June through October in the south. Additionally, frequent constitutional reviews may lead to creation of laws that are unfavorable international businesses. Market Opportunities in New Zealand New Zealand primarily depends on cross-border businesses, particularly in agricultural products (World Trade Press 12). The countrys agricultural exports accounts for more than 24 percent of its output. This exposes New Zealand to vulnerabilities associated with international commodity prices and global recessions of the economy due to instability of prices for agricultural products. The principal export industries in New Zealand include horticulture, forestry, agriculture, mining, and fishing. The major export partners are China, United States, Australia, Japan, and the United Kingdom. New Zealand and China signed the New-Zealand Trade Agreement on April 7, 2008 with the objective of enhancing their international trade (Powell and Donald 25). The New Zealand service sector is the most developed; this is followed by manufacturing and construction while extractive sector is the least developed. Tourism contributes approximately $15 billion to th...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
How Social Networking Has Affected the Way We Work, Live,...
Raina Harden Mr. Kern Research 15 December, 2012 How Social Networking Has Affected the Way We Work, Live, and Communicate Social networks are a fun way to communicate, interact with friends, and enjoy online schooling, but are also harmful due to the harassment of cyber bullies and predators. Social networks/medias show their good side when we are all having fun on them, communicating with our friends. It is a fun and interactive way to converse, and meet new people; it gives people opportunities to learn characteristics that they have in common with each other, and make stronger relationships. Some people use Facebook, Twitter, and even Myspace to communicate with their friends; usually it is to make them aware of†¦show more content†¦Most people don’t worry about the harm that an unknown Facebook friend, or Twitter follower is capable of; they mostly think â€Å"Yay! A new follower/friend! I’m so popular!†Well, yeah, maybe they’re popular in the mind of a predator, but people should still watch out for situations like that because you never know when your l ife is at risk. Cyber bullying is a form of harassment via social networks; it causes its victims – mainly teenagers between the ages of fourteen and seventeen – to become emotionally and mentally scarred by its use. The web article â€Å"Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?†updated in September, 2012, urge, social networking sites make cyber bullying - a form of bullying that occurs online - easier and more public than bullying through other online activities such as email and instant messaging. Cyber bullying can be classified as just commenting on someone’s picture on Facebook, saying that their hair is really messed up. But other form’s of cyber bullying can be calling someone out in a status, calling them ugly, or fat, or any hurtful word. It can differ, but all forms of it can be hurtful and send anyone of the edge. The web article â€Å"Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?†updated in September, 2012, â€Å"A 2009 study fou nd that 17.3% of middle school students have been victims of cyber bullying; victims often experience a drop in grades,Show MoreRelatedSocial Media And Social Networking1550 Words  | 7 PagesSeveral advantages and disadvantages of social media such as Facebook or Twitter that Kent State students are use the purpose of social media and how often students are use social media. The social networking is a tool that is used by the people of modern world. The use of social networking is common in all parts of the world. The basic idea that revolves around the social networking site revolves around the purpose to promote and help to communicate with the world. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020
Bra Boys, A Brotherhood That No One - 971 Words
Bra Boys, a brotherhood that no one can split up, a sense of fulfillment and belonging. Bra Boys is filmed based on the story of the Abberton brothers and how they were saved by surfing. In this film, they provide numerous example of masculinity. But are there any femininity examples shown? This film, in which females are absent except for a stalwart grandmother, displays no actual females. The two that were displayed were not really significant in the film, for example the two little girls playing patty-cake as the Long Bay Correctional Complex lurks in the background. Also shown were the moms of some of the young boys that joined the Bra Boys. This whole film revolves around males and their masculinity of their community and lifestyle. Every single Bra Boy that was interviewed showed many features of archetypes, such as; the typical surfer and also the larrikin. These archetypes define who the Bra Boys are within themselves and to the outside world. Bra Boys are all about being the biggest, baddest, most adventurous gang around. They stand up for their rights and also where they come from. They believe in true brotherhood, for that is all they have. Masculinity is represented all throughout the film. Some were more obvious than others, for example; violence, and also protection. Within the first couple scenes, violence was one of the key concept that seemed to be part of the ‘normal’ masculine. Like any man, violence is caused by aggression that is exerted in the wrongShow MoreRelatedBra Boys:blood is thicker then water777 Words  | 4 Pagestheir interpretations of issues and events. In the instance Bra boys; Blood is thicker then water, directed by Sunny Abberton, the Bra Boys gang is viewed as a imitation of a prodigious brotherhood gang of surfers that are victims from occurrences and backgrounds opposed to a gang that dispute with the law by an act of violence. The Bra Boys have interpreted issues and events by emphasizing the importance of family, belonging, brotherhood and multiculturalism. The use of presenting constructed footageRead MoreElements in Making a Good Documentary Film867 Words  | 3 Pagesopinion presenters and manipulators, directors are the ones who employ interviews, Mise en scene and the camera to create a different set of eyes for the public to investigate what the directors deem the world should be. Selection of interviewing subjects is crucial as being used to embrace the director’s subjective opinion along with enticing the audience to share the same belief. â€Å"Bra Boys†, directed by Sunny Abberton (chief member of Bra Boys), is a mixed documentary constructed to challenge theRead MoreAustralian Films - Screening Responces3687 Words  | 15 