Saturday, December 28, 2019
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) - 853 Words
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, better known by its acronym as ADHD, is one of the â€Å"hot topics†constantly being discussed in today’s psychological field. Interestingly, the debate is on whether or not ADHD is a real mental disorder. The community is divided into two distinct groups. One group believes that ADHD is a real mental disorder and should be treated as such. Others, however, believe that ADHD isn’t a disorder at all, rather it is a ploy driven by the pharmaceutical companies in order to increase sales of stimulants such as Ritalin. Within this group there are also people who believe that ADHD itself is not a disorder, however, it is part of a larger malady, or a result of poor parenting or a sugar-rich diet. According†¦show more content†¦Those who dismiss ADHD respond to this argument with their idea that the symptoms could be of another disorder, or just â€Å"kids being kids†. Currently, there is no standardized medical test for ADHD, although researchers hope to eventually use magnetic resonance imaging, or other structural imaging technologies (Chaban Tannock, 2009). Early research indicates that children who suffer from this disorder often exhibit brain differences from their â€Å"normal†counterparts. One longitudinal study that followed children with ADHD over a ten year period discovered many of these differences. Researchers noted that children who were diagnosed with ADHD seemed to have brains that were 3-4% smaller than their counterparts (Chaban Tannock, 2009). Areas that were seen to be smaller were those that were involved in the processes of concentration, inhibition, impulse control, and motor activity (Chaban Tannock, 2009). Genetic evidence also supports the idea that ADHD is in fact, a disorder. For many years studies have shown that ADHD seems to run in families. One study suggested that ADHD’s heritability rate is around 60% (Kieling, 2008, p. 287).New advances in genetic studies support the idea that ADHD occurs due to a combination of genetic anomalies that affect the growth and development of different areas of the brain. In a study completed at Cardiff University in 2010, DNA samples
Friday, December 20, 2019
Essay about Everyone Is Capable of Becoming a Lifelong...
Every person has the ability to become a lifelong learner. The most important factor to becoming a lifelong learner comes from the direct influence of mentors and guardians that care for children throughout their developmental years. Together, they figure out the best plan of action to teach each individual student how to be better learners in hopes that the influence of lifelong learning habits will be incorporated into their worldviews when they become adults. There are some people in society who believe that the developmentally disabled person is unable to become a lifelong learner due to their disabilities. Over the last century, research on early intervention educational programs proves these unjustified beliefs wrong. These†¦show more content†¦The way our society takes on this approach of treating the symptoms is through early intervention. Blessing’s (2012) states, â€Å"Early Intervention can help up to 50 percent of children with autism-spectrum disord ers (ASD) achieve developmental success by preparing them for mainstream education, according to Laurie Stephens, Ph.D.†There are five priority areas of learning in which early intervention focuses on and they are physical development, cognitive development, communication skills, social and emotional development, as well as self-help and independence skills. In the area of physical development, the priority is to be sure the child is eating and growing at a normal rate. In the cognitive area of development, the priority of early intervention is to work one on one with a child to help them advance to their appropriate learning level. In the area of communication skills, the priority of early intervention is to initially assess the child’s level of communication and then developing goals for them based off of that initial assessment. In the area of social and emotional development, the priority is for the child to be able to learn how to make age appropriate relatio nships by developing a strong sense of empathy and building up their social skills through constant peer to peer interactions. In the area of self-help and independence skills, the priority is for the early intervention specialists and occupational therapistsShow MoreRelatedJohn Wooden On Leadership And The Woodens Pyramid Of Success1442 Words  | 6 Pagescoaching philosophy of John Wooden and the Pyramid of Success can be use in today’s projects. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Report for Cost - Quality and the Procurement - myassignmenthelp
Question: Write about theReport for Cost, Quality and the Procurement. Answer: Introduction The project management is the best application for the knowledge, tools, skills and the techniques where the project activities are able to meet the requirements. One can work over the development of organisation as we have done to out project and applied the concepts to achieve the project success. With project management, there is a need to focus on the integration, scope, time, cost, quality and the procurement, human resource as well as handling the risks and stakeholder management (Anatatmula et al., 2016). The project management is mainly to achieve and control the start and finish date as well. Project Management concepts could be applied to your project To work on the project success, our team has worked towards handling the process groups and knowledge areas. It included the initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, controlling and closing the work in the organisation. The work in the entire semester has also been focusing over the knowledge areas where the integration and the time, cost and quality are important highlights. Through the different research, we have been able to manage with resources, project review meetings with the teachers so that any issues could be clarified and rectified at an early stage only. This will help in improving and thinking in a practical manner. The monitoring of compliance with organisational processes and providing the templates have been also important as the project is able to control the board with managing the monetary assets, stakeholders and the utility factors (Cicmil et al., 2017). The stakeholders in the project are the teachers, family, friends, department, who has helped in achieving success. The project objectives for the entire work has always been clear where there are also detailed explanations about how the risks management, stakeholder management, quality and scope management be implemented. A change to a constraint could have impact on the constraints of the project. Hence, the changes are mainly due to the competing demands where one needs to handle the requests and the processes to evaluate and work over the identification with major impacts (Fleming et al., 2016). The organisation works over stakeholders like the sponsors, team members who work on centralising the management of project. This also includes the viability with raising an alert about the occurrence of the cost overrun. The PM has been effective to match with the leadership skills and work on the technical space and leverage for the project success. The right technology and ability to stay ahead with the new technologies is important in the organisation and to achieve better marks in the project, ove r the semester. Hence, for this, it is important to coordinate with the team over the strengths and weakness with viewing the jobs at the overall bottom line and driving the individual project managers as well. For working towards the improvement in the project, the project manager skills are important where there will be successful planning and execution of the project. This includes the involvement of product in the different organisation. The prime responsibilities of the project manager are to work on monitoring and working over the success or failure. This will help in minimising the risks and ensuring that all the members of the team are able to express the opinion and their concerns (Jaber, 2016). The project management software like Microsoft Project and Open Workbench are able to manage the tasks and resources which allows oneself to produce the charts and reports. This will help in organising and working over producing the charts, which otherwise would have taken a long time. The planning is done to organise the staff and the tasks where the schedule is to monitor the progress and match the scope of work. Here, the activities also include the resources, scheduled forms and the periodic times which leads to the proper projected outcomes (Kerzner, 2017). The large and complete projects direct the work of others who are involved in the detailed scheduling. Along with this, the principles and the processes are for the development of project with legislative and regulatory frameworks. It is mainly to understand how the communication could be done effectively so that one can impress the person with his words. In our work, our teacher has been happy with the project management that has been done. We used to work over meeting agendas, updating them regularly, and maintaining the status reports. This helped us in working in a systematic manner as well (Lientz, Rea, 2016). The effectiveness could be mapped through the emails. It has been seen that the good manager at work could always come up with better ideas and can complete the work before time, without any imposing views on subordinates. There have been certain ups and downs among the group members as different people have different ideas. Initially, it was tough to suffice to one thought, but eventually we decided to practically think about how the project management could be done through it, and we could easily get the solution. The diversity is important but working together and thinking about the project output is also important. The team members need to manage the differences with the involvement of external resources like the teachers, materials or advice from people. This will help in improving the standards of thought and bring the change in original thinking as well. Conclusion For the implementation of change, the active based costing is important for the organisation. This will help in achieving the profits with making deficiencies (Turner, 2016). The risks like department can stand an opportunity for the management could have illustrations of the activity based costing and success. The core team forms are about the responsibility to identify and assess the activities to optimise the products and services. References Anantatmula, V.S. and Webb, J.B., 2016. Critical chain method in traditional project and portfolio management situations. InProject Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications(pp. 1005-1022). IGI Global. Cicmil, S., Cooke-Davies, T., Crawford, L. and Richardson, K., 2017, April. Exploring the complexity of projects: Implications of complexity theory for project management practice. Project Management Institute. Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Jaber, M.Y. ed., 2016.Learning curves: Theory, models, and applications. CRC Press. Kerzner, H., 2017.Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley Sons. Lientz, B. and Rea, K., 2016.Breakthrough technology project management. Routledge. Turner, R., 2016.Gower handbook of project management. Routledge.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Professional Practice for Administrative -
