Saturday, December 28, 2019
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) - 853 Words
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, better known by its acronym as ADHD, is one of the â€Å"hot topics†constantly being discussed in today’s psychological field. Interestingly, the debate is on whether or not ADHD is a real mental disorder. The community is divided into two distinct groups. One group believes that ADHD is a real mental disorder and should be treated as such. Others, however, believe that ADHD isn’t a disorder at all, rather it is a ploy driven by the pharmaceutical companies in order to increase sales of stimulants such as Ritalin. Within this group there are also people who believe that ADHD itself is not a disorder, however, it is part of a larger malady, or a result of poor parenting or a sugar-rich diet. According†¦show more content†¦Those who dismiss ADHD respond to this argument with their idea that the symptoms could be of another disorder, or just â€Å"kids being kids†. Currently, there is no standardized medical test for ADHD, although researchers hope to eventually use magnetic resonance imaging, or other structural imaging technologies (Chaban Tannock, 2009). Early research indicates that children who suffer from this disorder often exhibit brain differences from their â€Å"normal†counterparts. One longitudinal study that followed children with ADHD over a ten year period discovered many of these differences. Researchers noted that children who were diagnosed with ADHD seemed to have brains that were 3-4% smaller than their counterparts (Chaban Tannock, 2009). Areas that were seen to be smaller were those that were involved in the processes of concentration, inhibition, impulse control, and motor activity (Chaban Tannock, 2009). Genetic evidence also supports the idea that ADHD is in fact, a disorder. For many years studies have shown that ADHD seems to run in families. One study suggested that ADHD’s heritability rate is around 60% (Kieling, 2008, p. 287).New advances in genetic studies support the idea that ADHD occurs due to a combination of genetic anomalies that affect the growth and development of different areas of the brain. In a study completed at Cardiff University in 2010, DNA samples
Friday, December 20, 2019
Essay about Everyone Is Capable of Becoming a Lifelong...
Every person has the ability to become a lifelong learner. The most important factor to becoming a lifelong learner comes from the direct influence of mentors and guardians that care for children throughout their developmental years. Together, they figure out the best plan of action to teach each individual student how to be better learners in hopes that the influence of lifelong learning habits will be incorporated into their worldviews when they become adults. There are some people in society who believe that the developmentally disabled person is unable to become a lifelong learner due to their disabilities. Over the last century, research on early intervention educational programs proves these unjustified beliefs wrong. These†¦show more content†¦The way our society takes on this approach of treating the symptoms is through early intervention. Blessing’s (2012) states, â€Å"Early Intervention can help up to 50 percent of children with autism-spectrum disord ers (ASD) achieve developmental success by preparing them for mainstream education, according to Laurie Stephens, Ph.D.†There are five priority areas of learning in which early intervention focuses on and they are physical development, cognitive development, communication skills, social and emotional development, as well as self-help and independence skills. In the area of physical development, the priority is to be sure the child is eating and growing at a normal rate. In the cognitive area of development, the priority of early intervention is to work one on one with a child to help them advance to their appropriate learning level. In the area of communication skills, the priority of early intervention is to initially assess the child’s level of communication and then developing goals for them based off of that initial assessment. In the area of social and emotional development, the priority is for the child to be able to learn how to make age appropriate relatio nships by developing a strong sense of empathy and building up their social skills through constant peer to peer interactions. In the area of self-help and independence skills, the priority is for the early intervention specialists and occupational therapistsShow MoreRelatedJohn Wooden On Leadership And The Woodens Pyramid Of Success1442 Words  | 6 Pagescoaching philosophy of John Wooden and the Pyramid of Success can be use in today’s projects. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Report for Cost - Quality and the Procurement - myassignmenthelp
Question: Write about theReport for Cost, Quality and the Procurement. Answer: Introduction The project management is the best application for the knowledge, tools, skills and the techniques where the project activities are able to meet the requirements. One can work over the development of organisation as we have done to out project and applied the concepts to achieve the project success. With project management, there is a need to focus on the integration, scope, time, cost, quality and the procurement, human resource as well as handling the risks and stakeholder management (Anatatmula et al., 2016). The project management is mainly to achieve and control the start and finish date as well. Project Management concepts could be applied to your project To work on the project success, our team has worked towards handling the process groups and knowledge areas. It included the initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, controlling and closing the work in the organisation. The work in the entire semester has also been focusing over the knowledge areas where the integration and the time, cost and quality are important highlights. Through the different research, we have been able to manage with resources, project review meetings with the teachers so that any issues could be clarified and rectified at an early stage only. This will help in improving and thinking in a practical manner. The monitoring of compliance with