Monday, September 30, 2019
Home School vs Public School Essay
Although both can provide a good quality education to their students, there are many differences between home school and public school. Home school, (No comma needed) students do not have to answer to anyone, public school other are () teaching their children. This has been the biggest debate with parents, whether they want the socialization that comes from public school or the protection that comes from home school. (What about the individualized attention?) â€Å"In a recent study done by the U.S Department of Education, 85 percent of homeschooled students were being done so, in part, because of their parents’ concern about the environment of public school.†(Move the period after the citation, so the citation becomes part of the sentence.) (Public school vs, 2008) (When you have a direct quote, you need to provide the page number where the quote appeared, as well as the last name of the author if it is known, or the source title if the author’s name is not kno wn. If it is an electronic source without a page number, provide the paragraph number by counting paragraphs from the top of the page.) With so many options, many parents have chosen to home school their students either for safety or to have more control. With home school, there are the same options as public school, meaning for academics. Home school seems like the best option when it comes to (concerning) their children, yet we (We is first-person plural. The preferred perspective is third-person – he, she, one, they, etc.) need to look at every detail. With home school there is a problem sometimes with the fact that (because) it does not offer materials for chemistry. With both home school and public school(,) they have the basics of subjects, for example science, history, math, and English. Now with home school there is a choice on how much a person can learn. Meaning that a child can take their (child is singular, â€Å"their†is plural. Use his or her.) time with their education, or they can work ahead. There is even a new study that suggests that home school students are more advanced than public school students. (Citation for this source.) With options for a student to take their time with their education, this can help students with learning disabilities to be able to complete their school work without worry of falling behind With any school, safety is always the first priority to all parents. With all the school shootings that have been reported, there needs to be some sort of comfort for parents to want to keep their kids (Technically, kids are baby goats. Children is a better word.) in public school. There have been new laws to control how people buy guns, with background checks; this law is called the Brady Law, yet there are those who can buy from private sellers; the threat is still out there. The schools now have started to do their own back ground checks, and making only one entrance into the buildings. They have even put in metal detectors that the children and visitors have to walk through. There are still other worries about safety, like bullying, and how bad that has gotten. This has made kids afraid to go to school; they have to try to fit in, with how they look and how they dress. With all that, it seems like parents would make the decision very easy to home school, yet there is the other question of socialization. Almost all children need some form of socialization with kids their own age, yet with home schooling they are only with their parents, or only communicating with their online teachers. Then there are single parents who do not have a choice but public school. Both online offer some sort of extra curriculum activities. There are different languages, like French, Spanish, German, and a lot more. Having the option to learn other languages leaves so much open, like traveling to foreign countries and getting a good job later down the line. There is also a saying (A saying is like a witty quote. I think â€Å"belief†is a better word in this context.) that learning other languages can help with a child’s reading skills. They can also learn music. They can learn how to read music and play music, for example a musical instrument, which they can later turn in to (into) a career. Art is another thing they can learn, which can help with hand-eye coordination. With most children it is hard for them to use their hands and heads at the same time. When one thinks of home school, there is never a thought that there still should be arts and crafts to help with handwriting, yet public schools usually still have art as something to help a student along the way. (Are you suggesting that home-schooled children do not do art? Let me suggest that general statements are taboo. My sister is an artist, and she home-schooled her children, both of whom entered college at the age of 16, and both are gifted artists because of the training they received from their mother.) Healthy nutrition is important to everyone. Almost everyone wants to be able to eat right, and make sure that we (We is first-person plural. The preferred perspective is third-person – he, she, one, they, etc.) put the right nutrients in our bodies. When parents home school their children(,) they get to choose what they eat and how healthy it should be. With public school(s) they try to offer healthy choices, yet some school, (Remove the comma and add an s to scho ol.) have vending machines that do not offer a lot of healthy choices or their children do not pick the healthy snacks that they find. Most vending machines have soda, chips and even energy drinks, which have shown damaged to (can hurt) children if they drink too much of it. With public schools(,) they feed the children on their own schedules, which for some kids can be a problem(;) when at home they eat at different times. When it comes to having healthy children, most parents say that doing home school is best for preventing illness. With home school, parents can control the atmosphere their children live in, meaning how clean they can keep their home so their children do not get sick as often. They also control who can come over, if the visitor is sick they will tell them to come a different day when they are better. When it comes to public school, there is not much you can do. With public school, children have a higher chance of getting sick, yet their immune systems are usually a lot better that a home school child. When it comes to being healthy, physical activity always comes in to (into) play. Most children need to stay active, and with video games and television, there is so much distraction for kids that physical activity is something that they do not do. Now this is where a lot of parents like public school. With public school they have physical education as classes where they have to meet ce rtain standards to make sure the students are able to stay fit. There is also recess where the kids can go out and play with their friends, which in turn is another form of physical activity. With home school they usually do not make sure that they have physical education. (Do you have documentation to support that accusation? Remember, critical thinkers take nothing at face value.) They do let them play, but it is usually not enough for the child to make a difference. There are some sports that a parent can put their children in, yet the cost is so much more than it would in public school. Now with public school they do have sports for kids, and if you meet a certain financial situation they can offer sports at a discounted rate. With the decline of physical activity there has been a rise of childhood diabetes, and children gaining too much weight. When a parent decides to do home school they need to make sure there is still some sort of physical activity. With every public school there is the problem of politics. It seems everywhere a parent looks there is politics. When it comes to their children, this is something that most parents thought should stay out of our schools. Most children that go to public schools are also low income and due to that the government thinks it needs to intervene. â€Å"As if families aren’t facing enough difficulties, right now, the State of Tennessee is currently considering two bills that will reduce welfare assistance for needy families whose children are not doing well in school, according to an article on ThinkProgress.†(Bills in Tennessee, 2013) With the government looking in to what we are doing, it makes parents want to home school seem a better choice. (Here is the problem with that logic. When kids are at school, they eat at least one and sometimes two meals while there. Home school children eat all their meals at home, so I doubt that people who need food stamps will choose home schooling, because then they are on the hook for all the chi ldren’s nutritional needs.) With having public school as an option for any one education needs, it seems like there are both good and bad things that need to be addresses, yet when it comes to their children, there should always be some investigation into what is best. With home school they also have good and bad, yet the decision any parent makes, needs to be based on what is best for your family. The choice of socialization of public school sounds great, yet does the freedom of the control of teaching their own children also sounds goods as well.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Exploring the 1960’s
As an archeologist I have seen many things while traveling the world. But I recently came across an interesting time capsule in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I would have never thought the 60’s were an eventful decade, since it was way before my time, but boy was I amazed at what I found. The invention and distribution of birth control pills gave a new freedom to women and their sexuality. The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a young president that had a promising future, along with many other high profile men who had a large support following.Woodstock in upstate New York 1969 was a huge event that spawned many other festivals featuring several day events and equally rowdy crowds throughout the U. S. And my all-time favorite movie, debuted in 1968, George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. In centuries past there have been many forms of birth control. In Egypt 1550 B. C, women would mix berries, herbs and honey as a vaginal suppository to kill sperm during intercourse.1 700’s Giovanni Casanova, and Italian adventurer and author, attempted a form of female condom with sheep intestine and lemon juice. In 1839, Charles Goodyear who vulcanized rubber, created the first true condom, douche syringes, and a womb veil or a form of a diaphragm, which was later officially called a diaphragm in 1880. But, it was not until 1960 that the first birth control pill, Envid was created, and almost half a million women were taking it for actual medical purposes other than a form of not getting pregnant.The creation of the birth control pill allowed a new freedom for women to explore their sexuality and not get pregnant, but it did not and still does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, born on May 29, 1917, was not a very healthy child. Suffering from typically ailments such as whooping cough, chicken pox, and measles, almost did not make it after a battle with scarlet fever before the age of 3. He grew up as an Irish Catholic in Massachusetts. Though a sickly and slightly clumsy kid, being one of nine kids, he had a very dominant personality.In 1936 he entered Harvard University playing football alongside his older brother Joe; however he was not as good of a player as his brother and suffered a back injury that would never fully heal. His brother Joe was the one with the aspirations to become the first Irish President. His senior year at Harvard, he wrote his thesis based on why Great Britain was not ready to take on Germany. It was later published, called Why England Slept. Joining the Navy after graduating, he served as Captain on a PT-109 to keep the Japanese from delivering supplies to their soldiers.He was awarded the Medal of Honor from both the Navy and Marine Corps for his courage and bravery after a Japanese destroyer rammed the ship he was on, splitting it in 2, killing two of the twelve crew members. JFK rescued one of his shipmates who was severely burned, as well as the rest of the crew when he wrote a note on a coconut shell that was found by natives days later. In 1946, after his service time, he ran for congress in Massachusetts and won a seat. He went on to serve 3 terms and was then elected to the Senate.He wrote a book in 1957 regarding U. S. Senators who fought for what they believed in called Profiles of Courage, which won him a Pulitzer Prize. On July 13, 1960 he was nominated by the Democratic Party to run for President of the United States, making him the youngest President (43), and was elected the 35th President on January 20, 1961. On November 22, 1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, also known as Jack, was riding in a motorcade on his way to a luncheon when he was hit in the head and neck passing by the Texas School Depository in Dallas, Texas.Also hit was the Governor, who later recovered