PagesAustralia’s national ‘type’. Week 3: Screening Indigeneity ‘Mabo’ (2012) Mabo (2012) revolves around the historical events that led to the abolishment of ‘terra nullius’. Translated into English, ‘terra nullius’ means ‘land belonging to no one’; it allowed nations to take ownership of land where there was no concrete form of ‘civilization’. The term ‘terra nullius’ was used by The British to take ownership of Australia; taking control over the lives of the Indigenous population. In 1992,Read MoreEssay on Fraternity Gang Rape2814 Words  | 12 Pagesof group sexual assault on college campuses mainly occurs in an environment where group behavior and acceptance is important to the men involved, i.e. fraternities (Bechhofer Parrot 144). Looking at the environment surrounding this type of group one can see what causes the prevalence of this type of assault in fraternities. Why does this violence occur within these groups and how is it handled? The dynamics involved in the fraternity’s system causes a â€Å"group-think†mentality that promotes and sometimesRead MoreCultism in Nigeria2299 Words  | 10 PagesGamma Delta, Kappa Kappa Psi, to the Ivy league fraternities, such as the Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key, and the Wolfs Head Society at Yale; the fraternities have one way or the other been used to define and determine various future outcomes in the world. It is a common knowledge that most United States presidents have been members of one fraternity or the other, and the presidents had as well used the services of their mates in powerful organisations such as CIA, State Department, and Pentagon toRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pagesand electronic file may remain. I have also corrected other obvious errors, checked and updated scientific names and reformatted the headings. I have added additional etymologies where they were known to me and substituted updated scientific names. One orthographic change is the substitution of the mor e easily understood Å‹ symbol for the velar nasal in place of the ‘n’ with ï€ ¤ superdot (n) in the manuscript. The photographs were inserted by the editor, deriving from fieldwork in Nigeria. I believe
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Application Of Information And Communication Technology
1. INTRODUCTION In this section, a brief overview of the research topic will be looked into which defines the key concepts, gives description of context and scope of the investigation. This section also provides the aims and objectives of the research topic. Finally, the methodology of the research study will be discussed. 1.1 TITLE The limitations challenging further integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in Nigeria’s secondary schools: An assessment through secondary school teachers and students. 1.2 REASON FOR CHOICE OF TOPIC Over the past decade, technology has had far-reaching impact on the way we live, changing the way we work, learn, and communicate - even the way we carry out our regular, daily activities (Seifer and Mihalynuk, 2003). The role of ICT in education extends beyond service-learning classes and activities by providing more effective experiences for faculty, students and community participants (Seifer and Mihalynuk, 2003). The need for ICT in Nigerian secondary schools cannot be overemphasized. In this technology-driven era, everyone needs ICT competence to thrive (Adomi and Kpangban, 2010). Although efforts have been made to ensure that ICTs are available and utilised in Nigerian secondary school. However, the level of inculcation remains low (Adomi and Kpangban, 2010). Goshit (2006) found out that most schools, both private and public, do not offer ICT training programmes. The Federal Government of Nigeria, in the NationalShow MoreRelatedApplication Of Information And Communication Technologies2075 Words  | 9 PagesBooks of Mackay is wishing to establish e-business system, they should firstly understand the basic concepts and the processes involved in e-business. Electronic business is the conduction of business processes through the application of information and communication technologies, especially via the Internet. 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Essay Jay Gatsby The Tragic Hero in The Great Gatsby
According to Aristotle, a tragic hero character can be defined to be of noble status, but not necessarily virtuous. There is some aspect of his personality that he has in great abundance but it is this that becomes his tragic flaw and leads to his ultimate demise. However, his tragic ending should not simply sadden the reader, but teach him or her a life lesson. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is the tragic hero who portrays the corruption of the American dream through his tragic flaw. His devastating death at the end of the novel portrays the dangers of centering one’s life on money and other materialistic things and warns the reader not to follow his foolish steps. Jay Gatsby is the epitome of a tragic hero; his†¦show more content†¦She was a girl with wealth, connections and meansâ€â€everything a seventeen-year-old boy could aspire to one day attain. It is this illusion that Gatsby falls in love with, not Daisy, and he dedicates his life to become a man that could parallel Daisy in both social status and wealth. â€Å"So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen-year-old boy would be likely to invent, and to this conception he was faithful to the end.†(98) Though Gatsby appears to be blinded by material possession and unethical in his means to acquire it, Fitzgerald sets him up to be the hero of the novel by contrasting his virtue to the sea of corruptness and material greed that made up the ambitions of most young folks in the 1920s. True, he made his money through illegal means, but his incredible sense of loyalty is striking against the dishonest, scheming American society. In the novel, it is clear that Gatsby is unfailingly loyal to everyone he loves, from his father to Dan Cody to Daisy, who he dedicated â€Å"five years of unwavering devotion†(109) to, even if they were not loyal to him in return. The American Dream has always been based on the idea that each person, no matter who he or she is, can become successful in life by his or her own hard work. The dream, to desolate immigrants escaping an oppressive Europe, also embodied the idea of a self-sufficient man, an entrepreneur garnering success through his own hard work and ambition, notShow MoreRelated Jay Gatsby as Tragic Hero of Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay974 Words  | 4 PagesJay Gatsby as Tragic Hero of Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby According to Aristotle, there are a number of characteristics that identify a tragic hero: he must cause his own downfall; his fate is not deserved, and his punishment exceeds the crime; he also must be of noble stature and have greatness. 