organisational processes and providing the templates have been also important as the project is able to control the board with managing the monetary assets, stakeholders and the utility factors (Cicmil et al., 2017). The stakeholders in the project are the teachers, family, friends, department, who has helped in achieving success. The project objectives for the entire work has always been clear where there are also detailed explanations about how the risks management, stakeholder management, quality and scope management be implemented. A change to a constraint could have impact on the constraints of the project. Hence, the changes are mainly due to the competing demands where one needs to handle the requests and the processes to evaluate and work over the identification with major impacts (Fleming et al., 2016). The organisation works over stakeholders like the sponsors, team members who work on centralising the management of project. This also includes the viability with raising an alert about the occurrence of the cost overrun. The PM has been effective to match with the leadership skills and work on the technical space and leverage for the project success. The right technology and ability to stay ahead with the new technologies is important in the organisation and to achieve better marks in the project, ove r the semester. Hence, for this, it is important to coordinate with the team over the strengths and weakness with viewing the jobs at the overall bottom line and driving the individual project managers as well. For working towards the improvement in the project, the project manager skills are important where there will be successful planning and execution of the project. This includes the involvement of product in the different organisation. The prime responsibilities of the project manager are to work on monitoring and working over the success or failure. This will help in minimising the risks and ensuring that all the members of the team are able to express the opinion and their concerns (Jaber, 2016). The project management software like Microsoft Project and Open Workbench are able to manage the tasks and resources which allows oneself to produce the charts and reports. This will help in organising and working over producing the charts, which otherwise would have taken a long time. The planning is done to organise the staff and the tasks where the schedule is to monitor the progress and match the scope of work. Here, the activities also include the resources, scheduled forms and the periodic times which leads to the proper projected outcomes (Kerzner, 2017). The large and complete projects direct the work of others who are involved in the detailed scheduling. Along with this, the principles and the processes are for the development of project with legislative and regulatory frameworks. It is mainly to understand how the communication could be done effectively so that one can impress the person with his words. In our work, our teacher has been happy with the project management that has been done. We used to work over meeting agendas, updating them regularly, and maintaining the status reports. This helped us in working in a systematic manner as well (Lientz, Rea, 2016). The effectiveness could be mapped through the emails. It has been seen that the good manager at work could always come up with better ideas and can complete the work before time, without any imposing views on subordinates. There have been certain ups and downs among the group members as different people have different ideas. Initially, it was tough to suffice to one thought, but eventually we decided to practically think about how the project management could be done through it, and we could easily get the solution. The diversity is important but working together and thinking about the project output is also important. The team members need to manage the differences with the involvement of external resources like the teachers, materials or advice from people. This will help in improving the standards of thought and bring the change in original thinking as well. Conclusion For the implementation of change, the active based costing is important for the organisation. This will help in achieving the profits with making deficiencies (Turner, 2016). The risks like department can stand an opportunity for the management could have illustrations of the activity based costing and success. The core team forms are about the responsibility to identify and assess the activities to optimise the products and services. References Anantatmula, V.S. and Webb, J.B., 2016. Critical chain method in traditional project and portfolio management situations. InProject Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications(pp. 1005-1022). IGI Global. Cicmil, S., Cooke-Davies, T., Crawford, L. and Richardson, K., 2017, April. Exploring the complexity of projects: Implications of complexity theory for project management practice. Project Management Institute. Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Jaber, M.Y. ed., 2016.Learning curves: Theory, models, and applications. CRC Press. Kerzner, H., 2017.Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley Sons. Lientz, B. and Rea, K., 2016.Breakthrough technology project management. Routledge. Turner, R., 2016.Gower handbook of project management. Routledge.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Professional Practice for Administrative -