from his serious chest wound. John F. Kennedy was an advocate for fighting poverty, racial discrimination, disease, war and wanted to be the first country to put a man on the moon. His assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, who also killed a police officer the same day, was himself assassinated by Jack Ruby, silencing the only man who could answer questions as to why Kennedy was killed. The assassination of JFK has been a controversial topic for many years and until any documents and or photos come to light on who or what was behind his assassination we may never know.Kennedy was a big pusher for space exploration, and though he was not present to see his dream come true, on July 16, 1969, a team of three men were catapulted into space to be the first men on the moon. There have been many speculations as to whether this event even happened, even though there is video footage of the event, many question if it was actually just filmed on a Hollywood back lot.Since that first landing there has not been another U. S. man or woman on the moon, but there have been many who have entered space for further exploration, and it is expected that there will once again be a man/woman on the moon in the future, but for a longer period of time. Music makes the world go round. No matter what race, religion, gender or age, music can make us smile, laugh, love, cry, or calm us down. So what could bring the world together to send a message of peace, cultural expression, and openness?In 1969, more than half a million people travelled to Bethel, NY for a music festival that made sure many generations would be heard. In August 1969, over a 4 day period of time, 32 acts performed on a 600 acre dairy farm to bring awareness regarding the environment, universal human rights, free trade, and creative expression among other things. Performances by the great artists like Jimi Hendrix, the Who, Creedance Clearwater Revival and Crosby, Stiles and Nash. Many other music festivals have been established over the years but none have rivaled the original.The Woodstock Festival has been repeated two more times over the years, once in 1994 featuring bands such as repeat perfo rmer Joe Cocker, new bands of the time like Blues Travelers, as well as established bands like Metallica, Aerosmith, and also a repeat performance by Crosby, Stiles and Nash. Again, five years later, featuring Punk bands such as George Clinton and the P. Funk Band, The Offspring, and many others. Still maintaining the education of the importance of keeping our earth clean, trade among countries, and the importance of creative expression. Another form of expression is filmography.Over the years there have been a variety of movies created for our entertainment from comedy, drama, science fiction, documentaries, action and my favorite, horror. In my opinion, one of the best horror movies created was in 1968. George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead was awesome. Writer and Director George Romero went on to write many other horror movies after Night of the Living Dead, such as The Crazies (1973), Dawn of the Dead (1978), Day of the Dead (1985), the screen play for Stephen Kings Mo nkey Shines (1988), and two remakes of Dawn of the Dead (2004) and The Crazies (2010).The original Night of the Living Dead, did not have a well- known cast, and they did not go on to have a lucrative movie careers. The storyline is of siblings Barbara and Johnny traveling to Pennsylvania to visit the gravesite of their father. Attacked on their trip by a strange individual, Johnny is killed and Barbara runs to a nearby abandoned farmhouse or so she believes. Inside, she meets Ben, who is also trying to escape the unusual creatures that are attempting to attack them. Survival becoming key, they search the house for items they can use to keep themselves safe.Upon their search, they find a radio, and able find a working radio station they find out that radiation from a satellite that returned to Earth from Venus, is affecting the dead, and reanimating them, however it causes them to attack the living. Over the decades since the original screenplay, it has been reworked by many, but no thing Romero’s by far is my favorite. Our future is ever changing and if we have learned anything since the beginning of time is progress is important for an ever evolving world. Upon discovering the time capsule from the 1960’s, I am getting a better realization on how important change is to our future.The evolution of birth control, from Egyptians using an all-natural vaginal suppository to the creation of the pill to give women a freedom to have more sexual experiences without the consequences of pregnancy. The progress John F Kennedy tried to push, space exploration, a peaceful cohabitation between cultures and races within the United States and trying to make a difference in the poverty stricken areas in the U. S. Being the first country to put men on the moon and constantly exploring the universe, perhaps we are not the only ones here. And exploring the infinite creativeness of music and film, the possibilities are endless. Exploring the 1960’s As an archeologist I have seen many things while traveling the world. But I recently came across an interesting time capsule in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I would have never thought the 60’s were an eventful decade, since it was way before my time, but boy was I amazed at what I found. The invention and distribution of birth control pills gave a new freedom to women and their sexuality. The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a young president that had a promising future, along with many other high profile men who had a large support following.Woodstock in upstate New York 1969 was a huge event that spawned many other festivals featuring several day events and equally rowdy crowds throughout the U. S. And my all-time favorite movie, debuted in 1968, George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. In centuries past there have been many forms of birth control. In Egypt 1550 B. C, women would mix berries, herbs and honey as a vaginal suppository to kill sperm during intercourse.1 700’s Giovanni Casanova, and Italian adventurer and author, attempted a form of female condom with sheep intestine and lemon juice. In 1839, Charles Goodyear who vulcanized rubber, created the first true condom, douche syringes, and a womb veil or a form of a diaphragm, which was later officially called a diaphragm in 1880. But, it was not until 1960 that the first birth control pill, Envid was created, and almost half a million women were taking it for actual medical purposes other than a form of not getting pregnant.The creation of the birth control pill allowed a new freedom for women to explore their sexuality and not get pregnant, but it did not and still does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, born on May 29, 1917, was not a very healthy child. Suffering from typically ailments such as whooping cough, chicken pox, and measles, almost did not make it after a battle with scarlet fever before the age of 3. He grew up as an Irish Catholic in Massachusetts. Though a sickly and slightly clumsy kid, being one of nine kids, he had a very dominant personality.In 1936 he entered Harvard University playing football alongside his older brother Joe; however he was not as good of a player as his brother and suffered a back injury that would never fully heal. His brother Joe was the one with the aspirations to become the first Irish President. His senior year at Harvard, he wrote his thesis based on why Great Britain was not ready to take on Germany. It was later published, called Why England Slept. Joining the Navy after graduating, he served as Captain on a PT-109 to keep the Japanese from delivering supplies to their soldiers.He was awarded the Medal of Honor from both the Navy and Marine Corps for his courage and bravery after a Japanese destroyer rammed the ship he was on, splitting it in 2, killing two of the twelve crew members. JFK rescued one of his shipmates who was severely burned, as well as the rest of the crew when he wrote a note on a coconut shell that was found by natives days later. In 1946, after his service time, he ran for congress in Massachusetts and won a seat. He went on to serve 3 terms and was then elected to the Senate.He wrote a book in 1957 regarding U. S. Senators who fought for what they believed in called Profiles of Courage, which won him a Pulitzer Prize. On July 13, 1960 he was nominated by the Democratic Party to run for President of the United States, making him the youngest President (43), and was elected the 35th President on January 20, 1961. On November 22, 1963 John Fitzgerald Kennedy, also known as Jack, was riding in a motorcade on his way to a luncheon when he was hit in the head and neck passing by the Texas School Depository in Dallas, Texas.Also hit was the Governor, who later recovered from his serious chest wound. John F. Kennedy was an advocate for fighting poverty, racial discrimination, disease, war and wanted to be the first country to put a man on the moon. His assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, who also killed a police officer the same day, was himself assassinated by Jack Ruby, silencing the only man who could answer questions as to why Kennedy was killed. The assassination of JFK has been a controversial topic for many years anduntil any documents and or photos come to light on who or what was behind his assassination we may never know. Kennedy was a big pusher for space exploration, and though he was not present to see his dream come true, on July 16, 1969, a team of three men were catapulted into space to be the first men on the moon. There have been many speculations as to whether this event even happened, even though there is video footage of the event, many question if it was actually just filmed on a Hollywood back lot.Since that first landing there has not been another U. S. man or woman on the moon, but there have been many who have entered space for further exploration, and it is expected that there will once again be a man /woman on the moon in the future, but for a longer period of time. Music makes the world go round. No matter what race, religion, gender or age, music can make us smile, laugh, love, cry, or calm us down. So what could bring the world together to send a message of peace, cultural expression, and openness?In 1969, more than half a million people travelled to Bethel, NY for a music festival that made sure many generations would be heard. In August 1969, over a 4 day period of time, 32 acts performed on a 600 acre dairy farm to bring awareness regarding the environment, universal human rights, free trade, and creative expression among other things. Performances by the great artists like Jimi Hendrix, the Who, Creedance Clearwater Revival and Crosby, Stiles and Nash. Many other music festivals have been established over the years but none have rivaled the original.The Woodstock Festival has been repeated two more times over the years, once in 1994 featuring bands such as repeat performe r Joe Cocker, new bands of the time like Blues Travelers, as well as established bands like Metallica, Aerosmith, and also a repeat performance by Crosby, Stiles and Nash. Again, five years later, featuring Punk bands such as George Clinton and the P. Funk Band, The Offspring, and many others. Still maintaining the education of the importance of keeping our earth clean, trade among countries, and the importance of creative expression. Another form of expression is filmography.Over the years there have been a variety of movies created for our entertainment from comedy, drama, science fiction, documentaries, action and my favorite, horror. In my opinion, one of the best horror movies created was in 1968. George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead was awesome. Writer and Director George Romero went on to write many other horror movies after Night of the Living Dead, such as The Crazies (1973), Dawn of the Dead (1978), Day of the Dead (1985), the screen play for Stephen Kings Monke y Shines (1988), and two remakes of Dawn of the Dead (2004) and The Crazies (2010).The original Night of the Living Dead, did not have a well- known cast, and they did not go on to have a lucrative movie careers. The storyline is of siblings Barbara and Johnny traveling to Pennsylvania to visit the gravesite of their father. Attacked on their trip by a strange individual, Johnny is killed and Barbara runs to a nearby abandoned farmhouse or so she believes. Inside, she meets Ben, who is also trying to escape the unusual creatures that are attempting to attack them. Survival becoming key, they search the house for items they can use to keep themselves safe.Upon their search, they find a radio, and able find a working radio station they find out that radiation from a satellite that returned to Earth from Venus, is affecting the dead, and reanimating them, however it causes them to attack the living. Over the decades since the original screenplay, it has been reworked by many, but nothi ng Romero’s by far is my favorite. Our future is ever changing and if we have learned anything since the beginning of time is progress is important for an ever evolving world. Upon discovering the time capsule from the 1960’s, I am getting a better realization on how important change is to our future.The evolution of birth control, from Egyptians using an all-natural vaginal suppository to the creation of the pill to give women a freedom to have more sexual experiences without the consequences of pregnancy. The progress John F Kennedy tried to push, space exploration, a peaceful cohabitation between cultures and races within the United States and trying to make a difference in the poverty stricken areas in the U. S. Being the first country to put men on the moon and constantly exploring the universe, perhaps we are not the only ones here. And exploring the infinite creativeness of music and film, the possibilities are endless.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sling Blade