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Hanson from, the Volstead Act, which took place in 1919, establishedRead MoreThe American Dream in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Essay1065 Words  | 5 PagesThe American Dream in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald The American Dream is the fantasy of complete independence and self-reliance mixed with the opportunity to attain wealth through ones labours. On the surface, this dream seems almost enchanted, offering people the unique prospect of achieving success regardless of ones race, religion or family history. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an immortal illustration of the American Dream. Fitzgerald analysesRead MoreEssay Outline Introduction: ANT A=Attention Getter: N=Necessary Information: In â€Å"The Great700 Words  | 3 PagesGetter: N=Necessary Information: In â€Å"The Great Gatsby,†by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carroway, the narrator, has recently moved from the midwest to start his career in New York. 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Operations objectives at the Penang Mutiara free essay sample
The case circle around Penang Mutiara Hotel located in Malaysia’s Indian Ocean coast. Also, the case focuses on how important to run an effective operation inside the hotel, because when problem occurs regards managing operation, the customer sees them immediately and that’s the biggest motivation for the hotel management to take operations performance seriously. To view the full case study, kindly refer to Reference [1]. Questions 1. Describe how you think the hotel’s management will: a)Managing the hotel in ? appropriate way to competes for business. Business environment is changing it demand more on what is expected from operations management. Organization has to adapted with more challenging environment thru operating their function to help them react. Beside operations function gives the capability to compete with other by providing the ability to keep the customers happy and by developing the abilities that will keep the organization ahead from its competitors in the future. Applying the five basic ‘performance objectives’ which illustrate in the (figure 1. Will ensure the hotel to compete for business. The hotel management already is doing their best in operating the hotel thought making sure the customer is satisfy by providing error-free goods and services that will ensure the hotel quality. As well as, doing things fast and minimizing the time between a customer asking and receiving for product or service, giving a hotel a speed advantage. Additionally being on time gives the customer senses of dependability since the hotel was able to keep the delivery it. Furthermore being able to change far enough and fast enough to meet customer satisfaction or being adaptable with unexpected circumstances gives a hotel the characteristic of being flexibility. Being productive (Cost) means produce goods and services at a cost that allows them to be priced suitably for the market while still allowing for a profit to the organization. b)Implement any change in strategy Most organization has some kind of strategy however it is the operation that sets thus strategies into practice. That’s why the operations basic role is to implement strategy. Furthermore, without effective implementation even the most magnificent strategy will be unproductive. I think that changing strategy first require the hotel’s staff to be flexible to be able to adopt the changes of any of the operation’s activities, or to cope with unexpected events. Also since the hotel is taking the five objective performance objectives into consideration, they only need to improve and monitor the changes of the external factor, which may lead to reducing the performance that the hotel currently has. c)Develop its operation so that it drives the long-term ?bstrategy of the hotel. Developing an operations strategy for the hotel helps the hotel management to generate set of general principles that can guide decision-making towards the organization’s longer-term goals. Since operations management focuses and involves around day-to-day decisions. I believe that operation strategy is measure by operation performance, which helps to keep the operati on effective. So the hotel need to developed there operation performance to met their specification together with customers’ expectation.? Internal And External Benefits Of The 5 Operation Performance Objectives Operations performance is extremely important in any organization, besides operations can help through cut the costs, achieve customer satisfaction, reduce the risk of operational failure, reduce the amount of investment and provide the basis for future innovation. a)Quality The Penang Mutiara hotel consider on many luxurious hotels in the South-East Asia region with the, a 440-room top-of-the-market hotel in Malaysia’s Indian Ocean Coast. Also, it is mention on the case that the quality of service has to be flawless, which means dealing with the basics and simple day-to-day tasks. Since customers expect first-class service. That benefits the hotel internally and externally. Externally: quality is an important feature of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Nevertheless of a product or service’s quality design, it must be produced in a way that it follow specification always brings benefits to an operation, which will improves the product or service in the market, or at least prevents customer complaints [1]. Internally: quality operations brings other benefits to the operation like reduce costs, increase dependability and avoids errors causing internal unreliability and wasted time and effort. b)Speed Externally: doing things fast and minimizing the time between a customer asking and receiving for product or service. Also speed is an important trait of customer service. It often increases the value of the product or service to customers. Internally: reducing inventories and reducing risks. c)Dependability Externally: dependability often increases the value of the product or service to customers. Or at least prevents customer complaints. Internally: dependability within operations increases operational trustworthiness, therefore saving the time and money, which would be taken to solve consistent problems and also offering steadiness to the operation. Also prevents late delivery as well as lateness causing by disturbance, furthermore prevents wasted time and effort, therefore saving cost. d)Flexibility Flexibility lit the operation face unexpected