Question: Discuss about theProfessional Practice for Education and Administrative. Answer: Introduction Supervision is a crucial component of the reflective practice together with an important part of the social work. Within the theoretical progression of the social work supervision there have been distinction of the numerous functions of supervision (Carpenter, Webb, Bostock Coomber, 2017). The functions which are observed and even reviewed are associated with the tasks of supervisor. The quality of the social work supervision is key to the improvement as well as the upkeep of the high standards of the social work practices (Carpenter, Webb, Bostock Coomber, 2017). The primary intent behind the professional supervision have been to aid competent, independent practice and it will not perpetuate dependency. In this task it will examine on the main function of supervision based on my understanding of the reflective process in supervision. The social work supervision encompasses on the following functions; education, administrative, as well as the motivational functions. Educational function. The educational feature of the social work supervision is related to the education of the social worker which he needs to understand to perform his job and assist in learning it (Davys Beddoe, 2010). Educational supervision is more focused on teaching the knowledge, competencies in addition to attitudes which are essential to functionality of the social wok tasks through the detailed evaluation of the social workers interaction with client. The educational function of the social work supervision could possibly be thought to be the practice by which the social worker is competed in order to implement their responsibilities as the social worker correctly (Payne, 2015). By means of the education means of the supervision the social worker is competed in the capabilities as well as the knowledge which he need so as to accomplish more effective interaction with the customers (Kadushin Harkness, 2014). Educational supervision is the major component when it comes to the professional devel opment of a given worker. The aspect of communication could be viewed as the prospective vehicle to which creating the knowledge source of the social work profession, by conceptualization of the practices of the social worker (Kadushin Harkness, 2014). This supervision function is aligned on the development theory of supervision, which is on the notion that the individuals are continuously growing. When individuals combine their experiences with the hereditary predispositions they tend to develop strengths as well as development areas. The objective of supervision from this kind of perspective would be to improve along with recognize growth that is required for future. Administration function This could be regarded as the process of getting the work done and maintaining the control of the organization as well as its accountability. When it comes to implementing of the administrative function of supervision, the supervisors usually organizes the work place as well as the organizational together with human resources so as to attain the administrative aims based on the policies and practices of the organization (Payne, 2015). The functions of the supervisor could entail activities such as orientating, planning, delegating, allocating as well as evaluating. These activities usually takes place within the framework of the relationship between the supervisor and social worker along with the relationship between the supervisor and the management of the organization (Payne, 2015). The Kadushins model has been helpful in examining on this function by highlighting how the supervisors could promote and retain the high-quality standards of work, organize on the practice with the poli cies of the administration, and the guarantee of economical and smooth functioning of the workplace. Motivational function Motivation is the essential part of the social work supervision. The supervisor needs to encourage as well as activate the social worker to be able to perform effective together with an efficient services to the clients (Payne, 2015). It is significant for the supervisor to have the knowledge of various theories of motivation that are known in the literature. One of the theories which the supervisor ought to have knowledge with are the physiological (Hawkins Shohet, 2000). The central feature as well as strength of these theories is to identify the basic motivational impact to each individual. It is important to understand that the behavior of all the human beings are usually impacted by the existence of the basic needs so they are determined more to gratify their natural or perhaps their physiological needs (Payne, 2015). The social worker behavior will need to be influenced by various factors and the supervisor should identify them. The supervisors should also relates to the cogni tive theories in order to identify the significance of the conscious along with the rational decision making which is the major factor that influence on the behavior of the social workers. There are various expectations as a student I would like to negotiate with the supervisor when I go for a placement. One would be on the aspect of promoting of the morale. This entails the actions which the supervisor in promoting the positive moral and the job satisfaction. As the supervisor I would like him to provide conductive environment where I can work; this would be through forwarding my grievances as soon as they arise to the relevant department as well as supporting and encouraging me while I work to effectively perform. I would also want that if he could promote cultural supervision aspect. This is all about the cultural accountability as well as cultural development (Beinart, 2014). As a supervisor it is important to ensure that the aspirations of all the cultures are respected as well as explored within the supervisory relationship. It is important for the supervisor to ensure that the services are delivered through culturally responsive, effective as well as practices w hich are accepted. I would expect the supervisor would follow the cultural rituals of engagement and encounter, along with affirming the cultural roles and responsibilities (Beinart, 2014). Another expectation which I would negotiate with the supervisor is the continual learning aspect. This would enable me to increase on the contribution to the company through learning new skills so as to improve the job related knowledge, skills as well as personal adjustment (Tangen Borders, 2016). The supervisor may offer support and offer a suggestion to the management that will offer the learning platform and support. Moreover, the supervisor could also guide me since am new in the organization and become my mentor so that I could learn on various aspect to gain experienced in the duties assigned. There are various factors which will contribute to good supervisory relationship. One of the aspect is the continuous feedback. The component of supervision is significant in the sense that the supervisor providing feedback to the workers which is needed to better on their performance. When the supervisor provides feedback to the employees they will get motivated towards their working performance. Another factor is suitable incentives and environment (Tangen Borders, 2016). The efficiency as well as the capability of an employees could decrease if they are not inspired and encouraged. Through effective supervision, the supervisor could offer incentives and create a work environment that is conducive (Pyhlt, Vekkaila Keskinen, 2015). Another factor is through regular monitoring. This enable the supervisor to evaluate on the performance of the subordinates. This is an important part of supervision since the workers are evaluated and a definite motivating method could be applied (Clif fe, Beinart Cooper, 2016). Nonetheless, there are various skills and knowledge I intend to develop so as to become an effective social practitioner (van, Gulikers, Biemans Mulder, 2017). One of the aspect is the communication skills. Having an effective communication is significant so as to perform on the duties more effectively especially when dealing with the client. Additionally, it is important to develop skills in the human relations (van, Gulikers, Biemans Mulder, 2017). It is important to establish and adopt employee centered approach as the supervisor rather than work centered approach. It is important to always treat the subordinates and the workers as human being along with encouraging them positively (Holloway, 2016). Additionally, I intends to gain the aspect of impartiality when I intends to be open minded and fair when dealing with the day to day issues of the work group. The following highlights an example of a professional feedback I received from my supervisor for missing numerous teams meetings which we usually hold every week on Friday so as to discuss the target we have achieved and new ideas on the way forward (Tangen Borders, 2016). I noticed that you have not shown up for the last two team meetings. I am worried that you missed some significant information. Can we meet so as to discuss what you missed? This feedback clearly highlights that he focused on the behavior rather than me (Brookhart, 2017). On my response towards the supervisor I highlighted the following in our discussion. I did not miss the meeting because I had clients who had asked we discussed on the funding on the project they were undertaking. They wanted to know about the facility we were offering and I had to go to their place of work so as to close on the deals. Components of constructive feedback Focus on the description rather than on the judgment. Highlighting on the behavior is a way to report what has taken place, while judging behavior is the aspect of evaluation of what has taken place whether it is right or bad ( Kleijn, Meijer, Brekelmans Pilot, 2015). When one avoid evaluation language, there is reduction of personal response defensively (Tangen Borders, 2016). Focus on the observation rather than interference: observation highlights what one can see or even hear in regards to individual behavior while interferences highlights the assumptions as well as interpretations one makes from what they see or hear (Holloway, 2016). It is important to focus on what the person did and ones reaction (Beinart, 2014). Focus on the behavior rather than the person. Entails what an individual does rather than what one imagine. Provide a balance of the positive as well as negative feedback: When one consistently provide positive or even negative feedback, individuals will distrust the feedback and it will become useless. It is important to be aware of the overload feedback: it is important for one to select two or three very important point which one want to make and offer feedback in regards to those points (Beinart, 2014). When one is overloaded with the feedback, they will get confused about what needs to be improved or even changed. Conclusion In this research, it has highlighted on the development of a good supervisory practice especially on a practical perspective of a student. It has examined on various tasks such as the main function of supervision in social practice, specific expectations of supervision and the supervisory relationship, and factors contributing to good supervisory relationship. Additionally, it has examined the components of constructive feedback. References Beinart, H. (2014). Building and sustaining the supervisory relationship. The Wiley international handbook of clinical supervision, 255-281. Brookhart, S. M. (2017). How to give effective feedback to your students. ASCD. Carpenter, J., Webb, C., Bostock, L., Coomber, C. (2017). Effective supervision in social work and social care. Health. Cliffe, T., Beinart, H., Cooper, M. (2016). Development and validation of a short version of the Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire. Clinical psychology psychotherapy, 23(1), 77-86. Davys, A. Beddoe, L.(2010). Best practice in Professional Supervision; A guide for the Helping Professions. london; Jessica Kingsley. de Kleijn, R. A., Meijer, P. C., Brekelmans, M., Pilot, A. (2015). Adaptive research supervision: exploring expert thesis supervisors' practical knowledge. Higher Education Research Development, 34(1), 117-130. Hawkins, P., Shohet, R. (2000). Supervision in the Helping Professions ( 2 ed.). Buckingham Philadelphia: Open University Press. Holloway, E. L. (2016). Supervision essentials for a systems approach to supervision. Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association. Kadushin, A., Harkness, D. (2014). Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press. Payne, M. (2015). Modern social work theory. Oxford University Press. Pyhlt, K., Vekkaila, J., Keskinen, J. (2015). Fit matters in the supervisory relationship: doctoral students and supervisors perceptions about the supervisory activities. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52(1), 4-16. Tangen, J. L., Borders, D. (2016). The supervisory relationship: A conceptual and psychometric review of measures. Counselor Education and Supervision, 55(3), 159-181. van Ginkel, S., Gulikers, J., Biemans, H., Mulder, M. (2017). The impact of the feedback source on developing oral presentation competence. Studies in Higher Education, 42(9),1671-1685.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism an Example of the Topic Literature Essays by
Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism: The Stories Construction and Movement Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism are some of the literature movements that occurred and developed from one period to the other. Romanticism emerged the first while Realism exists the second and Modernism is the last among the three. However, these three movements overlapped one another. Even if Realism and Modernism emerged to deconstruct the existence of Romanticism, it still exists within the text of Real and Modern construction of the stories. This paper will tackle the stories where Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism exist. It will also discuss how these movements change the theme of these stories through the development of the characters, conflict, and resolution. From these, the theme of the stories presented in this paper is, Humanity is vain and evil in nature; the world consciously attempts to be good, though it is not. Need essay sample on "Romanticism, Realism, and Modernism" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Undergraduates Usually Tell EssayLab writers: How much do I have to pay someone to write my essay online? Essay writers propose: Help With Essay Writing. Here Is Your Life Vest! Flauberts story entitled A Simple Heart was presented during the Romantic period. Its elements and literary images were depicted as symbolization of love and unselfish construction of being. Felicity was portrayed in this characterization. Through her, Flaubert showed his own way of deconstructing the traditional definition of Romanticism. Though it is a story of love, Flaubert illustrated that passion does not only exists between opposite sexes but also within friendship and family. It was seen that a person does not need to be intellectual to perceive the right kind of love because it is within the persons own acceptance and capability of loving. In the morning, from habit, Felicity went into Virginias room and looked at the walls. She missed not having her hair to comb, her boots to lace, to tuck her in her bedand not seeing continually her pretty face, not having to hold her hand when they went out together (Flaubert). Flaubert also showed in his story how Felicity counterattacks the love of a man towards him. It was seen that men are meant to be liars and egoistic. Flaubert also illustrated how men described women an object of desire and financial stability. However, through the creation of Felicitys love towards the people around her, the author portrayed an unconditional love. Henrik Ibsens story entitled A Dolls House and Cynthia Ozicks story entitled The Shawl are portrayals of Social Realism. These two authors showed in their story the definition and essence of woman in the society. The way the authors illustration of female characters, they emphasized the worth of women in a deprived and oppresses situation. These stories are issues of social construction that was putted into the womens head like a crown a crown of suffering and distress. The theme in these stories showed how the movement of Realism exists within the hands of the society. Because the society dictates that women are always behind men, they should always obey men despite of the odds, infidelities, and deprivations of men towards them. Nora said in Ibsens story, I have waited so patiently for eight years; for, goodness knows, I knew very well that wonderful things dont happen every day. Then this horrible misfortune came upon me, and then I felt quite certain that the wonderful thing was going to happen at last (Ibsen). However, despite of the womens way of characterizing their beings, Ozick showed resolution in her story as what Ibsen has also shown in his story. Nora recalls, She looked like a butterfly touching a silver vine, (Ozick) Even if Noras journey is full of misery and suffering because she had her daughter who could not able to eat and drink that made them weaker each day, she needs to be stronger. She needs to save her children from the march of death. The way she saw her daughter in this kind of beauty, she became stronger as what she needs to be. This is a form of realism that we could not take for granted. Women are always willing to sacrifice for their family. They do not need to be threatened or objected because it is already part of their individuality. Both Ibsen and Ozick wanted to convey the realism of women into the hands of the society. The theme of the stories changed and somehow transformed into a new found resolution because of the context of Realism. Frank Kafkas Metamorphosis and Frederick Douglasss Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave are depictions of modernistic creation. If we look at the generalized perspective, there is no difference between these stories from the ancient narratives of folklores and magical formation. However, the differences that can be seen in these stories are the attacks and symbolizations of the authors. They also used contemporary occurrences and conflicts to balance the story and be found into a modernism influence. Kafkas story is an illustration of family problems and circumstances that exists within because of their own weaknesses and incapability. He really did want to open the door, really did want to let them see him and to speak with the chief clerk; the others were being so insistent, and he was curious to learn what they would say when they caught sight of him. If they were shocked then it would no longer be Gregor's responsibility and he could rest (Kafka). It is part of the Modernism period because it was presented as a cultural crisis that exists and developed into the characters and their environment. Kafka showed that family tradition and culture cannot be taken off despite of the circumstances and unwanted situations that emerged in their lives. It deconstructs the tradition point of view towards the issue of romanticism and realism. Even if Kafka described the main character as an insect, he showed internal crisis that can be seen and felt throughout the narrative. It also consid ers new ideas and rationalization of facts that can be perceived within the environment of the characters. On the other hand, Douglass showed the importance of magic and power in every issue that may occur in every person. He identified his own identity as a symbolization of natural form of institution. Even if he is only a slave, he makes sure that there is a transformation that will emerge in his character at the end of the story. Douglass stated, This battle with Mr. Covey was the turning-point in my career as a slave. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me a sense of my own manhood. It recalled the departed self-confidence, and inspired me again with a determination to be free (Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave). The author has illustrated in his story the crisis in his own personality because of his situation but he made an opposition to the oppressive and divesting situations. Through this, Modernism occurred and influenced the characters and outcome of the stories of Kafka and Douglass. In conclusion to this, it can be said the three major movements made a significant effect to the creation of the stories that were presented in this paper. The theme of the stories is based on the period and movements that exists during their times. However, there are also ways of constituting different attacks and symbolizations to strengthen or weaken the traditional construction of these movements. Works Cited Ibsen, Henrik. (2001). A Dolls House. 19 March 2008. Flaubert, Gustave. (2004). A Simple Heart. 19 March 2008. Kafka, Frank. (2005). Metamorphosis. Douglass, Frederick. (1999). Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Ozick, Cynthia. (2006). The Shawl. 19 March 2008.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Bipolar Issue Paper
Bipolar Issue Paper Bipolar Issue Paper Abstract: Treatment for the Bipolar Disorder patient is one of the complex to accomplish. They have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. This is not only due to their manic and depressive behaviors but the pharmacological treatment they receive. Studies have shown that they receive less screening and treatment for these conditions (2). There seems to be a gap between the mental and physical health care that leads to these comorbidities which can result to premature death for Bipolar patients. Importance of a multidimensional care model for the treatment of a Bipolar Disorder patient especially with any or increased risk for cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. Proper screening, medication reconciliation, and help from many health professionals can help increase their physical health as well as their quality of life. Bipolar Disorder (BD) patients have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. Cardiovascular disease is also the leading cause of premature mortality among individuals with bipolar disorder. These conditions can be worsened by psychiatric symptoms and unhealthy behaviors such as inactivity, overeating and tobacco use (3). Diabetes and CVD are closely linked to one another, therefore a patient would be at risk for one just by having another. BD patients are 30% less likely to receive care for CVD and diabetes and tests for blood glucose and lipid (2). It may be easier to tell if someone is obese but CVD and diabetes do not show symptoms until they have progressed and are commonly known as silent killers. Therefore, detailed screening is important before these diseases cause permanent damage such as a myocardial infarction, kidney damage or even worse death. Individuals with Bipolar Disorder receive fewer prevention interventions and have difficulty implementing lifestyle interventions that can modify risk factors (7). Obesity can be linked to the characteristics of bipolar disorder, su ch as binge eating, sedentary behavior, and treatment non-adherence which stems from the shifting symptoms of mania and depression (1). Bipolar patients are less likely to seek help from their general practitioner because of decreased awareness of cardiovascular risk factors and symptoms (7). In nursing, it is key to educate patients and to never assume what they have been taught before. BD patients are not properly screened or educated just because they have a mental illness. â€Å"Poor quality of medical care for persons with bipolar disorder has also been attributed to the organizational and professional separation of mental and physical health care and to lack of effective self-management strategies that target cardiovascular disease-related risk factors†(1). Bipolar Disorder medications lead to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and patients lack proper screening and treatment for these conditions. CVD and diabetes are twice as prevalent in SMI and are relate d to unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and the use of antipsychotic medications (2). Antipsychotic medications also have adverse effects that contribute to these conditions. These medications can lead to elevated glucose and lipid tests but BD patients are lacking the proper screening to determine these findings (2). â€Å"Atypical antipsychotics, lithium, and other mood stabilizers is postulated as one important determinant of weight gain†(4). As mentioned before, weight gain will lead to obesity which will increase a patient's risk for diabetes and CVD. BD patients are also less likely to be prescribed blood pressure management or cardiovascular medications (7). The effect of not being prescribed these medications could lead to many severe life-threatening conditions, the most serious being death. Lithium is one of the most common drugs prescribed for Bipolar Disorder patients and it has a small therapeutic index which increases the risk of toxicity. When lithium is given with angiotensin converting
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Strategic planning - Research Paper Example Benchmarking b. Knowledge management c. Utilization of general quality management skills VIII. Conclusion a. General Statements about Wal-Mart. b. Strategic Planning Abstract This is an 8 and half pages of in depth evaluation and analysis of Wal-Mart. The paper focuses on a resource based analysis and SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart’s strategic planning. There is also a look at control development and evaluation followed by a discussion of quality management at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart: A Master of Strategic Planning Name: (fill in) Strategic Planning Ashford University Wal-Mart: A Master of Strategic Planning Since its beginnings Wal-Mart has implemented strategic plans and innovative concepts to move to the place of the number one retailer in the world. What has made Wal-Mart a world leader in the retail industry? The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how Wal-Mart’s corporate management has succeeded through innovative strategic planning and implementation of the plans to grow Wal-Mart into a multibillion dollar operation. First section of this paper will contain a brief corporate background, an evaluation of culture and environment, and a resource-view analysis of the corporation will make up the first section of this paper. In section two, a deeper analysis of strategic planning and implementation, leading to the conclusion. Humble Beginnings Wal-Mart was the brainchild of Sam Walton. Sam Walton began Wal-Mart in the 1960’s after he had researched the changes in retail environments across the country. He drafted a plan for deep discounted operation that not only sold a variety of merchandise, but would include a pharmacy. His plan also would expand to include four types of retail stores; discount stores, supercenters, Sam’s clubs and neighborhood markets. Sam Walton opened his first discount store in the Rogers, Arkansas in July 1962. Walton incorporated his stores in 1969 with corporate headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas. In 1970 his corporation went public. (Gamble and Thompson 2011) By this time his company had grown from the one store in the beginning to 38 stores. A short nine years later, in 1979, the company was at 276 stores in 11 states. Culture and Environment The culture that Sam Walton promoted and developed with his company was part of the strategies that lead to his company’s success. Walton’s four core principles for managing are treat employees as partners, build for the future, recognize the road to success includes failing, and involve employees at all levels in the total decision making process. The three basic beliefs that underlie the culture at Wal-Mart are respect for the individual, service for the customers, and strive for excellence. Walton was a hand on manager and has passed this philosophy on to the current CEO of the company. Walton’s legacy is still very present in the way the company handles employees, customers, and expansion. Resource-based Analysis This anal ysis will look at the resources that are unique to Wal-Mart and produce and maintain a competitive edge for the company. Wal-Mart’s most unique resource was the founder Sam Walton and his business philosophy. His willingness in pioneering discount stores in no traditional settings, pioneering just-in-time inventory, online processes with suppliers, maintained corporate offices in a low cost environment, and set an example for others that few have been willing to repeat. (Price 1996) The analysis done shows that as a corporation Wal-Mart demonstrates; a great