Growing up as a child for Karl was hard. His parents were abusive, being so young and naive he did not know any better. Karl parents also made him do horrific things, such as giving him his baby brother and telling him to get rid of it. After Karl spending several years in a hospital institution because he killed his mother and her boyfriend. Karl is let loose. Despite all of the events that happen in his childhood and life, he turned out to be a humble, kind and gentle person. Karl will now begin his new life in the world. While out in the new world Karl meets a little boy name Frank. Karl helps him with his laundry bags carrying them for him home. Karl is placed in a world where he is confused and has no sense of direction where to go. He has no family besides his dad, but does not seem to want to visit him. Karl owns nothing but three books, the clothing on his back and has nowhere to stay. Gerry Karl’s doctor finds Karl a job fixing mechanic equipment, which allowed him to live there also. Karl goes back to visit Frank and meet his mom Linda and her boyfriend Doyle. Later on Karl moves in with them. Doyle Hargrave is a disrespectable person, who lacks the ability to be a father figure to Frank. He puts his friends down, curses and fights with Linda all the time. He has no remorse for nothing he does. Karl tries to keep Frank in line when he often says â€Å"I wish Doyle was dead†or curses and encourages him. Karl becomes Frank’s role model. Learning about Frank’s hatred towards Doyle, Karl is willing to sacrifice his freedom to save Frank. Doyle permanently moves in with Linda and will now pay the bills. In other words he is in charge and so he asks Karl to leave. Karl has been a role model for Frank and considers Frank special to him. Karl is also brave enough to stand up to Doyle when he attempts to lay his hands on Frank. Now that Karl is leaving Frank will forever be unhappy. It seems as if Doyle will never change his ways and Frank might end up getting hurt. Karl fixes the laundry machine so that Frank’s burden is lightened instead of him struggling with laundry bag
Friday, September 27, 2019
Global operation and risk management of Qinetiq Group plc 01303 Essay - 1
Global operation and risk management of Qinetiq Group plc 01303 - Essay Example The company holds a business portfolio of military weapons and systems within mode of travelling including land, air and sea (QinetiQ, 2015b). According to QinetiQ (2014), the revenue of the company has been decreasing since 2011 such as 10.3% to  £m 1191.4 and with net loss of  £m12.7 in 2014. The reason is reduction in the expenditure of UK on defence equipment by 20% from 2007 and also other parts of the world (Clancy, 2014). Global company has major share in UK and USA. QinetiQ is considered for the assessment of performance and risk management due to its declining performance over last three years. Also the assessment of risk and risk management performance of the company will be reviewed. â€Å"Organic-plus†strategy drives QinetiQ’s with considering customers, people, innovation and productivity as core drivers (QinetiQ, 2014). Reported below financial trends of key indicators depicts continuous decline in performance (QinetiQ , 2014): The industry added value to the Europe via achieving turnover of 197.3 billion Euro in 2013 with the growth rate of 5.6% from military and civil sector (ASD, 2013). While, the information graphic report of Deloitte (2014), maintained that there will be decline in the Defense sector’s revenue while and increase in commercial sector is forecasted for future. It is anticipated that by 2023, commercial production level of aircrafts will witness 25% growth (Deloitte, 2014). CSC, however; forecasting challenges and only moderate growth near in the future (CSC, 2015). As depicted by the industry trends discussed above, the industry is highly flourished and developed with huge industry players base that fierce the competition level of the industry. Being the 6th largest in UK and operating in global environment the company possess a huge base of competitors including local and global players. According to Morningstar, direct competitors of QinetiQ are United technologies corp. and Boeing Co (Morning Star, 2015). However,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Identify a current health industry practice. Discuss applicable laws Term Paper
Identify a current health industry practice. Discuss applicable laws and implications for health care leaders. Identify the role - Term Paper Example Implications for healthcare leaders are discussed. Current Healthcare Industry Practice How to develop and maintain effective relationships between physicians and pharmaceutical companies have long been an issue of the principal public concern. Pharmaceutical companies are believed to produce heavy impacts on how health care services are provided. For a long time, visiting physicians and informing them about new products and medical devices had been a conventional practice within the healthcare industry, leading to numerous conflicts of interests which, in their turn, bore significant consequences on the quality of medical care. Future leaders must be (a) aware of the conflicts of interests, to which the discussed healthcare industry practices lead, and (b) promote collaboration and cooperation between physicians and pharmaceutical manufacturers, in order to encourage and sustain the atmosphere of progress and innovation in healthcare. Commercialization has already become the definit ive feature of development and evolution in health care, producing multiple heavy impacts on the quality and efficiency of practices within the healthcare industry. The relationships between pharmaceutical companies and physicians have long been an issue of key public concern.
Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Religion - Essay Example â€Å"All civilizations were founded with religious underpinnings. Of course, religions, like civilizations, grow and sometimes die; forming an intellectual and ontological compost from which new civilizations often sprout. Often, these new civilizations are more complex and take root in earlier ideas while expanding them to meet new conditions†says Every individual is bound by his society and customs, each society has its own religion, rituals are conducted according to their religious instructions, and as far as the myth related to related to religion is concerned, we could trace out the starting point of our belief to have a basic influence by the myths. For example, we have been told by our ancestors the story of Jesus Christ and his birth, we believe that the star that shines during the month of December indicates the birth of Christ, and similarly when we consider other religious beliefs such as Hindu or Muslims, they too have their own rituals having a background story form the myth. could understand that majority of people accept a moral standard on the basis of their brought up and values that were taught to them by their elders. So religion is said to have a constructed meaning, ethics, rituals and myths, all are found in a society in a combined form, the influence of each could be felt in every aspect of the society. The argument that If we start analyse what the universe mean to us, we should take into account the contribution of man. It is an accepted and universal statement that God created every thing. Man is the most intelligent of all his creations as he possesses the additional sense of reasoning and speaking. He is still in the process of finding out the meaning behind every aspect of God’s creation. Though some might argue this as scientific, the fact that science is an expression of God’s creation needed to be accepted. Man can only analyse the reason for any natural calamity but he could not
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Focus Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Focus Strategy - Essay Example case, when a business decides to venture into a new and unique line of products or services, the initial costs incurred in developing them does not affect the overall returns. This suggests that the consumers may be willing to pay a premium price for the differentiated products and services that will help offset the costs incurred in making the new products. Furthermore, is because the uniqueness of the products and services allows the firm to enjoy a large percentage of the market share, allowing for immediate returns. The results also indicate that the focus strategy in itself is sufficient to generate returns to the business. This view actually contradicts what was suggested by Michael Porter, who claimed that the focus strategy is not sufficient to assure returns to the business. Therefore, a business may decide to use either the differentiation or the focus strategy or both and still be assured of returns in the short and long term. Secondly, it is clear from the article that when a firm explores strategies that represent unique and rare resources, it is likely to gain a competitive advantage. This is based on the idea that the resources cannot be duplicated by the firm’s competitors. Furthermore, such resources cannot be substituted, making it difficult for other firms to match the competition. If a firm makes use of a resource that is possessed by its competitors, it is likely that the competitors will exploit that resource in a similar way, making it difficult for the firm to use it to gain a competitive advantage. This suggests that for a business to use this strategy, it is important to understand the resources that exist in the business and understand how these resources can be made more profitable by either improving them to make them unique or exploring a completely unique set of resources. This calls for a careful examination of the market trends and the needs of the customers. This will help un derstand the unique products and services that can be
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Founding a new nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Founding a new nation - Essay Example The constitution will have a few sections divided on the base of power and responsibility and will then be further divided into laws. It will protect the rights of the people as citizens of the island to have liberty, freedom of opinion and law will be protected by the constitution which in return will protect the citizens, their property and will make sure everyone is given their due respect. Protection of land and responsibilities of the state and people will be clearly defined in the constitution. If any law made is inconsistent with the constitution, then the law will be considered as void. The democratic government will have the power of the state with the government as president and a congress and a legislative. This idea is inherited from the government of the United States as it proved to be very effective over the years (Maier, 2010, p. 35). The government will be decided by the people of the island. There will be no role for the vice president but the ministry of inte rior and foreign affairs will be responsible to run the affairs along with the president. In case of a threat or mishap, the congress can elect an acting president from themselves. The qualifications of the president and the people in congress and civil services will be defined. Dual nationals will not be allowed to hold a government office but may act as consultants. The president will be the supreme commander of the military and may grant pardon to anyone. The congress can convict the president based on a set of evidence that will be decided as sufficient by the Supreme Court judiciary. The president is responsible to make sure that law is followed by everyone and the congress will be the body to keep a check and balance on the president and his/her activities by making it compulsory for the president to justify his actions based on law for the orders he issues. Once the power distribution is clear, the legislative system will be set. The highest court will be Supreme Court. A pet ition can be filed in Supreme Court if the lower courts have already decided on it and the convicted person has either life imprisonment or death penalty applied. The Supreme Court will issue the final verdict and such convicts will have a last option to plea with the president of the island. Supreme Court can also take suo motu actions on law and order situations if they deem