chances. Any organization needs to adopt flexibility on its operation to produce goods or services and adding extra value by changing the range, volume or delivery time. Also flexibility effects on different form such as product/service flexibility mix flexibility, volume flexibility and delivery flexibility Externally: flexibility can provide the customers with new products or services, and offer wider range or mix of both products and services as Mix Flexibility. Also, flexibility produces different quantities of products and services for customers as Volume Flexibility. In addition, flexibility on delivery time provides extra value for customers to have their products or services at different times. Internally: flexibility deals with the side effect of changeovers and dependability by making response time faster and reducing waste. It also gives the operation ability to produce new or customize products and services. As Mix Flexibility, the operation has wider range or mix of products and services. Also, it produces deferent quantities or volumes of products and services by having the ability to change the level of the output or activity. In addition, flexible timing gives the operation ability to change the delivery time of its products and services. e)Cost As it explained in the case the hotel major cost concerned is on go on food and beverages since the total hotel’s operating expenses around 60 per cent. They try to keep the costs down is by making sure that food is not wasted, never compromising the quality. Keeping the expanses down has and external and internal benefits. Externally: low costs allow the hotel to reduce their price in order to gain higher volumes or maybe, increasing their profitability on existing volume levels. Internally: cost performance is affected by good performance in the other performance objectives. †¢Quality operations help reduce the cost thru not wasting time or effort having to re-do things since the operation is error-free. †¢Speed operations help reduce the cost thru reducing the level of in process inventory between and within processes, as well as reducing risks. †¢Dependable operations help reduce the cost thru customer trusting that the product or service to deliver exactly as planned. This reduces the wasteful disruption and allows the other operations to operate efficiently. Flexibility operations help reduce the cost thru adapting to change quickly and without troublesome the rest of the operation. Conclusion In conclusion, operation management is very important because either ‘make or break’ any business. Also it develops the capabilities that will keep the business ahead of its competitors in the future. Also the five-operation performance objective is extremely vital in any organization, because it can help cut through the costs, achieve customer satisfaction.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Scope and Integration Innovation Ideas
Question: Describe about the Scope and Integration for Innovation Ideas. Answer: Introduction The IT development project is very useful for forming new and innovative ideas in the field of technology (Burke 2013). The IT projects require a huge amount of management skills and they have wide area of scope and integration planning. The projects serve as the benefits for the involved stakeholders and company or organization. However, it provides the chances for building better projects in future. The development of the technology is based on the aspects of principles of science and engineering (Herrenkohl Lee and Hawkins 2012). The scope of any project that is carried on by any organization has a crucial objective for bringing values to the organization in terms of finance strength and market position. In this assignment, one IT project would be analyzed for understanding the role of technological development and its importance in the completion of project. The project selected for the project is HaRFest project and the organization involved in this project is Centre for Process Innovation or CPI based in UK (The Centre for Process Innovation 2016). The first part of the assignment would briefly provide the overview of the project and involved parties and explain whether the objectives of the HaRFest project had been met. Hence, the report would decipher the uses, objectives, scope and benefits of the project. Overview of the project Centre for Process Innovation is based in UK and they deal in application of engineering and science for the development of technology (The Centre for Process Innovation 2016). They enable its clients for the development, scaling up and prototyping the processes and products of future generation. The applications of Centre for Process Innovation are: Process and Product Development Pilot and Fabrication production Demonstration, prototyping and scaling up Feedstock, fuel and materials analysis Business support and funding Process assessment and manufacturing Funding and business support Centre for process innovation has initiated and finished a project for the time duration of 18 months (CPI. 2016). Tim Marsden was the project manager of HaRFest project of Centre for Process Innovation. They have developed and scaled up the print harvesting energy device for large scale of market. The project had been funded partially by Innovate UK and the remaining funds have been raised by the companies involved. The project had been completed by the year 2016, September. The printing device proposed would harvest the energy for generating the printout using the device technology. The device would extract energy from the peripherals devices like mobile phone for extracting their stored power for powering the minute sensors present in the device. The Centre for Process Innovation had formed the project HaRFest with the help of collaboration with the PragmaticIC Printing. They had secured 18 million pound for their project from different private firms including the likes of Avery D ennison (Mallick 2015). Some other partners for the project were the Cambridge University, Welsh Centre for Coating and Printing, and EPSRC. The benefit from the project would be that it would provide the development of electronic packaging functionality. The device had used the technology of near field communication (NFC) for drawing the energy from the nearby peripherals (Sharma, Gusain and Kumar 2013). The resulting harvesting tool houses in print antenna along with available passive and energetic additives and includes an arrangement of regulation capacitors. It is possible for tuning the device to a resonant frequency for maximizing the electricity output produced. In absence of the tools for harvesting, it may not be viable to integrate the revealed electronic potential into lean