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategic Management and Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Strategic Management and Leadership - Assignment Example Its main competitors include Kmart, Targets, and Canada’s The Real Canadian Superstore (Wal-Mart stores Inc. 2014). If we talk about the rationale for growth and the success of the Wall Mart stores then there are many of the indicators which show the real success story of the company. The Wall Mart managers took many of the decisions which are the real cause behind their success and the growing development. These strategies may include the reduction in the intermediaries in its supply chain the direct relationships with the customers can increase the likelihood of development and success. Another strategy is the use of modern technology in its operations and processes, therefore almost every single operation at Wall Mart is now computerized and technology based and thus we can say that this involvement of technology is actually meant for the reduction in costs and also for time saving (Hoskisson, 2014). According to the recent research studies, there are almost 245 million customers who regularly visit Wall Mart stores in nearly 27 countries globally. The annual sales for the last year were appro ximately 473 billion dollars. This number of sales is a sign of popularity and the successful operations of the Wall Mart. Wall Mart is covering at least 25 % market share of the target market as compare to the other competitive stores (Wall Mart Stores Inc. 2014). Conversely, all other operations of the company have been attributed to good management that has put it at the top. Understanding customer needs helps in developing organizational culture that enable organizations develop and maintain competitive advantage (Hoskisson, 2014). Thus, various aspects of management have been documented to contribute to the success of a company. One of the most important reasons behind the success of the Wall Mart is the efficient cost management which helps to support the large network of Wall Mart Stores. Business expansion strategy is another
Monday, November 18, 2019
Relationship between Different Components of an Airport Research Paper
Relationship between Different Components of an Airport - Research Paper Example Landside portion; this portion consists of the arrival and departure enclosures, passenger handling area, baggage handling area, cargo handling, and processing area, retail, and catering area. Landside portion; this portion consists of the arrival and departure enclosures, passenger handling area, baggage handling area, cargo handling, and processing area, retail, and catering area. Airside portion; this portion consists of the runway, taxiway and the area where the aircraft stands before and after takeoff and landing respectively. The above figure shows that an ideal airport should be having one side for its ‘departure’ functions while the other side is kept for ‘arrival’ functions. Both of these converge into the front or the urban access portion for seamless integration. Suppose at present the airport handles 2.5 million passengers and it is being estimated that by 2016 it would have to handle 5 million passengers annually. The airport would h ave to go for expansion in the context of runways, terminals, taxiways, and allied services. The airport is important for the adjoining area from the perspective of economy, business, tourism, and social development. †¢ Points of consideration: Land issues: The existing airport when going for expansion would require a huge amount of land. There could be scientific, social, environmental as well as political issues in the context of acquiring land, which have to be taken into account. Runway-taxiway: Runways and taxiways should ideally run parallel. The dimensions of the former would depend on the number, size, and type of aircraft being handled. The size and dimensions of taxiways would depend on the number of passengers being handled and the probable increase in the number in the future.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Public Relations Theories Study Marketing Essay
Public Relations Theories Study Marketing Essay 1.0 Introduction Public relations have been acknowledged as a powerful tool in commutations for individuals, groups, organizations and nations to achieve their respected purposes. Whether the purpose is for profit or not, public relations process a key stage that conveys messages between different parties. Individuals even see it as imperative aids for career promotion. For the past couple of centuries ¼Ã…’with the development of public relations techniques have become more and more sophisticated and, in a sense, more manipulative, the profession of public relations has become more important accordingly. As scholars, professionals and consultants explore further into this field; as a result, the theories are applied to multiple contemporary circumstances. Today, Public Relations, as a new and ever-improving profession or academic discipline, have taken on formats including, but not limited to, face-to-face and mediated communications to achieve goals for organizations and how strong relationships put these organizations in a strong competitive business position. In this essay, I will discuss how the Public Relations theories are applied in current environments given in the following three cases: The Case of Queensland floods Organization, in which Queensland volunteers, partnered with boutique PR agent Espresso Communications, launches a website to provide timely information for Queenslanders and establishes communications between people who are willing to help and those who need help; The case of Good Returns 100 Women campaign, which the organization uses pro-bono PR to help raise fund and provide microfinance for poor women in South Asia to start their own business and improve livelihood skills; The case of Malaysian Kitchen Food Market. Malaysian Kitchen Food Market introduces a campaign that MATRADE to improve awareness of Malaysian cuisine and restaurants in Australia. The first two are examples of PR practices for nonprofit organizations while the latter is considered a commercial case. In each of the three cases, organizations are creating communication that strengthens relationships of stakeholders to achieve their purposes by utilizing a combination of PR techniques through carefully selected media and detailed implementation plans. 2.0 Theory for Application in Case Analysis In this section, I will analyze and evaluate the role and application of public relations theory and practice in the commercial and public sectors using Grunigs models of PR practice and other models and theories. Based on Grunigs four models of PR practice, the following points are helpful in devising and implementing effective public relations (Harrison, 2011): 1. Press agentry, publicity, propaganda can be used to complete truth but not essential area in One-way, such as sports, theater and marketing promotion etc. 2. Public information can be used for truth important such as readability, readership surveys, government, not-for-profit and organizations etc. 3. Two-way asymmetrical can be used for persuasion, marketing PR and improve acceptance of the message from feedback of receivers. 4. Two-way symmetrical can be used to creates mutual understanding between sender and receivers such as in regulated business and flat-structured companies. 2.1 Dissemination of Public Information In determination of a publics communicative needs, does the public merely need to be provided with information, encouraged to alter a belief or to act on an issue, or sent feedbacks? Basic public relations activities are relatively simple and require only modest tools simple press release, work with the media, assemble a press kit and coordinate a press event. Development of these skills will enable nonprofit managers to accomplish key goals of increased awareness for fundraising events, volunteer opportunities and organizational programs, products or services. In the case of Queensland Floods, the first and foremost object for this nonprofit organization is to provide information for the people needed help in a timely manner. Public information display is the objective. Traditional media and new media are both used. Social media, relatively new channels, this is more like one-way information. While in the case of Malaysian, this organization tries to persuade receivers` perception on Malaysian food in order to shift their consumer behavior to make more benefit to the Malaysian restaurants. Many traditional media are interactional campaigns are held to support. While in the case of Good Returns 100 Women campaign, this is also a nonprofit organization used multiple media and Internet to disseminate the information of a campaign in order to get build high awareness of the organization. It spread their activities strategically instead of focusing on a single media, and builds a movement through convening discussion, stimulating online dialogu e, generating word of mouth and media coverage about the campaign. 2.2 Choice of symmetrical or asymmetrical communication determines whether to use one-way or two-way communication to enact the informative, persuasive message. The primary issue to consider is whether the method of communication should be in the organizations best interest or the publics best interest. The choice of symmetrical or asymmetrical communication should be based on whether the selection ultimately benefits the organization, the publics, or the dominant coalition. Ideally, the choice will result in a win-win position. For example, in the case of Good Return Women, the choice of Two-way symmetrical communication works both in the benefits of the organization itself. In the case of Queensland Floods, this is a campaign using two-way symmetrical model to generate media buzz. Constant dialogue with key team members to ensure messages were consistent and all parties kept informed with the status of the campaign and Liaise with numerous local government bodies and the QLD Local Government Association to ensure that we had a full understanding of how we could best communicate with those affected evidence this PR model that is more likely to change the other parties attitude and behavior. An interact platform has been created for stakeholders, volunteers and victims of the flood in this case, before a research for receiving the details of flood variety and communication with QLD Local Government Association has been done. Research is an imperative stage for two-way model (Harrision, 2011). Media effects theories has been seen in this in Communication Strategy in this case. The model illustrates the process of steps from people receiving message to taki ng action. At first, people get the persuasive message from the media and pay attention to the message. Understanding of the situation caused by flooding convinced receivers and swayed their attitudes, thus eventually led to actual actions. Also this case combined the Situational theory of public, during the communication process. Receivers realize the problems come, and then they probably start to think about it and what to do with it. High importance of the problem will cause high level of involvement, and subsequently receivers will be driven by the recognition to deal with it. 2.3 Multiple Messages Dissemination Publics may hold many different opinions about an organization based on the fact that the individuals that comprise a public do not have a static perception of the organization. That is, individual perceptions of an organization vary based on their interactional history with the organization. Therefore, multiple messages must be disseminated to accomplish the varying communicative needs of publics. 