the case is not being taken up by anyone but is essential to provide justice or maintain law and order situation on the island. The final type of case the Supreme Court will be entertaining will be related to the president if the case is filed by a member of the senate or congress. Maintaining federal relationships will include a hierarchy in which the mayors and judicial systems will be allowed to present a quarterly report on performance and check the prosperity index on the nation. The report will include a feedback session from these entities as well which will comprise of statistically collected data that will reflect views of the citizens belonging to a specific town. This will ensure constant quality check and improvement parameters of a town. Awareness programs and other basic necessities as education, health and security will be the responsibility of the mayors as finance ministers and process design implementers. Maintaining a healthy market for competition, providing equal opportunity, spreading awareness of job market condition, grooming future generation and equipping them with necessary skills will be a part of the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Biology lap report Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biology lap - Lab Report Example The temperature range was set for 0Â °C to 95Â °C. the rate of reaction was directly proportional to the increase in temperature, but there was a decline after 40Â °C as envisaged in the hypothesis, the enzymes denature with a very high elevation in temperature, concluding that if the temperature is increased beyond the optimal temperature then the enzymatic activities come to a close and enzyme becomes denatured. The study also envisaged that fungal amylase do display the slightly faster hydrolytic action on starch as compared to the human salivary amylase. Starch is the regular component of our daily diet. It is perhaps an extensive carbohydrate in the plant world and is consumed by humans and other herbivores to meet their energy requirements. It is a polymer of glucose which depicts the linkage of ÃŽ ±-1,4 and ÃŽ ±-1,6 glucosidic bonding. It is essential to break this bonding to derive carbon and energy from the starch molecules; this task is performed by group of enzymes called amylases (Lehninger, 2008). There are various organisms which serve as sources of amylase, human saliva and pancreas, other organisms encompass plants fungi and bacteria. The present study includes two group of amylases, human amylase and fungal amylase. Human amylase was obtained from the saliva while the fungal amylase was procured from Aspergillus species which is highly prevalent and generally acquired from soil, putrefying foliage and also present in air. Any reaction needs some initiation energy for its onset; this is also true for biological processes. Hydrolysis of starch also requires some activation energy but due to the presence of biological catalysts, enzyme amylase this activation energy can be reduced and reaction is carried out with ease. Enzymes are extremely specific for substrates, pH, temperature. This is explained with the fact
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Leadership Essay Example for Free
Leadership Essay There are some concepts about leadership in the world, some people think leaders are born, and some people believe that leaders are made. If employees believe that leaders are born and not made, it may be demoralising. Some people may have the inherent qualities to become leaders, but they may not have developed their leadership because nobody else has ever noticed potential leadership qualities in them. Leaders move out of comfort zones. When one reflects on whether leaders are born or made, it is important to define what a leader is as well as to distinguish between a leader in management and a leader in another field of expertise. Leadership and management are two distinctive yet complementary systems of action. †(Story Cover, 1993). Because â€Å"management power comes from organizational structure, it promotes stability, order and problem solving within the structure. Leadership power, on the other hand, comes form personal sources that are not as invested in the organization, such as personal interests, goals and values. Leadership power promotes vision, creativity and change in the organization†(Samson and Daft, 2005). Management centres on handling complexity and Leadership are to face the new challenges (Story, 1993). For example, in peacetime, an army can train very well under good management, but there is no one who can manage people into battle, the soldiers of course will led by leaders (Story, 1993). â€Å"Management is a skill that can be learned, Leadership is a calling†(Shea, cited in Story, 1993, p. 34). Shea acknowledges, â€Å"Some leadership qualities can be learned, but only if the raw material exists†(Shea, cited in Story, 1993, p. 34). Therefore when good leaders are provided with ample management skills, then they can get their goals, good leaders will be able to communicate their goals to employees in such an effective way that the employees will be able to identify with the goals and will strive to achieve it. â€Å"According to Shea, a good manager may be able to keep even an inefficient organization running relatively smoothly. But a good leader can transform a demoralized organization†(Shea, cited in Story, 1993, p. 34). Consequently, good leadership ability will become an increasingly important quality in the future. A good leader has an impact on the employees and the future of the company. And some times leaders have to face some tough situations. A new leader may for example have to dismantle bureaucratic old rules in a company that already existed for more â€Å"150 years†(Osborne, 2006, cited in Warwick, p. 15). Since such a leader is totally new in the company, people would not want to listen to him, even though he would have to implement more effective procedures for the company. They would feel that he lacks legitimacy, and they actually know the company better than him. This is a common problem that a new leader may face, who still needs to prove his legitimacy. To overcome this obstacle, a leader needs â€Å"strong communication†(Warwick, 2006). Furthermore a leader may not be seen as legitimate because â€Å"employees know more about technical details†(Samson and Daft, 2005, p. 430). To overcome this problem an effective leader could empower employees (Osborne, 2006, cited in Warwick, 2006, p. 15; Samson and Daft, 2005). A good leader must be able to communicate his ideas, so that employees will respect his ideas. If a leader succeeds in communicating responsibility, motivation, and vision to people under him, new leaders are born when they are empowered. Good leaders are not supervisors; instead they delegate responsibility to employees (Warwick, 2006). This is also called â€Å"legitimate power†which stems from a formal management position in an organization and the authority granted to it†(Samson and Daft, 2005). â€Å"Leadership is not rank or status. The military has rules and regulations, paper and procedures. The officers have rank, status and power. But does this necessarily make them leaders? No! Leadership cannot be imposed†(Ron Eddy, 1998). For example, Thomas C. Graham, the chairman of AK Steel, used the military way to manage his staff; however he still failed to get promotion and make more contributions for the company (Samson and Daft, 2005, p. 430) Military style dictatorship is not good leadership. Leaders should give more space and more responsibilities to their staff so that they will know that they are responsible for the company, everyone is part of the company, so it will make them put more passion on their job and then they will push themselves very hard. A good leader must be able to make tough decisions (Warwick, 2006). For example, he may have to retrench superfluous employees (Osborne, 2006, cited in Warwick, 2006). This is form of â€Å"coercive power†(Samson and Daft, 2005). But a leader should also empower employees. If a leader empowers people this will create responsibility in employees (Samson and Daft, 2005) and will also create a competitive environment where employees will feel valued, because expertise is valued. But they have the responsibility be cost effective. They will be rewarded for they own initiative, this rewards could include â€Å"pay increases or promotions†¦ praise, attention and recognition†(Samson and Daft, 2005, p. 429). When management empowers employees it will develop the self-confidence of employees, who will feel good about themselves, and will in turn respect the leader who has promoted their self-esteem. When employees show that they respect their leaders it will enhance their leader’s confidence. Self-confidence is a quality that must be distinguished from ego or bravado, which may be superficial or feigned. True self-confidence is the deep conviction that ones strategies are the most appropriate for solving the problems at hand. It may be crucial to weather the stormy periods that will inevitably occur at many times during the voyage. A leader should give birth to leaders in a company, not to lead the company, but to be leaders in their field. If you never give a responsibility to staff, they will never create new things in their domain. And follow the old habits forever. Hence, a leader of an organization has to lead it to â€Å"constantly reinvent†itself (Warwick, 2006). This is necessary in order to make things more efficient for the company, although the leader’s decisions may be unpopular, it will be effective if he can convince people why change is necessary. Leaders are made when management empowers employees. Leaders should encourage employees to search for new and innovative solutions. Leaders are lifelong learners. â€Å"The gifted leader never stops learningshe reads, she listens, she observes. It is important to note that formal education isnt a necessary ingredient to become a gifted leader. Our three case studies received a traditional medical education that creates followers, rather than leaders. None of them pursued another advanced degree, such as an MBA or MHAthey achieved their lofty status by other means†(William R Fifer, 1997). Creativity and initiative are stimulated when people are given more responsibilities. Leadership means, literally, to go in advance (William R, Fifer, 1997). A leader who gives more responsibility and confidence to employees makes them less dependent on supervision. â€Å"The gifted leader must be able to break away from dependence on the group and visualize new directions. Good leaders in management will lead employees to become leaders in their fields of xpertise that in turn will transform the company into a leading organisation. Thomas Frist, Jr. , MD, who built the giant empire Hospital Corporation of America, once described the solitary long walks he took in all kinds of weather. He said he always got at least one idea out of each walk†(William R Fifer, 1997). A good leader will have the ability to weather both difficult peri ods and good times. He/she will find ways to come up with new ideas whilst also constantly challenge and motivate employees to search for innovative ideas that can be implemented to ensure that the organization becomes a leader in its field. Leaders who have the ability to empower employees have inborn qualities. Intelligence is a key ingredient, especially the kind associated with verbal facility (William R, 1997). Good judgment or simple common sense is another important trait. A colleague of mine fired a seemingly gifted employee after a brief stint on the job; when I asked what the problem was, my colleague replied, He couldnt anticipate! I knew exactly what he meant (William R, 1997). â€Å"Personality, which may be defined as whatever makes a person attractive to others†(William R, Fifer, 1997). They must have boundless energy, be assertive and aggressive. Maybe that training can improve the ability to lead or manage, people need the right qualities to begin with. ( Vaughan, 2002). â€Å"†¦I’d place a greater interest on the qualities rather than training because some people, no matter how well trained, will never be leaders†(Vaughan Gareth, 2002). To be honest, leaders are not like other normal people, â€Å"Leaders do not have to be great men or women by being intellectual geniuses or omniscient prophets to succeed, but they do need to have the right stuff and this stuff is not equally present in all people†(David L, Cawthon, 1996). Successful leaders understand how people from different cultures view them and interpret their actions and adapt their behaviour accordingly†(Dale Pfeifer, 2006). Leadership is a very difficult, indomitable work with a great responsibility and pressure that they will have to suffer. Abraham Zaleznik (1992) contends that â€Å"the ability to lead is directly linked to ones personality. Leaders and managers, he writes, are not the same. Whereas managers tend to favor maintenance of the status quo, leaders seek to transform what is into what should be. As a result, leaders have more in common with artists than they do with managers†(Zaleznik, 1992, cited in David L, 1996) A good leader who has the ability that can always makes a good judgment in the tough situation and have the strong communication which he need to convince and inspire employees in the company in a fast changing world. Not many people have that inborn qualities, therefore how to use that power will be the most important thing that leaders have to consider about. A good leader will help the company to solve the problems such as, global warming challenges and the shift in economic power form the USA to China and India and how employees will need leaders who can cope with change and who can plan for unforeseen challenges. Born leaders have the ability to give vision, responsibility, and legitimacy to employees and this empowerment makes leaders.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Feral Children: Cases and Learning Development