substrates. The packaging is suitable with the requirement for lesser supple batteries and power from thicker substrates (Khan and Zaki 2012). This next technology of published digital capability allows the product designers with the process of embedding the electronics into their designs, generating revolutionary components which might be low value, smarter, and lightweight. The gadgets that harvest flexible energy have a primary function to play in high cost industries consisting of pharmaceuticals and it requires clever wrapping that carries published sensors are required (Cope, Paczkowski and Parsel 2014). The NFC technology allows producers to enhance supply chain tracking and prevent imitation and offers clients with utilization directions, exceptional warranty and shelf life evaluation. The capability programs for encouraging emblem loyalty are used for serving inside the FMCG zone, incorporating shifting or irregular images into interactive proportional marketing and clever packaging, and assisting the gathering of loyalty factors. Evaluation of the Projects Objectives The HaRFest project of Centre for Process Innovation had been made for making the devices that can draw energy from the nearby devices. The objectives of the project can be classified into following points: Development of Technology: The Centre for Process Innovation had the primary aim for innovating and improving the technology of printing devices (Lichtenthaler and Ernst 2012). The printing devices implied the use of NFC or near field communication technology for making their project device. According to Page (2014), the nearby devices must have NFC feature installed in them (most of the smart phones have NFC configured in them). The devices worked properly and it has formed a base for Centre for Process Innovation for initiating further projects and development. Investments from the Investors: The project managers and the team had an objective for drawing more investors to the project (Sharma 2015). They had invested and gave the project support for completing it within a span of 18 months in exchange of benefit of values from the profit obtained. According to Page (2014), Avery Dennison, Cambridge University, Welsh Centre for Coating and Printing, and EPSRC were some of the partners of Centre for Process Innovation for the project HaRFest. Market gain: The device developed from the project would result in increasing the market capture by the Centre for Process Innovation (LeBaron 2013). The device had been utilized at the point of sales by various companies for making their sales operations more efficient. Hence the objective of gaining the market by Centre for Process Innovation had been fulfilled. Justification of the resources expended in the project The resources are very crucial for any project development and progress. The project of HaRFest would require both technical support and man power for completing the project successfully. The resources used for the project are the use of scientific and engineering principles, skills of man for designing the device. The different resources used in the project are: Financial Support and Gain: The most important support or resource for the project is the financial support (Sanders et al. 2016). All the equipments and parts used for the development of the device would have to be bought. The investors have put their money on the project for making sure that the project is being completed as per their expectation (Lock 2014). The project had yielded the investors with the benefit of returns for the investment made by them. Equipments: The development of the device would require the use of many technical types of equipment (Singla and Gupta 2016). The technical projects of HaRFest required the use of some technological equipment along with the principles. The resources used had made the device so compact that it can be used at different markets and business processes (Lock 2014). The operations of the point of sale have been made easy and compact for the companies using the technology. Stakeholders Analysis for HaRFest project According to Kent and Zunker (2015), the various stakeholders for the HaRFest project are customers (organizations for whom the project devices were actually made), Sponsors (Investors and partners of Centre for Process Innovation in the project), Executive committee (in charge of the accounts and budget of the project), Developing team (Designer, developer, tester and coder for the device), project manager (manager who had the responsibility for managing the project), and external stakeholders (government and state agencies who would price and pass the project). Contribution of the Stakeholders Stakeholder Contribution of the Stakeholder Customers or clients The organizations for which the project devices were actually made can be termed as customers or clients. They are responsible for finally using the device and providing the ultimate benefit to Centre for Process Innovation (Kent and Zunker 2015). The investments in the project are returned to the investors with the money got from these customers and clients. Sponsors They are the investors and partners of Centre for Process Innovation in the project. Avery Dennison, Cambridge University, Welsh Centre for Coating and Printing, and EPSRC were some of the partners of Centre for Process Innovation for the project HaRFest. They had invested the money for supporting the project. Executive committee They are the team that is responsible for forming the budget of the project and making necessary financial decisions for the project (Ingabire et al. 2016). The executive team along with project managers form strategies and plans for the project functioning. Developing team The developing team is responsible for the main part of the project. They would build the device that would extract the power from the nearby peripherals. The team consists of designer, developer, tester and coder that would be responsible for forming, building, redesigning and testing of the devices. Project Manager The project manager for the HaRFest project is Tim Marsden and he is responsible for the planning, designing, and coordinating of the project (Bal et al. 2013). The manager would have to monitor all the activities of the project for making sure that the project is completed in allocated time. External Stakeholders The external stakeholders are the government and state agencies that are responsible for market approval of the project. They would finally sign the amendments for the release of the device in the market. Table 1: Contribution of the stakeholders for the project (Source: Ingabire et al. 2016, pp-188) The stakeholders for the project of HaRFest in Centre for Process Innovation had implied