2.4 Relationships with stakeholders Corporate Responsibilities Management of publics should be seen as an opportunity to build or maintain relationships with stakeholders. Promoting issues of importance to a public is a good way to build coalitions, reach out to the media, and make connections with individuals of influence or those who may be interested in becoming involved with the organization. This campaign launcher plays as a not for profit organization also take high Corporate social responsibility on this campaign. We can see the evidence from the result of this campaign. The Australian, Kindness helps combat miseryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ ABC Brisbane, Website organizes beds for homeless flood victims Brisbane Times, Make us your home page Courier Mail, Site helps flood homeless Brisbane Times, Hunt for Missing flood victims online The case of Good 100 Women is a good example of PR practice for worthwhile non-profit organizations with very limited or no budget for public relations. With the help of Porter Novelli, an inexpensive public relations program and a most cost effective way to promote its services was created. 2.5 Implementation How these three cases implemented their PR practices by comparing plans. In the case of MATRADE, the campaign successfully increased popularity and established a clear definition of Malaysian food to the mind of Australians. As a commercial PR campaign, the practice and implementation is quite different from that of the Queensland Flood or the Good Return. It is important to underscore the connection between the public relations strategy and the organizational mission. Assess your public relations needs and tailor your plan accordingly. The PR practice generally follows an AWARENESS-INTEREST-DESIRE-ACTION model. First, partnering with Pulse, MATRADE found out the target audiencesnot just the Malaysian population in Australia, but also consumers in a broader meaning. By carefully implemented to showcase Malaysian cuisine to traditional and social media, social media though achieve its goal to increase awareness of Malaysian cuisine and thus increase footfall to Malaysian restaurants. Desire was created and consumer took actions-they made their purchase decisions. The results of the campaign were obvious: Malaysian restaurants experienced an increase in sales of approximately 30 per cent. 3.0 Ethical and Risk Issues relevant to these Public Relations Practices Corporate social responsibility is an important work for a Corporation or organization with long-term development, although people think that the responsibilities to public should be taken by government or country. However, to gain extension of a company who has already operated for many years, corporate social responsibility will be a key to increase the values. Corporate social responsibility does as no specific standard or rulers; it can be a philosophy notion. When a company starts to perform its business base on social responsibility, all of the management will be different. This attributes that ethic will be taken in high priority than profits, as well as high profile services for customers, as products are responsible for society. As a result, the company business is a social mission. If a company is lack of this responsibility, staffs find no honor and work holding no meaning. 4.0 Conclusion Public relations, after all is the process to draw on the most relevant theories and principles to help an organization to communicate betterbe it for commercial or nonprofit organizations. (Bernays, 1952) Public relations is not just a one-way street that only deliver message from one party to another, but a two-way street where leadership and the public find common purpose with each other and in which objectives and goals are predicted on the coincidence of public and private interest. (Grunig, 1984) Public relations practice is a channel to convey messages by persuading specific audiences to achieve successful professional performance, whether for commercial or nonprofit organizations. Its a set of actions to achieve desired outcomes based on research and strategies. However, sometimes dissonance between audience and group of stakeholders will be created when the interests of audiences and stakeholders are different on public relations. And given the rise of influence of stakehold ers on decisions, values, beliefs, policies and management of organizations, it is important to maintain effective stakeholders relationships and cater for the needs of different parties.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Saving The World :: essays research papers
Is it too late to save the world? Probably not! Perhaps the real question should be if society will actually do something about it or not. Perhaps the world leaders are more interested in money than the welfare of the environment. Money makes the world go round, this could be true from an economical point of view but from the environmental aspect money is being fed into the wrong areas and screeching the world to a halt. The world should be putting plans into action at this stage in the earths rescue. Instead scientists are still trying to ‘understand’ what is going on. This is just taking up more and more time, leaving the earth to rot as they do their ‘research.’ There are many different ways that we as the earths population are destroying the environment. For example, the tall cooling towers used by industries. They do not remove pollutants but simply push them higher into the atmosphere, in this way they reduce their concentration at that particular area. The pollutants may then travel over large distances and produce negative effects in areas far away from the original site. This is only one example of how we are destroying the environment. Power stations are another source. These power stations make use of the cooling towers mentioned earlier, they also emit poisonous gasses such as some nitrogen oxides and probably more dangerous, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). What are the consequences of this pollution? We have all heard about the hole in the ozone layer, global warming or even the famous armageggon. These are more drastic examples, why not look at some cases that have already happened. For instance acid rain is a regular occurrence all around the world.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan Essay
Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure Issue Identification The Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan (OTPP) is a defined contribution plan that was created in 1917 to provide and administer a pension plan for Ontario school teachers. Sponsored by the Ontario Government and the Ontario Teacher’s Federation, the plan currently supports 343,000 teachers, former teachers and pensioners. The recent government decision to eliminate the 30% constraint on foreign investments and the increased volatility in the currency market has prompted the OTPP Investment Committee to address the following: 1. Whether to continue the International Equity Swap Program 2. Whether to administer changes to the Foreign Exchange Hedging Policy Goals and Objectives In order to come to a decision, it is necessary that any solution put forth must align with the goals and objectives of the fund. OTPP is a long-term fund determined to minimize risk, costs and the additional contributions required to fund the plan while maximizing its returns. OTPP Investment Strategy In the early 1990’s the OTPP board realized that it was essential to begin investing abroad to diversify risk and to capitalize on international opportunities to achieve greater returns, given the size of the fund. However, it was not until 1996 that the Foreign Exchange Hedge Program (FX Hedge Program) was implemented in response to a significant rise in currency exposure. As the fund faced increased foreign currency risk, risk management became essential and thus, a hedging policy of 50% of its foreign currency exposure was introduced. Due to the fact that OTPP has a continual commitment in supporting its pensioners, it must expose itself to limited risk and effectively hedge against any unexpected changes in its investments. Hence, a conservative policy of hedging 50% of foreign exchange exposure was enforced. Additionally, the International Equity Swap Program (IE Swap Program) was implemented as a solution to the government restriction of 30% ownership of foreign investments. Since most assets were tied up in non-marketable Ontario Debentures, a swap program enabled OTPP to reallocate its assets. OTPP Performance Evaluation The strategic decision to diversify beyond Canada and into global markets has proved to be beneficial to the OTPP investment portfolio. It has contributed substantial value to the fund over the 10 year period (1995-2005) by reducing potential losses, since five of the six foreign currencies appreciated against the Canadian dollar. For the past 15 years, OTPP investments have also consistently outperformed the benchmark rate of returns, generating a 10-year average rate of return of 11. 4% and a gross return of $15. billion over benchmark returns. Despite the portfolio’s negative rate of returns in 2001-2002, it has still produced considerable investment growth in relation to the benchmark, demonstrating the strength of OTPP’s investment policies in risk management. However, since interest rates have declined by approximately 3% (1990-2004), the value of the pension fund has increased. This has resulted in larger amount of payments made to pen sioners. Additionally, the demographics of the OTPP plan membership have changed significantly over the past 30 years. The ratio of active members per retiree has decreased from 10:1 in the 1970s to the present ratio of 1. 6:1. Moreover, the expected years retirees rely on the pension have also increased to 29 years. All these factors have exerted a great deal of pressure on the pension plan to sustain its funding with contributions from fewer working teachers. With the foreign currency market being increasingly volatile, OTPP is concerned regarding its future ability to support pension payments. Decision Criteria The Investment Committee must consider the following criteria when deciding whether to implement changes to the International Equity Swap Program and Foreign Exchange Hedging Policy: the fund’s exposure to foreign exchange risk, transaction costs, and an alignment of goals and objectives of the fund. Alternative: Although OTPP has performed well in the past, the future outlook of the pension plan remains uncertain. Therefore, OTPP has four alternatives to the future direction of the fund. OTPP can continue or discontinue the IE Swap Program and maintain or revise the current 50% FX Hedge Policy. Continue/Discontinue the Swap Program Previously, the swap program was used as a means to bypass the government restriction on foreign investment. With the regulation being lifted, OTPP has to now evaluate whether the swap program remains necessary. The program has allowed OTPP to reallocate their assets cost-effectively as it eliminates OTPP’s cost of transacting directly in foreign exchange market. Moreover, since OTPP does not gain ownership of the securities, it has reduced the amount of cash required and limited its risk by transferring the risk to counter-parties (UBS, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, etc. ).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Find Out Where Killer Whales Live
Find Out Where Killer Whales Live Despite their prevalence in marine parks such as SeaWorld, killer whales (otherwise known as orcas) are a wide-ranging cetacean species in the wild. Learn more about where killer whales live and how they survive. Killer whales are found in all of the worlds oceans. In fact, the Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals states that they are second only to humans as the most widely distributed mammal in the world. You can see a killer whale range map on the IUCN site. These animals seem to prefer cooler waters, but may be found from warm waters around the Equator to polar waters. Orcas may enter semi-enclosed seas, river mouths, and ice-riddled areas, in addition to inhabiting waters far out in the open ocean.You may think they only live in deep oceans, but populations have been recorded living for longer periods of time in only a few meters of water. The question of where killer whales live is complicated by the fact that there is disagreement over how many species of killer whales there are. Studies on killer whale genetics, physical appearance, diet, and vocalizations have led scientists to believe that there are more than one species (or at least subspecies) of killer whales (you can see a great illustration of the different types of killer whales). Once this question is answered, the habitat for various species may become more defined. SeaWorld notes that there are a few different types of Antarctic killer whales in different regions: Type A killer whales live offshore in water that does not include ice.Type B orcas live in inshore waters of Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula; large type B near the pack ice; and small type B venture out to more open waters.Type C killer whales inhabit inshore waters and pack ice. They are most commonly found in the eastern Antarctic.Type D orcas reside in deep, subantarctic waters. The whales move around and can migrate based on where their prey goes. Where Orcas Live Areas where killer whales have been well-studied include: The Southern Ocean around AntarcticaThe Pacific Northwest (where salmon-eating resident orcas, mammal-eating transient orcas, and shark-eating offshore orcas have been identified)AlaskaNorth Atlantic Ocean (Norway, Iceland, Scotland and the Strait of Gibraltar)On more rare occasions they have been seen in waters off of the Bahamas, Florida, Hawaii, Australia, the Galapagos Islands, the Gulf of Mexico, New Zealand, and South Africa.Rarely, they have been seen in freshwater locations. Killer Whale Living Relationships Within the populations of killer whales in various areas, there may be pods and clans. Pods are long-term units made up of males, females, and calves. Within the pods, there are smaller units called maternal groups, consisting of mothers and their offspring. Above the pods in the social structure are clans. These are groups of pods that associate over time and may be related to each other. Want to see killer whales in the wild? You can get a list of whale watching sites around the world, many of which offer the opportunity to see killer whales.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Conductivity Prac essays