Question: Discuss about theProfessional Practice for Education and Administrative. Answer: Introduction Supervision is a crucial component of the reflective practice together with an important part of the social work. Within the theoretical progression of the social work supervision there have been distinction of the numerous functions of supervision (Carpenter, Webb, Bostock Coomber, 2017). The functions which are observed and even reviewed are associated with the tasks of supervisor. The quality of the social work supervision is key to the improvement as well as the upkeep of the high standards of the social work practices (Carpenter, Webb, Bostock Coomber, 2017). The primary intent behind the professional supervision have been to aid competent, independent practice and it will not perpetuate dependency. In this task it will examine on the main function of supervision based on my understanding of the reflective process in supervision. The social work supervision encompasses on the following functions; education, administrative, as well as the motivational functions. Educational function. The educational feature of the social work supervision is related to the education of the social worker which he needs to understand to perform his job and assist in learning it (Davys Beddoe, 2010). Educational supervision is more focused on teaching the knowledge, competencies in addition to attitudes which are essential to functionality of the social wok tasks through the detailed evaluation of the social workers interaction with client. The educational function of the social work supervision could possibly be thought to be the practice by which the social worker is competed in order to implement their responsibilities as the social worker correctly (Payne, 2015). By means of the education means of the supervision the social worker is competed in the capabilities as well as the knowledge which he need so as to accomplish more effective interaction with the customers (Kadushin Harkness, 2014). Educational supervision is the major component when it comes to the professional devel opment of a given worker. The aspect of communication could be viewed as the prospective vehicle to which creating the knowledge source of the social work profession, by conceptualization of the practices of the social worker (Kadushin Harkness, 2014). This supervision function is aligned on the development theory of supervision, which is on the notion that the individuals are continuously growing. When individuals combine their experiences with the hereditary predispositions they tend to develop strengths as well as development areas. The objective of supervision from this kind of perspective would be to improve along with recognize growth that is required for future. Administration function This could be regarded as the process of getting the work done and maintaining the control of the organization as well as its accountability. When it comes to implementing of the administrative function of supervision, the supervisors usually organizes the work place as well as the organizational together with human resources so as to attain the administrative aims based on the policies and practices of the organization (Payne, 2015). The functions of the supervisor could entail activities such as orientating, planning, delegating, allocating as well as evaluating. These activities usually takes place within the framework of the relationship between the supervisor and social worker along with the relationship between the supervisor and the management of the organization (Payne, 2015). The Kadushins model has been helpful in examining on this function by highlighting how the supervisors could promote and retain the high-quality standards of work, organize on the practice with the poli cies of the administration, and the guarantee of economical and smooth functioning of the workplace. Motivational function Motivation is the essential part of the social work supervision. The supervisor needs to encourage as well as activate the social worker to be able to perform effective together with an efficient services to the clients (Payne, 2015). It is significant for the supervisor to have the knowledge of various theories of motivation that are known in the literature. One of the theories which the supervisor ought to have knowledge with are the physiological (Hawkins Shohet, 2000). The central feature as well as strength of these theories is to identify the basic motivational impact to each individual. It is important to understand that the behavior of all the human beings are usually impacted by the existence of the basic needs so they are determined more to gratify their natural or perhaps their physiological needs (Payne, 2015). The social worker behavior will need to be influenced by various factors and the supervisor should identify them. The supervisors should also relates to the cogni tive theories in order to identify the significance of the conscious along with the rational decision making which is the major factor that influence on the behavior of the social workers. There are various expectations as a student I would like to negotiate with the supervisor when I go for a placement. One would be on the aspect of promoting of the morale. This entails the actions which the supervisor in promoting the positive moral and the job satisfaction. As the supervisor I would like him to provide conductive environment where I can work; this would be through forwarding my grievances as soon as they arise to the relevant department as well as supporting and encouraging me while I work to effectively perform. I would also want that if he could promote cultural supervision aspect. This is all about the cultural accountability as well as cultural development (Beinart, 2014). As a supervisor it is important to ensure that the aspirations of all the cultures are respected as well as explored within the supervisory relationship. It is important for the supervisor to ensure that the services are delivered through culturally responsive, effective as well as practices w hich are accepted. I would expect the supervisor would follow the cultural rituals of engagement and encounter, along with affirming the cultural roles and responsibilities (Beinart, 2014). Another expectation which I would negotiate with the supervisor is the continual learning aspect. This would enable me to increase on the contribution to the company through learning new skills so as to improve the job related knowledge, skills as well as personal adjustment (Tangen Borders, 2016). The supervisor may offer support and offer a suggestion to the management that will offer the learning platform and support. Moreover, the supervisor could also guide me since am new in the organization and become my mentor so that I could learn on various aspect to gain experienced in the duties assigned. There are various factors which will contribute to good supervisory relationship. One of the aspect is the continuous feedback. The component of supervision is significant in the sense that the supervisor providing feedback to the workers which is needed to better on