Feral Children: Cases and Learning Development Feral children, wild child, gazelle boy, undomesticated; these are all names that have been given to children throughout the decades defined as A child who is raised without human contact, often raised by wild animals as a result of being abandoned. This is indeed a fact in history that these children exist. There are so many stories, examples and cases of feral children raised by animals in history. Examples like Victor The Wild Boy , Kamala and Amala sisters raised by a wolf, and Robert who was raised by monkeys in Uganda. It is incredible that these children were able to survive. How did they manage to stay alive, and at what cost to their humanity? Are they ever able to gain what they did not learn when integrated back into society? This is a cruel way to treat a little child, either with abuse or even just negligence to care for the child. Today feral children could be defined as any human child suffering from sensory deprivation and can be caused by their own parents. Today the y can be children who have grown up with very little contact or none at all. Feral Children explore the boundaries of environmental factors on human beings, how they develop to become what society deems to be a respectable human and the overall influences of nature versus nurture paralleled to unconditional love and the surrounding of other humans. Many cases of feral children have occurred over several centuries. These children were isolated for so long and to a point where they do not know English or have not even seen another human being. Tales of children living and surviving in the wild, brought up by animals are almost too unbelievable to be true. Feral children are kids who have been confined with little to no human contact. Sometimes they live and survive on their own, or they have been raised by animals. Many cases prove that these feral children are not just some made up tale, but real life children living without any speech or knowledge of what is happening to them. There are many effects that occur to these children from being cut off from the real world. They include learning animal behaviours and possibly never learning to speak. Some of the children became super fast runners at times on all fours, some even covered with hair. Feral children s senses were often more developed than those of children living with hum ans, particularly their sense of smell and hearing. Various children found in the wild could adapt easily to changes in temperature and tolerate more pain. You may need to site some of this information, where did you get the facts? Many people believe that these stories of children raised by animals are just that, stories made up by writers and people with vivid imaginations. This is not true; there are many documented cases of these children. In January of 1799, a young boy with no clothes on was spotted outside a small town of France, near Aveyron. This boy was named Victor, and was around the age of eleven or twelve. Victor behaved like an animal, he ate rotten food with pleasure, he was incapable of distinguishing hot from cold, and he spent much of his time rocking back and forth like a caged animal He lived with a scientist named Dr. Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard. He was dedicated to the education of the young boy trying to get him to be able to speak. Victor made little progress in all these areas and was only able to perform small tasks, such as setting a table. Eventually scientists lost funding for Victor and he was sent to live with a housekeeper. Victor died at the age of 40 in 1828. In a more modern version of feral children is the story of the Romulus and Remus, two young girls who were discovered under the care of a she-wolf in 1920, in Godamuri, India. In order to get to the girls the wolf defended the two girls like they were her own babies, but the wolf was killed because it was attacking the men trying to save the two girls. The two girls were Kamala who was aged eight and Amala aged only 18 months old. The two girls would sleep all day and wake up at night, remained only on all fours, liked eating raw meat, and would bite or growl at people bothering them. They worked with these girls for a long time to try and find out as much as possible about feral children. Amala only lived for a year until she died but Kamala lived for nine more years until she passed away of illness. Kamala did learn a small vocabulary and eventually learned how to walk up right, but still had a good sense of sight in the dark and of raw meats at a great distance. A feral child does not have to be a story about a lost child raised by an animal. Many cases of abused or forgotten children have come up over time. Stories such as kids being found tied to toilets or locked in a basement, some kids forced to live in a dog house because their parents are too drunk to remember them. Genie was a 13 year old girl when police took custody of her on November 25th, 1970. Genie was found only because her mother had applied for welfare and prior to this no one knew she even existed. She would be strapped to a toilet in an empty room where her parents kept her. Also was forced to sleep in a sleeping bag that was way to small for her, genie now has deformed legs because of this. She was kept in such isolation that she couldn t talk or understand people. She could only make small grunts or moans if she needed something, she could also mumble the words no more . She was kept in her room for 10 years because her father thought she was mentally challenged as a baby. Genie had very limited socialization and she was abused for making noise which stunted her ability to communicate. They formed a group of scientists and social workers to help Genie have a normal life; this was later called The Genie Project. They worked with Genie for many years with little progress. Eventually they lost funding for her and she had to be sent to live in many foster homes were she was abused again. She currently lives in California with her foster parents. Another case of this kind of abuse emerged from the Ukrainians, a girl named Oxona Malaya who was found living in a farm kennel. Oxana s parents were both alcoholics and did not care for her well being. This is the reason why she decided to sleep in the kennel with the dogs at such a young age. For six years she was raised by dogs, not having any human contact. Oxona would walk on all fours, bark at people, and pant like a normal dog would. Oxana did not know what a mirror was and showed no recognition of the reflected image of her. This lack of self-awareness makes her, in some respects, more like an animal than a human. These two cases show people what abusing a child can do to then. As She was growing up and learning how to speak, they discovered in a brain scan that Oxana was mentally challenged because of her time spent with the dogs, if she was just raised like a normal girl she could of a had a normal childhood growing up, instead she has to live in a foster home. This is the reason why most children are abandoned or forgotten about, because parents do not want to have a mentally challenged child. She could have lived a normal life if her parents just cared a little more to pay more attention, but now she has to grow up learning how to talk and walk like a normal human being. In a small village in Uganda in 1982 a little boy named John Sebunnya was found living in a tree with monkeys. He ran away from home at the age three because of the abuse he took from his parents, also his parents didn t bother looking for where John ran away. He tells his story to this day of what happened in the little English he knows. Many different councilors and scientists have sat down with him asking about his time living with the monkeys. Different aspects of his story stick out to scientists that make them wonder if this was just a case of the monkeys tolerating the boy. They would just let him eat whatever was left and never cleaned him as they would other monkeys. When it came to cleaning time for the monkeys, they would never clean John, and he said that he would just watch as they pulled bugs from each other s fur. This information made scientists think that the monkeys didn t actually take care of John but just accepted him in the group. Throughout our history, our soc iety has tested the theory of nature vs. nurture. Some scientists believe that we are predisposed according to our genetics on how we behave. This is known as the nature theory. Other scientists believe that we behave in a certain way because of how we are taught. This is known as the nurture theory. One topic sociologists have studied is feral children to help explain these theories. They have found that children raised by animals acquired the instincts and behaviors of the species that raised them. The study of these feral children and children who are raised or kept in extreme isolation makes it hard not to support the nurture theory or statement. These cases prove the importance of education in our society and They show that human beings not only can be educated, but must be educated to become a human being at all. Everything that a child knows or learns must be taught; except for normal body functions like breathing or reflexes. Abilities that determine a child s success in school do not happen automatically they must be developed or nurtured . Children also learn how to be friendly, thankful, honest, trustful and respectful. All these skills must be learned and fostered. Psychologists and Scientists have studied feral children to help them gain insight into human socialization and development. By helping these children with human like abilities due to what they were going through as children. When feral children are discovered and returned to society, they often remain significantly developmentally delayed. Researchers are still trying to answer the question whether these children were already delayed or their abnormalities occurred because of their isolation in the wild. So what makes u s human? Is it society or is it instilled within us? Babies do grow into adults physically, but our social beliefs and ideas are not transferred in our DNA. Even though our bodies may grow, if we are isolated we become little more than an animal. In order for children to develop into well rounded human beings, they must be surrounded by people that care for them and people that will teach them language and how to walk. Through the stories of the feral children whether true or not, it leaves us wondering what makes us human? Feral children are human biologically but their emotions are limited to what they learned in the wild. These children will now never know right from wrong, or even what their own name is, but it goes to show the little attention a child gets makes a big impact on that child in the future. Children need love and protection from other human beings in order to grow up and develop into a human being themselves. The young age these children get lost at or when there f orgotten is the age the child s brain is growing, when they learn speech and ability to walk. It shows us how important it is for children to have the influence of another human to learn and love from. The nurture you give a child as a baby is what gives that child human like behaviors, nurturing a child can last a life time.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Providing British Airways Plc with a strategic plan