Conductivity Prac essays Aim: To investigate the electrical conductivities of metallic, ionic, covalent molecular and covalent network substances when in the solid, liquid, and solution phases. Substance Solid (Class) Molten Solution Lithium Chloride X Probably Ionic X Tick ( ): shows conductivity (more than one shows more conductivity) The Zinc, Tine and Copper all conducted electricity and the bond is known as a Metallic Bond. There is a cloud of elections moving freely so it enables metals to be good conductors. Most metals are shiny and quite hard. An Ionic substance such as Potassium Chloride and Lithium Chloride do not conduct electricity in solid form but conducts when combined with H2O. When Ionic is in solid form most have a firm and secure bond but when combined with H2O the bond is worst. Therefore the separated substances can conduct electricity. A Covalent bond such as Ethanol, Glucose, Sucrose and Graphite generally do not conduct but in some cases they can. For example Graphite can conduct electricity because it has a free electron. We can see that all the metallic substances conducted electricity quite well. The Ionic Substances however did not conduct in a solid form but it did conduct in water and we can assume it happened because of flux. On the other hand the covalent substance did not conduct in liquid or solid form or in H2O. Graphite is a non-metallic and is not an Ionic bond however it still conducts electricity. This happens because of the free electron Graphite ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Balanaced Scorecard and Performance Measurements Case Study
Balanaced Scorecard and Performance Measurements - Case Study Example 2007). The scorecard is effectively utilised in measuring the utilisation of resources in seeking to achieve the objectives stipulated within the context of the organisational vision and mission statement. The balanced scorecard for Otago Museum makes consideration of the companys objectives as compared to the various stakeholders within the organisational structure. The various stakeholders within the organisation need to be able to measure the performance in relation to the objectives of the organisation. As a non-profit organisation, effective functioning of the internal systems is essential in ensuring the stakeholders are focused in performing their responsibilities within the organisation. A consideration of the organisational vision enabled transformation of the objectives into operational goals, which become the fundamental responsibilities for the various stakeholders. The understanding of their responsibilities enables the stakeholders to identify instances when operations are not within the desired outcomes. This enables the stakeholders to adopt measures for making corrections in seeking to ensure the operations remain within the expected standards. These are the stakeholders who have continuously ensured the organisation remains operational. Their fundamental function is the coordination of resources towards achieving the identified outcomes of the organisation. These individuals are involved in the development of the organisational strategies in seeking to ensure delivery of the strategic objectives. Many of the developed strategies remain based on the organisational objectives, which are derived from the vision. The management functions and leadership provided by these stakeholders has remained fundamental in ensuring continued operation of Otago. These stakeholders need to be constantly informed about the modern trends within the business in order to integrate them within the context of Otago operations. The strategic
Friday, November 1, 2019
Expression of Political Thoughts in Latin American Cinema 1980s Article
Expression of Political Thoughts in Latin American Cinema 1980s - Article Example The filmmakers of that era proficiently employed their skills and creative capabilities to reveal huge issues in front of the masses using examples of different individuals and their lives (Wilson, p127). For instance, the official story (1985) tells about the miseries of people that were taken away from their homes during the Dirty War took place in Argentine. Romero (1989), on the other hands, tells how the authorities use to brutally deal with the people who publicly talk against their unfair acts. In the same way, Missing (1982) tells the story of American journalist disappeared during the Chilean cope of 1973 in order to refer the prodigious missing of people during the war. These films are based on different situations and stories, however; the common theme among these movies is the portrayal of true incidents took place during the war and political turmoil in Latin America during the 1980s. â€Å"The official story†was directed by Luis Puenzo in 1985 that basically tells the tale of a woman’s odyssey from complacency to political awareness. It was produced after the demise of the regime of the last dictator of Argentine General Galteiri in 1983. The movie is based upon real events occurred in Argentina during the late 1970s and 1980s, collectively referred to as Dirty war. The movie describes the real political incidents took place in 1976 when the Jorge Rafael Videla reactionary military known as â€Å"junta†came into power in Argentine. The Junta rule suspended the parliament, unions and political parties. The dictator rule initiated the Dirty War during which thousands of people were exiled from their homes. The movie highlights the issue of the disappeared people and tells about the repression and torture being experienced by the people of Argentina at that time. In the movie, Norma Aleandro played the role of high school teacher Alicia that lives with her husband Roberto who was a wealthy businessman and lawyer and uses to remain engaged with the government. The couple adopted a little girl named Gaby from the political prisons and after some years Alicia became inquisitive to know about the parents of her adopted daughter.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Business Model of Cooper & Stollbrand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Model of Cooper & Stollbrand - Essay Example Business Model of Cooper & Stollbrand This essay is based on the video as seen on Channel 4 depicting how the factory is run and how this small company is sending across a big message that manufacturing in England is not dead as yet. Business Model The existing trend in the market is manufacture in huge quantities, utilize economies of scale and sell cheaper. Turn over is the key for most of the companies to make money. For costlier brands, its not turnover so much, as much as its about manufacturing cost. They prefer to get it produced outside England as labor is pretty cheap in third world countries. But as heard from the Managing Director, Eden, its not about mass production. If the quality is right and the approach is right, one can manufacture products locally and still have a good margin on it. Company is able to manufacture for top brands like Quba & Co., Topshop and Selfridges credit of which to an extent goes to the current business model as follows Sourcing Raw Materials Everything from machines to mats, needle s to nozzles and fabric to fittings are sourced locally from the UK. This saves time in its delivery, saves on transport cost and is local which supports local industry. Labor All of the staff of Cooper & Stollbrand is local ladies who have been working in the industry for decades. They are dedicated and passionate about the manufacturing of products in UK. They are highly skilled and are very reliable when it comes to delivering results. There are young polish, Pakistani and afghanistani ladies who have joined the team and are happy working here. Processes The processes of production are well managed by supervisors and management team. There is a clear demarcation in job roles of machinists, supervisors and quality control and management which makes the hierarchy small and manageable. Supervisors ensure that stuff is cut much ahead of stitching so the machinists know what coming and how much is left. Positioning of the company and its products If you note, throughout the video mach inists are working on high profile coats which will be sold in posh central London stores with a pricey tag. Topshop coats retail at around ?175, and order is significantly small at 325 coats in 3 days. 50 Quba & Co. coats are to be prepared in a short period which will retail at ?500. The positioning of the company is that it is able to produce highest quality of garments, which are produced locally. There is a new awakening among British consumers to buy stuff ‘made in England’ to support local industry. Since most of the corporate customers are high end retail stores, the no. of pieces they would order would be small and hence manageable by Cooper & Stollbrand. Such quick delivery, high quality and cost effectiveness cannot be provided by manufacturing units in India or China. It will not be cost effective for the buyers either to order as the quantities are far too less for it to be ordered from other countries. Staff management / HR Staff is extremely happy and sat isfied with what they are doing. A happy team of staff members would be less demanding, will work at reasonable pay and work hard to meet set delivery targets. This gives Cooper & Stollbrand a unique edge which other manufacturers might not have. Secondly the staff members are paid on number of pieces they delivery subject to stringent quality checks. This ensure that the staff members are quick in producing the garment so that they earn more money, and the co. is able to deliver on time.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Rate of cooling Essay Example for Free
Rate of cooling Essay The problem for this experiment is to investigate the rate of cooling in three different types of cups. They will be used as typical coffee cups for commercial purposes. The cups a polystyrene cup, a paper cup and a plastic cup. Water has a high specific heat capacity. This makes it a very useful material for storing and carrying heat energy. Its heat capacity is 4200 joules per kilogram per i C (4200J/kg i C). Heat tends to flow away from a hotter object to a cooler surroundings. Heat is mainly lost I conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation. For this experiment I will be only using convection, radiation, evaporation because conduction is mainly in solids. Convection Convection mainly occurs in gasses and liquids gases and liquids are very poor conductors so convection is usually dominant process. When convection cant occur, the heat transfer by conduction is very slow. Convection only occurs when the more energetic particles move from hotter region to a cooler region and take their heat energy with them. Convection doesnt happen in solids because there are no particles movement. Radiation Radiation travels through anything transparent. Heat radiation is given out by anything warm or hot. The amount of it that is absorbed or released depends on the colour and texture of the material. Heat radiation is also called infra-red radiation. It consists purely of electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. All objects continually absorb and release heat radiation. The hotter the object the more heat radiation it release. Dark surfaces absorb more heat radiation than bright surfaces. Silver surfaces reflect nearly all heat radiation falling on them. Evaporation Evaporation is when water vanishes without boiling it to change into gas. This is because some liquid molecules move faster than others and the ones close to the surface may escape and form a gas. Variables These are things that may change during an experiment The independent variable: These are things that I will decide to change e. g. the material of the cup, replacing equipment. The dependent variable: This is the measurement that is effected by the independent variable e. g. the rate of cooling. The control variable: These are the things that I will try to keep the same so I can make sure that its a fair test e. g. volume of water, room temperature, size of the cups etc. Hypothesis I predict that the polystyrene cup would cool down the slowest because it has thick walls and when you go to restaurants and ask for a hot drink they give it in polystyrene cup. I think the paper cup will cool down the quickest because its made out of paper and paper has thin walls and it absorbs water.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Galileo Galilei founder Of Modern Experimental Science :: essays research papers