effective communication plan for channelizing their views and requirements to the other stakeholders. They had formed and engaged in the project for making sure that the project has been completed in the time and budget allocated to them. Interview for understanding the Expectations of the stakeholders The individual stakeholders have individual expectation from the project and the same scenario is true for the HaRFest project (Davies and White 2012). The Centre for Process Innovation had formed the project for building a device that can extract the power from the nearby devices with the help of NFC technology. However, all the stakeholders have common expectation from the project and it is gaining of the maximum profit from the sales of the device. Question: What are your expectations from the project? Customers: My expectations from the project are that the device would reduce the cost of operations and provide simple and easy way for their operations. Question: What are your expectations from the project? Sponsors: My expectations from the project are that the project will return the investment as soon as possible along with generation of profits. Question: What are your expectations from the project? Executive Committee: My expectations from the project is for completing the project within the budget and decreasing the project costs and expenses for gaining more profits. Question: What are your expectations from the project? Developing team: My expectation from the project is building the device without any errors or flaws. Question: What are your expectations from the project? Project Manager: My expectation from the project is to yield maximum profit and name in the market of developing technology. Post project Stakeholder Interview and meeting schedule Interview Questionnaire for the project manager: Question Answer Rate the overall success of the project (from 1 to 10) Were all the resources were properly used? Yes/No How well the other stakeholders (sponsors and client) were engaged in the project operations? Fully engaged/Partially engaged/not engaged How well the scope was managed with the methodology used? Well/Ok/bad How well the project life cycle was integrated? Good/Average/Bad Any issue faced while completing the project life cycle and operations.. Interview Questionnaire for the project sponsor: Question Answer Rate the overall success of the project (from 1 to 10) Were all the resources provided by you were properly used? Yes/No How well the other stakeholders (managers and client) were engaged in the project operations? Fully engaged/Partially engaged/not engaged How well the scope was managed with the methodology used? Well/Ok/bad How well the project life cycle was integrated? Good/Average/Bad Any issue with your resources while completing the project life cycle and operations.. Interview Questionnaire for the project client: Question Answer Rate the overall satisfaction from the outcome (from 1 to 10) Were all of your requirements were properly used? Yes/No How well the other stakeholders (sponsors and managers) were engaged in the project operations? Fully engaged/Partially engaged/not engaged How well you find the methodology used appropriate? Well/Ok/bad How well the project life cycle was integrated? Good/Average/Bad Any issue faced with the deliverables from the project. Meeting Schedule for the project Meeting Schedule Project Name: PROJECT HARFEST Date: 12th January, 2017 Start Time: 11.00am Place: Community Hall End Time: 13.00am Meeting objectives: Gathering of the various stakeholders and talking about the project experience using the post project questionnaire Roles of Person Involved Project Manger: Coordinator Team Leader: Speaker Attendees: Managers, Team Members, Sponsors, Auditors, IT team and other Stakeholders Agenda of the Meeting 1. Introduction (information sharing) Duration: 20 min 2. Asking each stakeholders to share their view point Duration: 45 min 3. Discussing about opinions on future prospects Duration: 35 min 4. Concluding the meeting and thanking everyone who came Duration: 20 min Open Innovation model for scope planning and management Centre for Process Innovation had used the process of Open Innovation Modeling for their development projects (West and Bogers 2014). They have defined the project scope by understanding the requirements of the project and making sure that the goals of the project is reached, resources are utilized efficiently, and the project is completed in the allocated budget and schedule. The scope management in the project of HaRFest had been done for managing the operations of the project with the developed scope (Olsson 2015). In this project the scope of the project has been managed successfully as the investment of the project was managed (approx 18 million Pounds) and the time duration was of 18 months. Project Life cycle of HaRFest project The project life cycle of HaRFest project includes the processes of initiation, planning, executing, reviewing and closure (Phillips 2013). The project life cycle for HaRFest has been explained below: Initiation: The project had been initiated with the idea of forming a device that would extract the power from the nearby devices using the NFC technology and would act best at the point of sale. Centre for Process Innovation had initiated the project with the aim of developing the prevalent technology. Plan: The project managers, executive committee and design team altogether had formed the process of planning for the project processes (Phillips 2013). The plan was helpful for making the operations of the project in a systematic and simple way. Execution: This step had made for executing the planned process for the project. Each and every step of the project plan is executed in a synchronized way for completing the project successfully. Review: The project was reviewed on the basis of test results of the prototype made for the device. The review was used for detecting any errors and flaws in the system and it is useful for understanding how the customers would react to the developed devices or system. Closure: The closure of the project had been done by making a report on the project (Ghaffari, Sheikhahmadi and Safakish 2014). It would help the organization for supporting them in their future projects. Technological demands affecting the budget The project of Print innovators complete 'HaRFest' project of Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) had to suffer rise in the budget due to the technical demands of the project. The main challenge for the Centre for Process Innovation was implying the technology of near field communication for synthesizing the power from nearby sources (Parks, Bansal and Zilberman 2016). They had to keep the production to a