Providing British Airways Plc with a strategic plan Executive summary: This essay is formed for the purpose of providing British Airways Plc with a strategic plan to apply over the nearing future. British Airways is the UK market leader in the Airline industry. It has faced ever-increasing competition over the past 10 years resulting attrition in their market share. The report commences by analyzing the current internal and external environment of British Airways. Through strategic evaluation we have suggested that BAs focus on their primary service delivery to refurbish their competitive benefit within the industry. This will require applying a grouping of two strategies; a public processes strategy and a strategy focused on technological development. The public processes strategy was a consequence from a number of industry basis demarcating BAs turn down in customer fulfillment. The technological development strategy corresponds with the regeneration of BAs aircrafts and will further improve on the whole consumers satisfaction. Introduction: The main aim of this report is to direct British Airways strategically using the current strategic position of the company and the internal and external environment. After analysing the companys position both externally and internally using appropriate tools, a final design is created giving a set of strategic options to the company. Finally an appropriate strategic option is evaluated and the methods of implementation are discussed. British Airways is the UKs largest intercontinental airline. In addition to scheduled services, BA is affianced in the process of international and domestic carriage of cargo and parcels, and additional services. In association with code share and franchise partners, BA fly to more than 300 destinations, and carried more than 33 million passengers, earning over  £8.7 billion in profits in 2007/08. Employee population in March 2008 was 42,377 people. After being privatised in 1987, BA has been a competitor in the market and has held a place worldwide. In the recent, BA has been named the worlds first airline to take part in a proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in 2002 and to allow passengers to print online boarding passes in 2004. Willie Walsh became Chief Executive of BA in 2005. He has focused the company through the completion of Terminal 5 at Heathrow, amongst other new initiatives. In spite of global economic down BAs future as an international business organisation, looks promising. Current Strategy: The company uses 5 strategic goals for the year 2009/10. They are basically to be the first choice airline for the long haul premium customers, to deliver an outstanding customer service at each and every point, to grow their survival in key global cities, to gain a leading position in London, to meet their customer needs and to improve their margins through new revenue streams. Long haul premium customers are considered to be their key to their profitability. They will use their deep understanding of what is required to be their airline of choice to drive the design choices on product, network and service. They will also maintain a strong presence in the cargo economy and short haul segments, which play a critical supporting role. Their customer-facing staff will be passionate about delivering outstanding customer service. They are planning to build through a revolution in the way they lead, train and reward, so that all customers, on all routes and classes, enjoy a premium experience. They will invest both in improvements targeted at premium customers, such as service training, and in those benefiting all customers. They aim to provide the best global connectivity for customers. They will build their presence in the top global cities, either directly or through their expanding network of airline partnerships. Despite the fact that the established global cities such as London and New York remain critical, they will place a special emphasis on developing their position in the global cities of tomorrow. London is the worlds biggest and most competitive international air market. Ensuring Heathrow remains a world-class hub vital enough to give them a strong London base to serve the largest international long haul markets. To support this, they will look to influence government policy decisions, and work with the airport owners on the continued development of the infrastructure. 1. External Analysis: This section indicates the external environment of BA as it is very necessary for an airline industry to remain updated about the external environmental factors. It also highlights the position of the industry, its competitors, and its capabilities to meet the current and future challenges. 1.1 PESTEL Analysis: 1.1.1 Political: Heavy regulation from the UK government has been a major challenge to the company. Hence, it is essential for BA to comply to the rules if the company has to continue operations. Moreover, since the government has increased security due to past terrorist threats, sufficient security measures should be in position to ensure consumers self-belief and competitive advantage should be maintained. 1.1.2 Economical: Due to global economic crisis, world growth is projected to just over 2 percent in 2009. The value of Pound has begun to slide especially against the Euro. Possible reduction in the amount of business travel as companies are cutting costs and using alternative means of communication such as teleconferencing. Hence BA is vulnerable as an UK operating airline to a poor exchange rate. Oil prices have been declining by 50 % since their peak retreating to 2007 levels. Decline in fuel price will obviously strengthening of the dollar changeability in oil prices and exchange rates will directly affect BAs cost base. UKs consumer spending had its sharpest decline for 13 years between July and September 2008. Hence there is an expectancy of more intense competition in the near future. 1.1.3 Social: According to the national statistics online, The UK has an aging population since the past decades. Potential opportunities may arise, as older generations have more time to spend on leisure activities such as international travel. At the same time the increase unemployment may also led to increase in the bargaining power as an employer 1.1.4 Technological: A recent survey discovered that 34% of online clients plan to use price comparison sites more in 2009. This clearly reveals that there is an increase in consumer awareness and therefore bargaining power of the same may also increase. Online booking services and check-in is becoming popular in the airline industry. Hence BA must ensure that they stay up to date with these technological progress at the same time as avoiding becoming overly reliant, as this may separate certain consumer markets (i.e. the elderly) who dont feel contented using such technology. 1.1.5 Environmental/Ethical: New legislation is being implemented every year. Due to tighter environmental rule the operational costs may increase each year for the company. Hence, BA should be aware of both Noise pollution controls, and energy consumption controls. Due to limited land and for growing airports expansion is difficult. Further expansion at Heathrow is difficult as it may affect the Londons agricultural area. Due to this the company should concentrate on limited capacity aircraft and effective utilization of capacity. Failure to implement an incorporated environmental strategy could lead to an unfavourable effect on the BAs reputation and income. Cancellations of flights and loss of baggage, such ethical issues could have a negative effect on reputation if left unsettled 1.1.6 Legal: Limitations on mergers will have an impact on BAs proposed alliance with American Airlines. Recognition of trade unions and industrial action e.g. Cabin Crew strikes are necessary if the company has to withstand in the global market. Good employee relations are essential if BA wants to avoid industrial action and interrupted operations. Open Skies Agreement is a colossal opportunity for BA and its competitors to freely transport aircraft between the EU and US. 1.2 Porters Five Forces: It is imperative to analyze the competitive nature of the airline industry to measure the position of BA. The Five Forces tool will be facilitate BA to make strategic decisions in order to increase the effectiveness. 1.2.1 Competitive rivalry: BA provides frills for both long haul and short haul flights. Within long haul there is a little isolation between the BA and their other competitors, in terms of price and service contribution. The short haul market is more uneven with many small competitors. Strengthening of competitors has increased the competition. Direct competitive rivalry is severe, e.g. Virgin Atlantic has a website opposing the proposed strategic coalition of BA and AA. Hence it is found that BA does not suffer in its sector due to its competitors. 1.2.2 Power of Suppliers: BA is benefited by a high bargaining power since there are two aircraft manufacturers. The sole supplier of fuel to the airport is being permanently stopped by the company. The existing users get the top priority in landing slots according to their historic rights. Trade unions help BAs employees by providing them collective bargaining, in order to increase their bargaining power. Hence the power of suppliers does not affect the BAs efficiency in the means of its suppliers. 1.2.3 Power of Buyers: The company is found to be more concentrated on its suppliers than the buyers. This is because they have a very little bargaining power. Enhanced usage of internet has enlarged the awareness and interface between the customers. 1.2.4 Threat of New Entrants: High environment regularity requirements and high capital cost requirements are the new main barriers to the company. The failure of new airline companies such as XL and Zoom is likely to discourage new entrants 1.2.5 Threat of Substitutes: There are a few direct substitutes for short haul flights such as euro star and ferries. No notable substitutes can be found for long haul flights. 2. Internal Analysis: It is now important to analyse the internal environment in order to create the suitable strategies. 2.1 Resources and Core Competences: It is derived that a companys competitive advantage and superior performance is calculated from its independent capabilities. The resource based view emphasizing BAs resources and competencies is summarized below. 2.1.1 Resources: The company runs 245 aircrafts covering over 550 destinations. Additional services such as BA Holidays The London Eye Company, has been a fruitful resources for the company. The company is well equipped with an International Customer Database which helps them to keep track on the latest customer information. Partnerships Alliances with one world including American Airlines, increase the companys wealth against the resources. Sole access to LHRs Terminal 5 is a huge boon to the companys brand image. BA is renowned globally as a reputable brand, resistant by its long-lasting survival within the Industry 2.1.2 Competences: The company has its own training of ground school, flight simulators, and cabin safety training which holds the favourable part in its core competences. The company holds the capability to fly and handle passengers safely on different routes (Open Skies). Their subsidiarys aircraft never have more than 64 passengers per flight, with one flight attendant per twelve customers. They also hold the name as the first UK airline known as a training centre by the City Guilds, educating all cabin crew with NVQ Level 2. 2.2 SWOT Analysis: 2.2.1 Strengths British Airways is a well-reputed brand name that has achieved constancy and conviction from its customers. Modern culture enables BA to take full benefit of technological developments such as, online sales, in house check in. BA has a worldwide geographic exposure with excellent communication with strong international coalitions. 2.2.2 Weaknesses BA has however to have recovered from events such as the Iraq war, the 2001 and 2005 terrorist attacks because of its dependence on international air travel. But the hazard still remains. BA continues to have enormous debts. Recent job cuts may have a harmful effect on BA as in the past this frugality effect has resulted in understaffing and industrial exploit in 2004 and 2005. 2.2.3 Opportunities The increase of internet usage worldwide is likely to further expand BAs online customer base Value-added and pioneering flight services such as sleeper services, will attract more customers as customer prospects are heaving. The current UK government hassles Heathrow as a worldwide gateway and proposes a third short runway and sixth terminal be opened by 2020, which will also promote BAs brand image. 2.2.4 Threats Low-cost airlines continue to benefit from strong growth and power in the market and new entrants and the probability of them being issued with long-haul licenses could create a further hazard to BAs market share. The continuing increase and variation in fuel prices may threaten them with regards to not attaining a profit margin of at least 10%. Customers are still vigilant of the threat of repeated terrorist attacks. With the increase of rivalry in the low-cost airline market, more companies may focus their strategy on high eminence and hence increase the direct opposition for BA. 3. Analysis of Strategic Options: Based on the scrutiny performed the five most viable strategic options will now be measured further in terms of aptness, adequacy and viability 3.1 Strategic Option 1 Development to People procedures: The study highlighted the most recent negative attention both internally and externally. The Resource Based View and SWOT are identified as BAs public condemnation for poor customer service and impediment management and disapprovals following a number of unhelpfully handled employment associated cases. A people progression strategy may reconstruct brand image and stakeholders self-assurance. 3.1.1 Aptness: Looking at the current economic environment, unemployment is increasing. Therefore, the hazard of industrial action and acquiescence are less possible at this time. BAs current strategies are to stimulate, employ, support and develop employees, together with recuperating baggage handling and delay management. Enhancement in internet usage, with more consumers and self-governing services reconsidering and contributing feedback. Better customer relations may improve such systems. 