Galileo Galilei "founder of modern experimental science" Galileo Galilei was one of the most remarkable scientists ever. He discovered many new ideas and theories and introduced them to mankind. Galileo helped society as an Italian astronomer and physicist, but how did he come to be such a great and well-known scientist? It took hard work and patience.... Galileo was born during the renaissance in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. He was raised by his mom, Giulia Ammanati, and his dad, Vincenzo Galilei. His family had enough money for school, but they were not rich. When he was about seven years old, his family moved to Florence where he started his education. In 1581, his father sent him to the University of Pisa because he thought his son should be a doctor. For four years, he studied medicine and the different theories of the scientist Aristotle. He was not interested in medicine, but soon he became interested in math. In 1585, he convinced his father to let him leave the school without a degree. Galileo was a math tutor for the next four years in Florence. He spent a lot of the four years studying the scientific thoughts and philosophies of Aristotle. He also invented an instrument that could find the gravity of objects. This instrument, called a hydrostatic balance, was used by weighing the objects in water. Galileo returned to Pisa in 1589 and became a professor in math. He taught courses in astronomy at the University of Pisa, based on Ptolemy's theory that the sun and all of the planets move around the earth. Teaching these courses, he became more understanding of astronomy. In 1592, the University of Padua gave him a professorship in math. He stayed at that school for eighteen years. He learned and believed Nicolaus Copernicus's theory that all of the planets move around the sun, made a mechanical tool called a sector, explained the tides based on Copernican theory of motion of earth, found that the Milky Way was made up of many stars, and told people that machines cannot create power, they can only change it.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Characteristics of a Typical Western :: Film, Media, movies, Film Analysis
A typical Western would usually be set in the late 19th century in the mid-west of America in a remote town. The town is usually small, lonely and unwelcoming. Typically a western set looks like it is in the middle of a desert with sand, cacti and tumbleweed which gives a desert look, there are usually never any lakes or rivers around these features make the place look really hot and deserted. The buildings are generally timber board houses with swinging doors and outside the buildings are places to keep their horses, there is also always a General Store and a Saloon. Horses and carriages and cattle are used to give a western feel. The cowboys are typically dressed in western style clothing for example they wear simple shirts and jeans they may also wear ponchos, waist coats, hats, boots with spurs, guns and a belt to hold the gun and bullets, Hero's tend to wear lighter clothing and the villain’s tend to wear darker clothing. The storyline is normally about a hero who comes to a town to bring peace and drive the villains out. A hero is usually seen as a vigilante as he is not told to come to help but does anyway. The hero often appears as a quiet, secretive, mysterious person who may make the audience admire him one minute and dislike him the next, he is also a very smart, cunning and adaptable which are all good values in a hero. The villain is usually fixed to one idea he thinks it is a smart cunning person but in the end is always defeated. Many scenes are set around the Saloon (bar) and there is quite often a romance involved with the hero and a local girl, the villain competing for her affections! There are two different types of villains in typical westerns Native Americans and white villains (cowboys). Westerns are split down into sub genres for example classical westerns like "The Great Train Robbery" but there are also other western genres like revisionist westerns. Revisionist westerns occurred after the early 1960's, American film-makers began to change many traditional elements of Westerns. One major change was the increasingly positive representation of Native Americans who had been treated as "savages" in earlier films. Another example is Spaghetti westerns, Spaghetti westerns first came during the 1960's and 1970's, The changes were a new European, larger-than-life visual style, a harsher, more violent depiction of frontier life, choreographed gunfights and wide-screen close-ups.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human Resources in Riordan Manufacturing Essay
When people think of the responsibilities of a human resources department, they may say they are responsible for the hiring and firing of employees. The truth of the matter is that a human resources management is responsible for much more than just hiring and firing. The human resources management is responsible for hiring qualified people, training employees to do their jobs according to company policies, motivate their employees and be able to support productive employees. Riordan Manufacturing has a good human resources department, which maintains an innovative and team-oriented work environment. Riordan Manufacturing mainly recruits employees outside the company via entry –level positions. There is also an internal job posting for employees to take advantage of new job opportunities. The method Riordan Manufacturing uses to recruit qualified employees is through online advertisements via, local newspapers, employee referrals, temp agencies, and job conferences. The plant in China uses contract workers for engineering, and IT positions. Riordan Manufacturing seeks qualified people for jobs, but the company does not conduct reference test as well as drug testing of potential employees. When concerning training and development, Riordan Manufacturing has a mandatory training program for employees within their 90 days of hire. New employees have to attend orientation on their first day on the job. For production and shipping and quality employees, they have to go through Six Sigma training. New supervisors are required to go through training workshops within 12 months of becoming a supervisor. Such workshops include interviewing guidelines, preventing EEO claims as well as workplace sexual harassment, and finally performance reviews. Riordan Manufacturing also has incentive programs for outstanding employees. There are three types of programs Riordan Manufacturing use to recognize outstanding employees. 1. Outstanding Employee Award 2. Employee Suggestion Program 3. Seniority Awards Riordan Manufacturing HR system Riordan Manufacturing implemented it’s HRIS (Human Resource Information Systems) in 1992. This system manages employee information such as the following: 1. Personal information 2. Pay rate 3. Personal exemptions for tax purposes 4. Hire dates 5. Seniority date 6. Organizational information 7. Vacation hours If an employee has to make any changes to his or her information, he or she has to submit it in writing on a special form. That information is entered later by a payroll clerk. The training and development specialist kept track of training and development records via Excel worksheets. In order for recruiters to maintain applicant’s information, all resumes are filed in a central storage area and are track via an Excel spreadsheet. Riordan Manufacturing employs a third party provider to keep track of workers’ compensation. Individual managers keep track of employee’s files and are also responsible for tacking FMLA absences as well as requests for accommodation. A compensation manager keeps results of job analyses, salary surveys and individual compensation decisions via Excel spreadsheet. Complaints, grievances, harassment complaints, as well as ethical issues are managed and tracked by employee relations specialists. HR Needed Systems Riordan Manufacturing’s current HRIS needs an up-to-date face lift. Instead of having different individuals managing employee’s vital information, Riordan Manufacturing needs to invest in human resources software. Implementing the software would increase the efficiency of their current HRIS. It would ease the burden of keeping track of all the employees’ information. References University of Phoenix (2012). Riordan Manufacturing Virtual Organization. Retrieved from BSA/500 – Business Systems II course website.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Egg Donars
â€Å"Eggs for Sale†is an engrossing look into an area of our current society in which we must carefully tread. The ethical waters of egg donation and the various ways of profiting from it are muddy indeed, and so we should take care not to create any positions that we think are necessary to â€Å"force†onto anyone. When that happens, the entire question and point are lost and we are left needlessly bickering over matters of trivial concern without any purpose. Probably the trickiest area of this whole concept is the ethical aspects of it. Is it all right for egg donation centers to be so brazen as to advertise in movie theaters, asking the audience to call 1-877-Babymakers as if they were calling a car rental agency? Doesn’t it make the people at the ad agency slightly queasy to be sending out chocolate eggs to potential clients? At least one center does not attempt to be cute or pandering with any â€Å"Give the gift of life slogans,†as they advertise the pure profit to be had in harvesting a woman’s ovaries: â€Å"Pay your tuition with eggs.†(Mead #) This is why an increasing number of college students do just that, including the story at the beginning of â€Å"Eggs for Sale,†about a girl named â€Å"Cindy Schiller.†Cindy is a left-wing student at Columbia University Law School in New York City. She is passionate about a number of causes, but it seems the thing she is most interested in doing is selling her eggs. She does have a number of political objections to the idea of egg donation, namely that she thinks she is assisting a â€Å"white supremacist system.†(Mead #) However, all of these high-minded oppositions to the side effects of what she happens to do cease to matter when she gets paid. In fact, at the end of the first section of â€Å"Eggs for Sale,†she is pretty excited to find out some desperate couples are willing to pay five thousand dollars for her services. Strangely enough, she also gives the impre... Free Essays on Egg Donars Free Essays on Egg Donars â€Å"Eggs for Sale†is an engrossing look into an area of our current society in which we must carefully tread. The ethical waters of egg donation and the various ways of profiting from it are muddy indeed, and so we should take care not to create any positions that we think are necessary to â€Å"force†onto anyone. When that happens, the entire question and point are lost and we are left needlessly bickering over matters of trivial concern without any purpose. Probably the trickiest area of this whole concept is the ethical aspects of it. Is it all right for egg donation centers to be so brazen as to advertise in movie theaters, asking the audience to call 1-877-Babymakers as if they were calling a car rental agency? Doesn’t it make the people at the ad agency slightly queasy to be sending out chocolate eggs to potential clients? At least one center does not attempt to be cute or pandering with any â€Å"Give the gift of life slogans,†as they advertise the pure profit to be had in harvesting a woman’s ovaries: â€Å"Pay your tuition with eggs.†(Mead #) This is why an increasing number of college students do just that, including the story at the beginning of â€Å"Eggs for Sale,†about a girl named â€Å"Cindy Schiller.†Cindy is a left-wing student at Columbia University Law School in New York City. She is passionate about a number of causes, but it seems the thing she is most interested in doing is selling her eggs. She does have a number of political objections to the idea of egg donation, namely that she thinks she is assisting a â€Å"white supremacist system.†(Mead #) However, all of these high-minded oppositions to the side effects of what she happens to do cease to matter when she gets paid. In fact, at the end of the first section of â€Å"Eggs for Sale,†she is pretty excited to find out some desperate couples are willing to pay five thousand dollars for her services. Strangely enough, she also gives the impre...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Panama Canal Essay