scalable volume so that the company can alter their productivity as per the customers demands. The company had to be dependent on the market for supporting the flow of the device sales and investments returns. However, the project consisted of expertise in the printing technology, electronic devices, logic circuitry, and integration techniques. All these requirements resulted in increasing the overall costing and expense of the device manufacturing. The sensors were used for extracting the power from the nearby devices and peripherals. These sensors were also not cheap for buying an d implementing (Ghaffari, Sheikhahmadi and Safakish 2014). Hence, the prototype testing also consumed resources for validating the successful implementation of the device technology. Conclusion The report had been made for understanding the development of the scope and integration of the project. The HaRFest project of Centre for Process Innovation had been made for making the devices that can draw energy from the nearby devices. The objectives of the project are development of technology, getting investments from the investors, and market gain for the technological development. It can be concluded from the stakeholders analysis that the various stakeholders for the HaRFest project such as customers, sponsors, executive committee, developing team, project manager, and external stakeholders play an important and crucial role for the project completion and development. The individual stakeholders have individual expectation from the project such as reduction in their cost of operations, providing simple and easy way for their operations, returning the investment as soon as possible along with generation of profits, completing the project within the budget and decreasing the project costs and expenses, building the device without any errors or flaws, and yielding maximum profit and name in the market of developing technology. The project managers and the team had coordinated the complete life cycle of the project for developing the device successfully. Hence it can be said that the overall life cycle was completed and it provided the opportunity for developing new and innovative technology in this project. References Bal, M., Bryde, D., Fearon, D. and Ochieng, E., 2013. Stakeholder engagement: Achieving sustainability in the construction sector.Sustainability,5(2), pp.695-710. Burke, R., 2013. 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Thursday, April 16, 2020
why do good things happen to bad people
why do good things happen to bad people-vice versa Essay College WritingEng. 10111/16/95Why DO bad things happen to good people. This is an age old question, that for years has stumped even the best of scholars. The thing people need to realize is that there is no black or white, yes or no answer to this question. It can not be analyzed, or sorted out by scientists or analysts to create a simple why or why not answer for the lay person. The simple fact is, heartache, tragedy, and suffering is something that everyone experiences. The thing people need to grasp hold of is understanding and the dealing of these tragedies when they arise. We will write a custom essay on why do good things happen to bad people-vice versa specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Take the story of a man named Job for example. Twenty-five hundred years ago when the earth was ridden by sin and disarray Satan appeared to God and told him to look at all the sin that was going on in the world. Gods simple reply to that was, Yes, but have you observed my servant Job? He is obedient and faithful to me even though all around him are sinning against me.The reason for that is because of all that you give to him! Take from him all that you have granted , and then see how loyal he is, replied Satan. Very well, said God, It is done. And with that, he accepted Satans challenge. With out warning to Job, God destroyed Jobs house, killed his children, and slaughtered Jobs cattle. He then cursed Job with painful boils all over his skin, so to make his every movement filled with excruciating pain. Many times Jobs wife asked him why he didnt just curse God, and ensue Gods wrath to strike him dead. Jobs friends told him to denounce his faith in God, after all look where it got him. Yet Job remained faithful to Gods will. When God saw how devoted and trustworthy this humble servant was to him, he appeared to Job and rewarded him with a new home, new children, and a new fortune. God came through for a servant who was faithful and true. Most people in this situation would have questioned God at the first sign of problems. Job on the other hand knew that God had a plan for his life, and that the things that were happening to him, all though painful, were all part of Gods intricate plan. Job put his trust in God even in the worst of circumstances, and God rewarded him for his faithfulness. Where is God when things in your life just arent making any sense? Is he even around all the time, or is it just at his convenience? How much does he really care about the little stuff? These questions pose a great, thought provoking topic! The fact is, God is there all the time. He does interact with us on a daily basis- especially in four specific areas.11. God is working in our lives, even when it seems like he isnt listening or it seems like he has taken an extended vacation from your life. Whether it seems like it or not, God is always working in your life. His intricate plan is constantly being spun out. Just because there may be a point in your life where it seems like things are going slow or that it seems like God isnt working, doesnt mean that he isnt. With God, even when nothing is happening-something is happening.2 That is the cool thing about God. He is always at work in our lives in his own unique way, even when our prayers seem to be going unanswered. It is important that your faith in God is not based on ephemeral emotions, but on the authority of the written Word.3 Jesus told us that he would never leave us(Matthew 28:20).4 He said, For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am also.(Matthew 18:20).5 He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.(Proverbs 18:24).6 God promises to us time and time again in his Word that he will always be there for us no matter what the circumstances. All we need to do is call on his name and he will answer. .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c , .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .postImageUrl , .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c , .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c:hover , .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c:visited , .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c:active { border:0!important; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c:active , .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub8c56a4bbc68d304af77593c1856697c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Principle Events In The Evolution Of The Earths Atmosphere Essay2. Gods has