3.1.2 Adequacy Staffs and consumers are expected to invest high interest into the growth of their relations with the organization due to the negative past experiences. Skytrax emphasizes that customer relations is an important measure for consumers when selecting airlines, increasing the prospective of high profits. 3.1.3 Viability The Resource Based View shows an global consumer database. Admittance to such information could help BA in market research and customer relationship development based on conclusion. The industry and organization is highly combined, and are likely to increase support from this exterior body when strategically increasing employee relations. 3.2 Strategic Option 2 Enhanced Environmental Position. As recognized within the PESTEL analysis, environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important. An involuntary strategy as a result could be suitable to construct an improved environmental place and go beyond the requirements of parameters such as the climate change. 3.2.1 APTNESS BA profits from a resonance brand image which would be further imposed by this strategy. This would make sure that BA remains a strong global contender by making sure they are meeting changes in socio-economic actions. Customers are becoming more environmental responsive and this strategy would at least make certain that BAs market share is not negotiated if competitors go in a parallel direction. 3.2.2 ADEQUACY Changes in customer choices point out a sharp anxiety for the environment. Therefore this strategy is short risk, especially when attached with a low scale of uncertainty. In addition, this strategy will make sure that BA is recognizing and meeting customer demands. As the necessities of environmental rules are repeatedly increasing, it would be valuable for BA to be the first hauler in the industry and make changes prior to any of its competitors. 3.2.3 VIABILITY Assets may be better engaged elsewhere, as spending in environmental strategy may not increase profits. BA must be certain that it will be able to successfully follow such a strategy as if it would not succeed it would be open to public enquiry which could break its current strong brand image. 3.3 Strategic Option 3 Enhanced Technological Position. The technological capabilities of an airline is increasingly disturbing consumer choice of airlines, from both holiday and business fliers. Better development of the in-flight services will improve their overall service, increasing long-standing profits. 3.3.1 APTNESS The in-flight entertainment amenities need to be greatly enhanced and become more consistent. This will guide to a long-term development in the number of passengers. Many of BAs major competitors are beginning to bring in basic internet facilities on selected flights. Therefore it is in its importance to keep up with the rivalry and surpass it by bringing in internet access on all flights. BA is at present on a service of one flight from London City Airport to JFK, New York. BA also needs to contend with other modes of travel, which already have internet capabilities. By applying the strategy, BA can refresh its image even as maintaining conventional principles. 3.3.2 ADEQUACY Wide-range testing has found the internet connection to be consistent, with loss of connection only taking place for a couple of seconds during unfavorable weather conditions. Project accomplishment takes only 3 days per plane. 3.3.3 VIABILITY Possession of the operations is less expensive and more dependable than the Abandoned Connexion service offered by Boeing. BA has a sagging resource in the technology section needed to apply this strategy. BA must implement this technology first time effectively otherwise, it will receive serious denigration and could mess up its long-standing image 4. Conclusions and Recommendations: On the examining the strategic options it has been determined that before growth strategies are followed BA should concentrate on protecting its current market place and attaining elementary service class. Based on this the people progressions and technological development strategies are believed most suitable for performance. British Airways remains vigilantly hopeful about its future prospects. However, it is sure that significantly more work lies further on if the airline is to accomplish their goals. The FSAS plan integrated by BA resulted in substantial cost savings, and also raised funds to repay debts. The objective of the FSAS plan was to achieve a 10% functioning margin and hence more recent cost cuts and job losses have been made by the CEO in order to achieve this. In air travel, the fact of success or failure depends on peripheral factors, with BA suffering badly in the consequences of the 2001 and 2005 terrorist attacks, the war in Iraq and the worldwide economic slowdown. However, the one most important external factor is the cost of fuel. Fuel costs are continuing to rise and this is likely to both corrode income and hoist prices for BA. Rising prices could rest BA in a detrimental position, particularly given the continued fame of low cost airlines. The CEO must understand that the important growth area for BA is likely to be in value-added services. In some parts, BA found that it could improve consumers experience while deducting costs, such as in its rising up of online sales. Other value-added services are likely to see mid-priced flights being improved, as air travel persists to become more competitive. On the whole, BA must continue to endeavour to reduce costs and improve customers and employee fulfilment.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Navaids in Aviation :: essays research papers
     How would pilots ever get around so easily without the help of navigation aides? Navigational aides have been around for almost as long as aircraft have been flying in the skies above us. The first navigation system was composted of just a high intensity-flashing beacon. These beacons were placed on the flight routes that were popularly flown in the mid 1920’s. With more time more of these technologies that help us navigate the world will be even simpler than today. This paper will explain how some navigational aides work and how some of them came into existence. Flight Management Systems Flight management systems are one of the best navaids in commercial aviation. The flight management system (FMS) is made up of four systems in an aircraft, the FMC (flight management computer), the autopilot and flight director, the auto throttle, and the IRS’s. According to Boeing the FMS could be defined as, being capable of four dimensional area navigation (latitude, longitude, altitude, and time), while optimizing performance to achieve the most economical flight possible. The flight management system can give you gross weight of the aircraft, and the best speeds (i.e. holding, approach, climb, cruise, descent, etc†¦) by taking inputs from the fuel summation unit when it is given the zero fuel weight and the MACTOW (mean aerodynamic cord at takeoff weight). The position of the aircraft can also be determined by referencing the IRS, along with GPS and the radio position updating. Global Positioning Systems GPS is a navigational aid that is satellite based. It is made up of a network of 24 satellites in orbit around the world. The first satellite was launched in 1978 and the last was put into orbit in 1994. Every 10 years another satellite is put into orbit because each satellite is made to last that amount of time. The system began as a military application but in the 1980’s the government decided to make it available to everyone, anywhere, anytime. The system finds your position by measuring the time it takes to receive the signal back to the satellite. It then does that with other satellites to triangulate your position in relation to the earth. To calculate a position in 2D the system has to be locked on to at least three satellites, but for a 3D representation you need to be locked on to at least 4 satellites. Once the position is found the GPS can calculate much more info like speed, bearing, track, distance, etc†¦ The GPS system is very accurate; Garmin (a leader in G PS technology) states that their newest receiver is accurate up to an average of 15 meters.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
History of Parental Involvement in Education Essay examples -- Parent
History of Parent Involvement Prior to the 1850’s, before public education existed, parents and families were responsible for the education of their children. During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s education in schools became wide spread. As public education grew and teachers became professionals many began to believe that professionals alone should be responsible for educating children (Stein and Thorkildsen). As years went by, families showed some concern about this new view on who should be in charge of their children’s education. Parents began to show their concern for this division in education in the 1987 when the National Congress of Mothers, the foundation for the Parent Teacher Association, was formed (Stein and Thorkildsen). Since 1987 many more steps have been taken in an effort to evaluate the importance of parent involvement in education and to encourage parents to be involved in their child’s schooling. Family Structure Parent involvement in a child’s schooling has proven to be beneficial to the child regardless of the situation. The amount of the effectiveness of the parent involvement is directly related to the structure of the family that the child comes from. A National Household Education Survey (NHES) from 1996 shows that children from dual parent homes are more inclined to excel academically and become involved in extracurricular activities. More so, they are not as likely to repeat a grade or be given a suspension, especially if their fathers show interest and become involved (Nord). In 38.5 percent of dual parent households parents actively help their child with homework three or more times a week (National Center for Education Statistics). In today’s ever changing society dual parent ho... ... EBSCO Database. Retrieved March 8, 2002 from Eric Database. U.S. Department of Education. (1991). Other middle grade resources, Parent involvement at the middle school level. National Committee for Citizens in Education. Retrieved February 18, 2002 from the World Wide Web: This is a well designed web site that provides resources for parents and teachers of middle school aged children. Articles, news stories, diaries, chats, newsletters, and hot links are available on this web site. Wherry, J. (2002). Selected parent involvement research. The Parent Institute. Retrieved April 11, 2002 from the world wide web : This bit of selected research comes from the parent institute web site. The information provided on this page is supported by numerous references.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Team Goals
Team goals are the specific and measurable performance outcomes to be accomplished. A team is a group of individuals working to achieve a common goal. Thus, team goals dictate the performance, effectiveness and success of the team. Goals should therefore be clear and all members should have a common shared vision of the goals. When team members understand the goals, team roles are also clarified so each member can focus on their task. Consequently members are provided with a sense of identity. Team goals therefore serve to motivate the team when members effectively perform their roles. Goals also must be measurable because without measurable goals, teams may lose direction and will not be able to gauge performance or determine their progress. Additionally, when team goals and individual goals are more congruent high performance is more likely to occur.Team NormsNorms are defined as â€Å"mutually agreed upon standards of behaviour†and should therefore be discussed at the earl y stages of team development. Norms are developed through various ways, they can be written or unwritten and can change or be redefined throughout the existence of the team. Team norms define the boundaries of acceptable behaviour; therefore, norms would enable members to identify any behaviour that is dysfunctional and reduce negative conflict. Thus, norms can allow the team to be functional. To conclude team norms are important because through regulating the members’ behaviour, they help to control and measure the performance of the team and through this, team performance and team success have a positive correlation with team norms.Self Directed Work TeamsSelf directed work teams are formal groups that complete an entire piece of work requiring several interdependent tasks and have substantial autonomy over the execution of these tasks. That is, members are empowered to make decisions needed to manage themselves on a daily basis. Members within these type of teams therefore rely on multiskilling.Cross Functional Work TeamA Cross-functional team is a group of people with different functional expertise working toward a common goal.