their performance. When the supervisor provides feedback to the employees they will get motivated towards their working performance. Another factor is suitable incentives and environment (Tangen Borders, 2016). The efficiency as well as the capability of an employees could decrease if they are not inspired and encouraged. Through effective supervision, the supervisor could offer incentives and create a work environment that is conducive (Pyhlt, Vekkaila Keskinen, 2015). Another factor is through regular monitoring. This enable the supervisor to evaluate on the performance of the subordinates. This is an important part of supervision since the workers are evaluated and a definite motivating method could be applied (Clif fe, Beinart Cooper, 2016). Nonetheless, there are various skills and knowledge I intend to develop so as to become an effective social practitioner (van, Gulikers, Biemans Mulder, 2017). One of the aspect is the communication skills. Having an effective communication is significant so as to perform on the duties more effectively especially when dealing with the client. Additionally, it is important to develop skills in the human relations (van, Gulikers, Biemans Mulder, 2017). It is important to establish and adopt employee centered approach as the supervisor rather than work centered approach. It is important to always treat the subordinates and the workers as human being along with encouraging them positively (Holloway, 2016). Additionally, I intends to gain the aspect of impartiality when I intends to be open minded and fair when dealing with the day to day issues of the work group. The following highlights an example of a professional feedback I received from my supervisor for missing numerous teams meetings which we usually hold every week on Friday so as to discuss the target we have achieved and new ideas on the way forward (Tangen Borders, 2016). I noticed that you have not shown up for the last two team meetings. I am worried that you missed some significant information. Can we meet so as to discuss what you missed? This feedback clearly highlights that he focused on the behavior rather than me (Brookhart, 2017). On my response towards the supervisor I highlighted the following in our discussion. I did not miss the meeting because I had clients who had asked we discussed on the funding on the project they were undertaking. They wanted to know about the facility we were offering and I had to go to their place of work so as to close on the deals. Components of constructive feedback Focus on the description rather than on the judgment. Highlighting on the behavior is a way to report what has taken place, while judging behavior is the aspect of evaluation of what has taken place whether it is right or bad ( Kleijn, Meijer, Brekelmans Pilot, 2015). When one avoid evaluation language, there is reduction of personal response defensively (Tangen Borders, 2016). Focus on the observation rather than interference: observation highlights what one can see or even hear in regards to individual behavior while interferences highlights the assumptions as well as interpretations one makes from what they see or hear (Holloway, 2016). It is important to focus on what the person did and ones reaction (Beinart, 2014). Focus on the behavior rather than the person. Entails what an individual does rather than what one imagine. Provide a balance of the positive as well as negative feedback: When one consistently provide positive or even negative feedback, individuals will distrust the feedback and it will become useless. It is important to be aware of the overload feedback: it is important for one to select two or three very important point which one want to make and offer feedback in regards to those points (Beinart, 2014). When one is overloaded with the feedback, they will get confused about what needs to be improved or even changed. Conclusion In this research, it has highlighted on the development of a good supervisory practice especially on a practical perspective of a student. It has examined on various tasks such as the main function of supervision in social practice, specific expectations of supervision and the supervisory relationship, and factors contributing to good supervisory relationship. Additionally, it has examined the components of constructive feedback. References Beinart, H. (2014). Building and sustaining the supervisory relationship. The Wiley international handbook of clinical supervision, 255-281. Brookhart, S. M. (2017). How to give effective feedback to your students. ASCD. Carpenter, J., Webb, C., Bostock, L., Coomber, C. (2017). Effective supervision in social work and social care. Health. Cliffe, T., Beinart, H., Cooper, M. (2016). Development and validation of a short version of the Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire. Clinical psychology psychotherapy, 23(1), 77-86. Davys, A. Beddoe, L.(2010). Best practice in Professional Supervision; A guide for the Helping Professions. london; Jessica Kingsley. de Kleijn, R. A., Meijer, P. C., Brekelmans, M., Pilot, A. (2015). Adaptive research supervision: exploring expert thesis supervisors' practical knowledge. Higher Education Research Development, 34(1), 117-130. Hawkins, P., Shohet, R. (2000). Supervision in the Helping Professions ( 2 ed.). Buckingham Philadelphia: Open University Press. Holloway, E. L. (2016). Supervision essentials for a systems approach to supervision. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. Kadushin, A., Harkness, D. (2014). Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press. Payne, M. (2015). Modern social work theory. Oxford University Press. Pyhlt, K., Vekkaila, J., Keskinen, J. (2015). Fit matters in the supervisory relationship: doctoral students and supervisors perceptions about the supervisory activities. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52(1), 4-16. Tangen, J. L., Borders, D. (2016). The supervisory relationship: A conceptual and psychometric review of measures. Counselor Education and Supervision, 55(3), 159-181. van Ginkel, S., Gulikers, J., Biemans, H., Mulder, M. (2017). The impact of the feedback source on developing oral presentation competence. Studies in Higher Education, 42(9),1671-1685.
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