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Sample Comparative Essay
Sample Comparative EssayA sample comparative essay is a text that describes the topic and purpose of a test. It gives the writer an idea on how to write a proper comparative essay. Most students are unaware of the fact that a sample comparative essay needs to be created even before they attend a test center.Sample comparative essays can be of two types. First is the introduction or title. They can also be divided into different chapters. The second type is the conclusion, which gives an overall view of the essay.There are many benefits that a student can get from being good at writing essays. These include self-confidence, self-esteem, and knowledge about various topics. Besides these, the essay helps the student to improve his analytical skills and improve the readers' comprehension.When preparing for the essay, the student should make sure that the essay reflects his skills. He should know how to create an outline. An outline can guide the writer by listing the main points. The out line should contain the introduction, the body and the conclusion.Writers can help themselves a lot in preparing for the essay by reading textbooks or magazines that focus on the same topic. Study all the examples of essays that the author has used in his book. Use these examples as a guide in your own writing.The best way to learn about the subject of the essay is to find others who have written about similar topics. Ask them to give you feedback and if possible ask for their comments. This will help you learn more about the topic and format of the essay.The most important thing that a student should remember when preparing for the essay is to make the opening and closing statement clear. Use sentence structure to ensure that each sentence tells the reader something about the topic. The writer should use appropriate grammar. If he/she is to be successful, it will require a lot of practice.Read the samples of essays that have been given by the authors to get ideas about how to write a comparative essay. Analyze the examples and find out what other things they have done to make them more successful. You can find a lot of samples for free online.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Anti-Periplanar Conformation Definition
Anti-Periplanar Conformation Definition Two of the terms you may encounter in organic chemistry are anti-periplanar and syn-periplanar. Both refer to the geometry of chemical bonds in a molecule. Anti-Periplanar Definition Anti-periplanar refers to a periplanar conformation where the dihedral angle between two atoms or groups of atoms is  between  ±150 ° and 180 °. In texts, anti-periplanar means bonds are anti-coplanar. The image shows butane (C4H10) in a syn-periplanar conformation where the two methyl groups (-CH3) are lined up with a 180 ° angle. Syn-coplanar is related to anti-periplanar. The dihedral angle between the atoms or groups is between  ±30 °Ã‚ and the groups are both on the same side of the plane as each other. Sources Eliel, Ernest; Wilen, Samuel; Mander, Lewis (September 1994). Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds. New York: Wiley-Scientific.Kane, Saul; Hersh, William (1 October 2000). Periplanar or Coplanar?. Journal of Chemical Education. 77 (10): 1366.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Felt Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Felt Needs - Essay Example Target age group socio-demographic profile: Onkaparinga is located south of Adelaide CBD. The city of Onkaparinga covers an area of 518km2 with a population of 153,496 (2004). 22% of the city's population is aged 15 years or lower, hence the city's age structure can be classified as young when compared with Adelaide Statistics Division (ASD). In addition, according to the data available, the city of Onkaparinga's population aged 15-19 comprises 8 % of the city's total population, which, when numerically presented, is 11,500 . According to (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2001), there is no specific data targeting girls aged 12- 18 years as a separate group. At the 2001 Census, the city of Onkaparinga recorded 20,530 females aged between 5- 24 in total out of which 323 were Indigenous females. In addition, there were 369 non stated females belonging to the above - examined group. It has been noted that the adolescents living in the Onkaparinga have had a very high incidences of breast cancer. These have been more pronounced amongst the poor those earning less than $21,000 per annum. To gain the right insight of the issues and of the Onkaparinga community, the following methodology was used. Oral interviews with the key informants, and focused group discussions. Finally all available related literature was reviewed with an aim of coming up with the true situation. The researcher, toured the Local Government Area of Onkaparinga (Adelaide-South Australia) to acquire data for the study, two main approaches were used, that is: Involvement of local leaders also referred her as key informants and group discussion. In a study related to needs assessment, approaches, Warheit, (1984) described the "key informant approach" as an effective research method based on information secured from local residents in a position to understand the peoples' needs and consumption patterns. Therefore, selection of informants was based on the individual's understanding of the community, its people and the peoples' needs. This method was favored because of the nature of the Local Government Area of Onkaparinga (Adelaide-South Australia) whereby the illiteracy levels are very high. The methodology is useful in collecting information from key people such as professionals, who have worked very closely with them and therefore understand their needs better. The data collected from focused group discussions was used to assess needs and has been used by social workers with a great level of success (Warheit, et al. 1984). Warren (1984, p. 36) stated that "group discussions are a fine method of covering a big area in a shorter time" In this particular study, each group comprised of people who could provide diverse dimensions on the community needs. The felt problems discussed here are presented from the perspective community. Felt Needs Unemployment: Interestingly, until year 2001, the city of Onkaparinga consistently recorded
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