Monday, September 16, 2019
DQ Patho
It is important to know what medications the patient is on and has been taking, what risk factors she has, and what other medical conditions she may be battling. The labs show an elevated white blood cell count with a high interruption level both Of which are indicators Of a serious infection. The wound culture shows a presence of Staphylococcus erasures which could be the culprit of the infection to the wound. She is also a diabetic who is overweight and of a short stature. I would immediately place Ms.G on a broad spectrum IV antibiotic for the cellulite and the open wound. Loud call to order a Doppler study to be done to rule out a DTV because she has been immobile for as many as three days and there is a significant difference between the sizes of her calves. I would order pain medication, antipathetic, and cold packs to provide comfort for the patient. I would immediately have a wound care nurse assist in the care and documentation of the wound and to help provide education to t he patient on how to care for the patient.Blood sugars should be checked and a Hemoglobin IAC should be drawn to see how compliant of a diabetic Ms. G is. A diabetic educator should be consulted to help educate the patient on a proper diet, how to test her blood sugars, and how to proper use insulin if it is determined that is needed. I would also contact the case manager to help the patient set up home health visits because depending on the wound she could go home with drains, special dressings or possibly a wound Vic. I would also assess the patient's living conditions. Loud also take the time to educate the patient on the importance of exercise, a healthier diet, weight loss techniques, and the importance of a healthier lifestyle. . Identify the muscle groups likely to be affected by Ms. G's condition. The muscles that are affected include the Fibular longs, the extensor digitized longs, the tabloids anterior, and the gastronomic coleus. 3. What is the significance of the subject ive and objective data provided with regard to follow up diagnostic/laboratory testing, education, and future preventative care?Provide rationale for your answer. Subjective data is the information that the patient reports concerning symptoms, previous treatments, medications used, and any other information the patient can provide you while objective data is collected from the physical exam, lab results, diagnostic test, and other measurable data (Altered, Cornell, and Ernst, 2012). In our patients case follow up labs should be drawn to make sure that our interventions are working appropriately.A CB with differential should be drawn to make sure the infection IS subsiding and her WEB and interruption are returning back to normal. Continued blood sugars should be monitored. Fasting and one hour postprandial should be completed and be maintained within normal limits. Our patient should be educated on her Diabetes. She should understand that this disease process increases her susceptib ility to infection and can cause any wound she receives to have some delayed healing.She should be educated on the importance of a healthy diabetic diet and keeping her blood sugars within normal limits. If she has never learned how to test herself, she should provide a return demonstration to either the nurse or the diabetic educator so she knows she is doing it properly. The patient should be provided with education regarding weight loss. She is obese and of short stature. This increases the risks for decreased physical activity, commodities like diabetes, and can delay wound healing.She needs to be provided with not only information on a healthy diet but also programs that can provide her with meals if she is unable to cook for herself. Physical therapy might also be an excellent idea for her to participate in. She could do nice light stretching, swimming, or low impact work to help her become more active and involved in her care. 4. What factors are present in this situation tha t could delay wound healing, ND what precautions are required to prevent delayed would healing?A diabetic patient can have impaired vascular flow and poor perfusion which causes poor tissue oxygenation and this can delay healing. Hypoxia can amplify the early inflammatory response, prolonging injury by increasing the levels of oxygen radicals (Guy & Dippiest, 2010). Diabetics are prone to hypoxia, enumerator, and decreased host immune resistance. The patient is obese which means she has decreased vascular in adipose tissue, skin folds that harbor micro-organisms, skin to skin friction, increased tissue reassure and venous hypertension.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Fin 419 Week 5 Team Assignment with Answers
Principles of Managerial Finance FIN/419 P12. 4 Break even analysis. Barry Carter is considering opening a music store. He wants to estimate the number of CDs he must sell to break even. The CDs will be sold for $13. 98 each, variable operating costs are $10. 48 per CD, and annual fixed operating costs are $73,500. A) Find the operating breakeven point in number of CDs. Q= FC / P- VC Q= 73,500 / 13. 98 – 10. 48 Q= 21,000 CDs B) Calculate the total operating costs at the breakeven volume found in part a. EBIT= Q x (P – VC) – FC EBIT= 21,000 x (13. 98 – 10. 48) – 73,500 EBIT= 21,000 x 3. 5 – 73,500 EBIT= 0 C) If Barry estimates that at a minimum he can sell 2,000 CDs per month, should he go into the music business? 2,000 CDs per month x 12 months = 24,000 CDs. Since the operating breakeven point in number of CDs is 21,000, this means that Barry will sell 3,000 more CDs that will be a profit. Depending on Barry’s outcome of the music store, if he were to go into the music business and sell 2,000 CDs a month, he would make a profit. The profit would not be that much more above the operating breakeven point; however, it will still be a profit. I would take the chance and go into the music business. D) How much EBIT will Barry realize if he sells the minimum 2,000 CDs per month noted in part c? EBIT= Q x (P – VC) – FC EBIT= 24,000 x (13. 98 – 10. 48) – 73,500 EBIT= 24,000 x 3. 5 – 73,500 EBIT= 10,500 P12-11 a. $0. 38 b. $1. 28 c. $1. 94 Ebit| | | | $24,600| $30,600| $35,000| less interest| | | $9,600| $9,600| $9,600| Net profits before taxes| | $15,000| $21,000| $25,400| Les Taxes| | | | $6,000| $8,400| $10,160| Net profits after taxes| | $9,000| $12,600| $15,240| Less preferred stock dividends| $7,500| $7,500| $7,500| Earings available for common| | $1,500| $5,100| $7,740| Earings per share| | | $0. 8| $1. 28| $1. 94| | | | | a| b| c| P12-24. : Integrative–optimal capital structure Intermediate a. Debt Ratio| 0%| | 15%| | 30%| | 45%| | 60%| EBIT| $2,000,000| | $2,000,000| | $2,000,000| | $2,000,000| | $2,000,000| Less: Interest| 0| | 120,000| | 270,000| | 540,000| | 900,000| EBT| $2,000,000| | $1,880,000| | 1,730,000| | $1,460,000| | $1 ,100,000| ? Taxes @40%| 800,000| | 752,000| | 692,000| | 584,000| | 440,000| Net profit| $1,200,000| | $1,128,000| | $1,038,000| | $ 876,000| | $ 660,000| Less: Preferred dividends| 200,000| | 200,000| | 200,000| | 200,000| | 200,000| Profits available to ?common stock| $1,000,000| | $ 928,000| | $ 838,000| | $ 676,000| | $ 460,000| # shares outstanding| 200,000| | 170,000| | 140,000| | 110,000| | 80,000| EPS| $ 5. 00| | $ 5. 46| | $ 5. 99| | $ 6. 15| | $ 5. 75| b. Debt: 0%Debt: 15% Debt: 30%Debt: 45% Debt: 60% c. The optimal capital structure would be 30% debt and 70% equity because this is the debt/equity mix that maximizes the price of the common stock. Chapter 16 Problem 16. For each of the loan amounts, interest rates, annual payments, and loan terms shown in the following table, calculate the annual interest paid each year over the term of the loan, assuming that the payments are made at the end of each year. Loan| Amount| Rate| Annual Payment| Term (in years)| Interest Paid Y ear 1| Year 2| Year 3| Year 4| Year 5| Year 6| A| $14,000| 10%| $4,416| 4 | $1400| $1098. 40| $766. 64| $401. 70| | | B| 17,500| 12%| 10,355| 2| 2100| 1109. 40| | | | | C| 2,400| 13%| 1,017| 3| 312| 220. 35| 116. 79| | | | D| 49,000| 14%| 14,273| 5| 6860| 5822. 18| 4639. 06| 3290. 31| 1752. 3| | E| 26,500| 16%| 7191| 6| 4240| 3767. 84| 3220. 13| 2584. 80| 1847. 80| 992. 89| Problem 16. 5 Lease versus purchase Northwest Lumber Company needs to expand its facilities. To do so, the firm must acquire a machine costing $80,000. The machine can be leased or purchased. The firm is in the 40% tax bracket, and its after-tax cost of debt is 9%. The terms of the lease and purchase plans are as follows: Lease The leasing arrangement requires end-of-year payments of $19,800 over 5 years. All maintenance costs will be paid by the lessor; insurance and other costs will be borne by the lessee. The lessee will exercise its option to purchase the asset for $24,000 at termination of the lease. Purchase If the firm purchases the machine, its cost of $80,000 will be financed with a 5-year, 14% loan requiring equal end-of-year payments of $23,302. The machine will be depreciated under MACRS using a 5-year recovery period. (See Table 3. 2 on page 108 for the applicable depreciation percentages. ) The firm will pay $2,000 per year for a service contract that covers all maintenance costs; insurance and other costs will be borne by the firm. The firm plans to keep the equipment and use it beyond its 5-year recovery period. a. Determine the after-tax cash outflows of Northwest Lumber under each alternative. Year| Lease after-tax outflows| Purchase after-tax outflows| 1| $11,880| $13,622| 2| 11,880| 10,459. 71| 3| 11,880| 15,391. 10| 4| 11,880| 18,512. 89| 5| 35,880| 19,516. 93| b. Find the present value of each after-tax cash outflow stream, using the after-tax cost of debt. Year| PV of outflows (Lease)| PV of outflows (Purchase)| 1| $10,893. 96| $12,491. 37| 2| 10,002. 96| 8,807| 3| 9,171. 6| 11,881. 93| 4| 8,411. 04| 13,107. 13| 5| 23,322| 12,686. 00| Total| $61,801. 32| $58,973. 51| c. Which alternativeâ€â€lease or purchaseâ€â€would you recommend? Why? The alternative that I would recommend is the purchase option because it has the lower present value of after-tax cash outflows as well as the most desirable. It is the most desirable because by purchasing the machine would be a less costly alternative. Reference s Gitman, L. J. (2009). Principles of Managerial Finance (12th ed. ). Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader. aspx.
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