The Panama Canal Essay The Panama Canal Essay Example Essay on The Panama Canal: The Panama Canal is an international waterway that stretches up to 50 miles connecting two large water bodies namely the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. The record of Panama Canal dates back in 16th century. The water way has since simplified the passage of ships between these two water bodies cutting across the Isthmus of Panama. Since 1819, the Panama Canal has been a property of Colombia until 1903. The United States of America successfully conducted the construction of the canal between 1904 and 1914 as a result of gold discovered in California in 1848. The construction of the canal was important to reduce time and distance traveled between Pacific and the Atlantic. The initial inhabitants of the canal were Indians and U.S citizens. History states that, in 1869, the French government had attempted to construct the canal after the Suez Canal’s construction was completed; that inspired them but failed. The French had first undertaken a project to create the Suez Canal; a pr oject that was successfully completed without much struggle. This motivated the French to rush into starting the construction of the Panama Canal. This canal was not as easy as Suez Canal because the French did not have appropriate procedures and equipments. Hence, France wasted millions of dollars, and still failed due to factors beyond their control. Before the Canal was built, ships used to travel double the distance through Cape Horn. This was the largest engineering project to be undertaken and successfully completed despite the failure by the French. In present day, the canal plays the role of a commercial venture as well as a link in world shipping (DuTemple 32). Ever since its completion, the canal has seen an increase in ship traffic from 1,000 ships in 1914 to 14,000 in 2008, and approximately 825,000 ships have traveled the canal. Civil engineers of the American society have termed it as one of the wonders of the present world. Although the Panama holds an economic advantage, it has a major disadvantage; large ships such as military battleships, large oil tankers and aircraft carriers cannot pass through the Canal due to its limited size. Fortunately, a 5.2 billion dollar project is underway to be completed in 2014 that aims at expanding the Panama Canal to accommodate much larger ships (Jeong Crittenden and Xu 4). The French failure to construct the canal was based on several challenges. The French had a faulty project that did not take care of basic issues such as the rivers that flooded the canal that would turn constructions difficult. In this project, the French engineers overestimated the time taken to complete as eight years as opposed to ten years for Suez Canal. At the end of the ten years, completion was not in sight, and in fact, abandonment was the decision being considered. Accidents and infirmities exemplified by malaria, as well as yellow fever, claimed approximately 20,000 lives of canal builders. The diseases were rampant because the canal runs through the Panamanian jungle that is infested with dangerous insects like mosquitoes (DuTemple 37). The role that the mosquitoes played in transmitting malaria was not known by then hence high death rate recorded. This was the most serious challenge that made the French quit the project. The mosquito elimination project included identifying and separating patients suffering from different diseases. Burning of sulphur and pyrethrum proved to be effective in eradicating mosquitoes. In addition, the French did not have the right equipment for the heavy-duty job, as the area is volcanic in nature having been constituted of rocky surfaces. The attempt by the French started in the year 1882 with 20,000 men at work and ended in 1892. In 1892, France hired another company to undertake the project but still failed although the second company had good strategies that assisted the U.S in completing the task. Consequently, the French endeavors went bankrupt as a result of loss of experienced people; thus, abandoning the project immediately after nine years of work. Other contributors of failur e include mismanagement of funds and political fraud. Surprisingly, the work completed assisted Americans in completing the task despite the fact that America had an upper hand due to the advancement of technology (Haskin 4). The construction of the canal was negatively influenced by insufficient skills in engineering, organization and sanitation problems. The Victorious Conclusion of the project was due to engineering skills of men like John F. Stephens and health solutions by William C. Gorgas. However, people with such knowledge were few; this slowed the procedures down as few men had knowledge of administration. Other engineering challenges encountered included the amount of digging required, constructing the biggest gates of the time and creating the biggest dam of the time (DuTemple 43). The French design of the Canal had shortcomings like failure to address flooding from river Chagres that restrained construction process. On the other hand, U.S engineers had studied these challenges and came up with a design that overcame most difficulties. Some of the solutions discovered included the construction of a large dam at the mouth of river Chagres. Mosquitoes spread diseases were nearly eliminated by proper sanitation tactics by the U.S (Joeng et al., 8). President Roosevelt was the acting president of the time who presided over appointments of engineers to carry on with the construction. A reservoir lake for the canal was constructed to curb the level of the water issue. The canal constitutes of artificial lakes, artificial channels and sets of locks. Despite all the setbacks involved in the construction of the Panama Canal, there are many advantages and benefits associated with the operation of the canal. The main reason why the canal was built is to ease transportation. Contrary, other effects on the immediate environment are noted. These effects included physical and social-economic impacts. Shipment transportation by road has not proven effective as compared to water transportation for bulk goods. The Panama Canal served a good role in faster transporting of bulk consignment. There were many benefits associated with the canal that still apply even today (Haskin 7). First, the canal provided water used for hydropower production, human utilization, industrial deployment and transportation for inhabitants and countries that bordered the canal. Some uneven sections of the canal provided perfect ground for hydropower production used in homes and industries. These industries also benefited from the readily and easily accessible water for their operations. In addition, Inhabitants of Panama used the water for agricultural purposes to support the industries with raw materials and resources (Cameron and Dodds 3). Microclimatic changes have also been experienced since the construction of the canal. These climatic changes have been positive and negative, as well. In some areas, improved climatic conditions like rainfall have been observed. Developments of forests around the area has also commenced in the area. On the other hand, emergence of industries led to depletion of forest cover to construct the industries. This has seen the area experience long dry spells that are not appropriate for the canal’s water levels. Geographically, this waterway has contributed to cool climate for the surrounding environment hence low evapotranspiration for water conservation while industries have brought dryness. Loss of the ability to capture carbon is another negative impact on the climate. Other effects include exposed soil surfaces, shrubs and lack of pastures (Cameron and Dodds 11). Availability of water has encouraged cattle ranching and exclusive profit-making agricultural practices for residents. This further provides meat industries with raw materials for processing. Support dams and manmade lakes have been built to reinforce water scarcity problem that may arise from prolonged droughts. This has in turn provided further ground to practice agricultural profitable business adding to the economy (Cameron and Dodds 16). The Canal has provoked economic advancement for Panamanians. Income from agriculture and fishing practiced in the surrounding areas has contributed up to 7%of Gross Domestic Product of Panamanian economy. Additionally, 120,000 express and non-express jobs have been created in different sectors. Such sectors include the tourism industry, field of agriculture, fishing and processing industries constructed (Mann 5). Different ideas have been suggested for an efficient construction and expansion of the canal for better presentation. Building of two lock complexes, one on the Pacific side and another on the Atlantic side each constituting three chambers. These chambers should in turn contain three water saving basins. Access channels should be excavated to these new locks and extension of existing channels so that large ships can navigate on them. Suggestions indicate that navigation channels ought to be deepened to provide maximum operating depth. The purpose of expanding the Panama Canal is to preserve and uphold competitiveness of the canal, maintain the importance of the Canal course by making superior benefits for the vast population of Panama. Another objective of expanding the canal is to boost its potential to meet the increasing requirements for transit while working at maximum levels of productivity possible. The key aim in consideration is the ability to allow large ships to transit through the canal as this would enhance the canal output. Maintenance tasks on the ships and other water vessels require adequate space, so that relevant servicing services can be performed. The expansion of the canal would increase room for these tasks and eliminating congestion of ships (Mann 13). Despite of the advantages involved with the expansion of the waterway, there are negative effects to it. Increased ship traffic and building activities would most likely lead to air and noise pollution. Alteration to the current geological features and formation of the canal can lead to landslides and soil movements that in turn cause deaths. Other possible impacts include loss of forestry ability, impact on fauna, and commotion to wild animals, wildlife road kill impact and influence on protected areas. Positive impacts likely to be observed embrace motivation to the economy by improving exports by 10%, fiscal revenues improve by 32%. Job creation is the major challenge facing young people all over the world. Expansion of the canal would call for more work forces hence creation of jobs for citizens and natives. Relocation of people from other areas to Panama would increase due to the advancement in economy aspects. The project is projected to have an impact on infrastructure that includes improvement I the sewerage systems and construction of new roads to cater for inland transit services. Establishment of processing plants would call for the establishment of high voltage power cables to supply enough power to meet Panama’s demands. An increased necessitation to transport goods, vehicle traffic would increase (DuTemple 17). Eviction from industrial areas would be a major issue affecting the minority living in Panama, as business owners would evict residents from their homes to provide ground to build the plant. Before residents get used to new working conditions, accidents related to work would be prone. As experience advanced, accidents reduced by up to half. Experience was enhanced by the busyness of the Canal that called for extra working hours. Advancement of economy goes hand in hand with crime. Crime rate reduces due to availability of employment for all willing citizens. Tourists are a major influence on a country’s economy by contributing to the revenue. Isthmus has steep slopes that are good sites of tourist attraction in Panama. Industrialization always attracts tourists who pay for visiting the country; hence, increase in revenue. Competition between canals has also been analyzed concerning transit numbers. Transit goods are increasing every day; these being the case researchers are viewing the Suez Canal as a proper alternative (Jeong et al 10). Fortunately, disadvantages involved can be solved by having a citizen participation program, risk prevention program and environmental education. For a successful and a sustainable development, interrelations, citizen participation and environmental conservations should be observed. If a persistent problem were found, an alternative to that would be a wise decision. You can easily buy a high-quality essay online on The Panama Canal at . All custom essays are written from scratch. High quality and plagiarism free guarantee!
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